So tonight was pretty awesome. Doctor Who night!! =]=]=] Makes Rachels happy.
Then there was this thing...
Well, there's a trip to England happening over May term.
A literary tour of England.
For 18 nights.
London, Stratford Upon Avon, Oxford, Cambridge, and lots of other places. Tower of London and Stonehenge included.
I noticed this class when I was first looking at Wartburg. And I really wanted to go on it.
And then there was NY, and shortly after that I was told by my parents "No more trips!!" because, according to them, I'm well traveled enough already. And I've got a buttload of loans. And trips just end up increasing the loans. So I was all " more trips..." and I just kind of forgot the England thing.
Well. The trip is happening this year (it's only every other year) and Sarah's going on it and, according to her, if they don't get one more person they can't do it.
I mean...the trip looks amazing...seriously...
She was just going on and on about the trip.
And I was getting increasingly flustered. Because I really do want to go.
REALLY want to go.
It's only $4500ish. And it's more than twice as long as my $2500 trip senior year. Plus I've already got luggage and a passport and enough travel size things to sink a ship. And a job, so I can supply my own spending money. Plus more meals are covered in the cost of the trip this time, and I'll be wise enough to stock up before leaving.
I seriously REALLY want to go on this trip. You have no idea.
The only obstacle: the parents. I mean, I understand where they're coming from...last year's trip was completely out of the blue, and I'm seriously going to be up to my eyeballs in loans. But still. I'll be 20 on Wednesday. I know they're going to help me pay for school, but I'll still be left with a majority of it, and I could get my own loan (as the other ones are in my name, anyway) and make an agreement to pay the travel loans all by myself.
When is the next time I'd be able to go on a trip like this? Seriously. It's kind of once in a lifetime. The only reason it's not already canceled is because there's a bunch of seniors going, and they'll never get another chance to go.
Then there's the fact that Sarah is seriously playing the "I'm not going to shut up about it...cooome with will be amaaaaazing..." part.
I sense a call home tomorrow.
Not really a permission thing as I'm practically legal.
And you know the argument I have on my side?
I have never, ever gone back and bothered my parents about doing things they asked me not to do.
I've accepted any fates handed to me (which are rare, I might add...they're really really easygoing, there's only been a couple of frustrations, seriously) and I've never gone back and asked for a change in fate.
You know what else is pushing me to go?
There's an LOTR musical.
That is playing in London.
Pretty much until the show closes, which could (and probably will) take years.
I've seen clips on Youtube that have given me chills...while on a tiny computer screen.
Live?? *jawhitsfloor*
Sarah said that the prof is leaving some free nights during our 8 night stay in London so we'll have time to go see shows.
I think I would die.
(the stupid italic won't cooperate very well)There it goes.
want to...
it's not really as spur of the moment as it seems, as I've been eyeballing this for two years now.
It would be amazing.
But the money...
But it would be AMAZING.
And for England for 18 nights...that's cheap. Seriously now.
I don't know why I'm acting undecided, because I practically am decided.
Maybe it's because I'm tired, and while I KNOW my parent's won't/can't completely keep me from going, I'm almost entirely positive that they're going to give me a bit of an over the phone talk. Because to them, it's spontaneous trip taking.
My other argument?
Wind Ensemble is going on a tour of Germany my senior year. Which is tempting, but 1) isn't English speaking and 2) band trips are high intensity, being dressed up in skirts all the time being proper staying in random people's homes kind of a little awkward, and I don't think I want an entire month of that.
I could be all "well, Germany my senior year would cost the same...and I like this better..."
And then there's the fact that I won't get another chance to take the instrument repair/marching band class over May term 'cause it's even years only and in 2010 Doc will be with the wind ensemble, not on campus.
Unless it's given by someone else.
But how many chances will I get to go on this trip? Teacher salaries aren't big.
I'm somewhere around 95% sure that I'm going...but I have to call home/see about loan increasing and/or getting another one...stuff like that...
And I have to be up for work in the morning, so I should sleep.
England...maybe here I come?...
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