Cakes, Birthday Parties and Crazy Dreams (again)
So Friday was pretty much awesome! It was Sarah's birthday yesterday, and she wanted to bake a cake so we took over the almost only working oven in Centennial basement and had at it. It was an adventure!! We didn't have anything to grease the pan with, nor did we have flour, so we had to make do with vegetable oil. Then we had to stir the mix with cereal spoons (which took a while, but we did a good job!). Then we didn't have anything to poke the cake with to see if it was done, so we used a piece of pencil lead (which actually worked) and we managed to do dishes without a towel. Then we tried to frost it too quickly, so the top of the cake came off several times. And we went psycho with some sprinkles. And Sarah realized her decorative frosting that she thought was white was really blue. Heehee. =D
So yesterday was her actual birthday. And it was exciting! She had a party in her dorm. There were about ten of us total. We just hung around and watched A Series of Unfortunate Events, had some cake (because Sarah has three full birthday cakes!), and went to the Olive Garden for dinner (YAY FOR NO MENSA FOOD!!! =D) It was a happy day.
So then after I got back Melissa and I chilled in the common room and watched Music and Lyrics. Then Larisa came up with Travis, they were downstairs studying for o chem and decided to come upstairs as his suitemates were a bit of a distraction. Well...our movie ended up being the new distraction =D then we put in 10 Things I Hate About You and watched about the second half before it was bedtime.
Then the dreams!
I was at band. Apparently (in dreamland only), if you're in wind ensemble you have to pass a playing test at the end of fall term in order to keep you chair/stay in WE. If you don't do well enough, you're back in symphonic. So it was test time, and two students were doing the judging (as opposed to Doc) and they let you know if you got to stay/what chair you were by placing multi colored sticks in front of you dorm door. I was pretty nervous because I heard that one of the flutes was kicked out, and I was certain that it was me but it ended up being Melissa H. Then Doc asked me to conduct a song for him even though I haven't taken a conducting class yet. I was pretty much freaked out, and I kept hoping he would forget but he didn't and the entire time I was conducting he was correcting me because I was (obviously) wrong. Then it switched to something about climbing Japanese trees with a couple of acquaintances from high school. Then it switched to me coming home for a break but arriving in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep so I just crept up to my room where I found Snoopy sleeping and Tink waiting for me (Snoopy never sleeps outside of his cage). I picked up Tink and went to pet Snoopy, but he was mad at me so he just walked away.
Well, I'm off to finish some homework.
...more homework.
I've already typed a paper, read a two chapters for IS and spent three hours practicing in the FAC.
I still need to study for theory and do some learning logs and my assessment paragraph for methods.