If you ever wonder why I'm never here...

So that pretty much sums up this term.
Schedule of events:
Monday: music theory 9-10. hist of science 12-1. methods (trumpet/french horn) 310-345. band 450-6.
Tuesday (worst day ever...): work 7-915. psych of the exceptional child 930-1115. work again 1130-3. band 450-6. IS 201 630-??
Wednesday: theory 9-10. hist of sci 12-1. flute lessons 2-230. methods (tr/fh) 310-345. flute masterclass 345-445ish. band 450-6.
Thursday (I HATE THURSDAYS): work 7-915. psych 930-1115. methods (bassoon/oboe) 1-240. hist of sci lab 250-430. band 450-6.
Friday: work 7-850. theory 9-10. hist of sci 12-1. methods (tr/fh) 310-345. band 450-6.
And the workload?
...dear goodness. Each methods instrument I have to practice for around a half hour/day. With 2 classes, that's one hour total. Flute lessons are 6 hours/week. I don't even have piano figured out yet. Theory is going to take a buttload of time. IS is never ever friendly with assignments. And for psych of the exceptional child, I have to read a 30+ page chapter for every single class AND do a learning log for each chapter AND prepare a 30-45 minute presentation AND do field experience AND write a 2-3 page paper on that AND prepare for an essay-form final. Did I mention the fact that as a music major I have to attend 12 recitals/term? They're generally over an hour long each. There are 14 weeks in a term. They really don't pick up until later on as people have to prepare for them.
So pretty much I am never, ever going to be around. At all. Not on AIM. Probably not to chat idly on the phone. I don't know how often this will be updated once life kicks in.
And guess what?
Judging by the workloads of some third year music ed majors, it's only going to get worse.
A LOT worse.
Now I need to go read my chapter...and do the learning log...and think about this term one day at a time, because all at once kind of makes me hyperventilate...
damn woman...."are you planning on eating or sleeping at all this year?" lol... I know you know where that's from....anyway, i totally sympathize. i have to write about 100 papers this semester, along with several group projects and "observations" I have to make of adolescents and papers about "cultural events"...yeah...college bites sometimes, doesn't it??? *hugs*
awww that really bites... i'll learn the oboe for ya. i really want to. :D but that won't help you any will it now. i hope you survive. if you don't we'll send in nothing but the best search and rescue squad and/or mr. fix-its to help you out. :( remember to eat and drink and sleep and smile and talk to people and and and have fun my dear, it is you who loves music enough to want to go through this all.
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