Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


The evil half hour long presentation for psych of the exceptional child that my partner and I couldn't start working on until Saturday because we were busy is officially done!!! YAY!!! =] That was kind of a huge stress point there. One because I'm not fond of presentation giving, two because we hardly had any time at all. But it's over! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!
And work is done for the day! Well, Mensa work. I still have maintenance tomorrow, Thurs and Friday, plus more Mensa on Friday. But it's done for today! =] Plus I was spared the disgustingness of's broken, so we have to put the food in these plastic bins and dump those into the garbage. Meaning the food that is normally just pushed down the line and leaves our presence doesn't. Every single last bit of food that's taken off a tray is in the dishroom until the garbage is taken out at the end of the meal. GROSS!!!! But thankfully they needed me on salad bar. Yay! =]
And it's cold and fall-like outside, so in celebration I got me a steamer!
The jury is still out on May term. As of this second, I'm leaning towards staying here as much as I want to go...I still have to figure out finances, but I know that gas is going to cost me around $350 next year for going home on breaks ONLY (since it's so far), that doesn't include summer running and at school running.
[and this is me just typing everything out, I don't care who reads it/who doesn't]
Then there's the fact that I need more of a teacher's type wardrobe, I have no button down shirts and I had to get rid of all my slacks because they didn't fit anymore (25 hours of field experience next term, anyone?). Add to that the fact that I can't really get a summer job, and 19 days worth of touring in England is expensive (especially with converting the money). Plus the class has nothing to do with a major that I started a year late, and add to that the fact that I've been getting a push from my parents to start paying for some of my own things (my $15/month portion of the cell phone bill, something with insurance) nothing they're asking is astronomical, but over the months is does add up. And for me, adding up is deadly because whatever I earn this school year is all I'll have until next September. And I really feel like I need to start paying for some things on my own...I am 20 now. Oh yeah, and I student teach for an entire semester senior year, and I honestly don't think I'll be able to keep a job on campus while doing that.
I hate money.
Oh, and I really really really really love being in wind ensemble. A lot. And I don't know if I want to give that up my senior year, trip or no trip.
Anyhoo. I am tired. So instead of being overly productive like I was considering, I'm going to sleep. Because sleeping makes people happy. Then there's band and class. But I need sleep first.
Goodnight! =]


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