Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Friday, August 31, 2007

You guessed it..

MORE crazy dreams!
This one was pretty strange.
It started out involving something from my soap opera. Krystal was trying to throw a party to raise awareness for some kind of illness, but no one showed up, so JR was trying to cheer her up.
Then (in non-dreamland) our smoke alarms became psycho. One started going off (because it's somewhat of a moron and just does that at random, there was no fire whatsoever) and it went off for a while but it fit into my dream somehow. Then everyone's went off once or twice (including the one in my room) so I was woken up. Then the crazy part began.
I was at home, and it was the middle of summer. Sandy was at Rachel T's, in her pool (in real life, Sandy's the one who has a pool) and they called me to come over, so I did. And I brought a magazine with me-I believe it was Cosmo. There was this article in it about how truly beautiful girls may start out with hot boyfriends, but eventually they'll have to settle for ugly guys. Rachel and Sandy read this and started giving me a hard time because, according to them and my apparently vain dream self, I was truly beautiful so I was going to marry an ugly guy. So I got unbelievably ticked off that they wouldn't just shut up. Eventually, Rachel started poking at me while teasing me, so I punched her in the arm she had surgery on in the 8th grade which in my dream wasn't healed. In fact, it reopened. So she was absolutely livid with me. Right then, my mom showed up with Nate to bring me home, so I went but didn't tell her what had happened. We walked back across town and, even though it was summer, there were a few streets with snow on them. When we got back my mom had to go somewhere so it was just my dad, brother and I, but then my Aunt Kathy showed up out of nowhere. I was really upset about Rachel's arm, I thought I had ruined our friendship, so I grabbed a Wartburg magazine and tossed the Cosmo aside. But it wasn't just a standard Wartburg magazine. It talked about what Wartburg was doing, what was going on in that part of Iowa, there were animated pictures of rivers and people doing things on them, a lot of outdoor things, the list goes on. There was also an order form in the back to have it sent to your family until you graduate so they can see what's going on. My aunt was very interested in it, so I let her read it. There was something about a play in there she asked me about a few times, I don't remember what, though. So my dad was making dinner, and he decided we were going to have perogis filled with potato, cheese and bacon. They had to thaw in the sink before he could cook them, and a bunch of them split open so they weren't particularly delicious. But we ate anyway.
I think there was a little bit more there about me in the house, but I really don't remember what. Then I woke up. And here I am =]

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So I found this poster for Melissa's and my dorm at Kmart:AAAHHH!!!
Last one, too!!
I love it.
FOUR MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Shop shop shop...and pack

So today my mom took me shopping for college stuff.
Nothing particularly exciting...light bulbs, water heater, face wash, food...
I have about 90 teabags. Which is enough for a mug every school day before class with some to spare. (not planned...seriously...) And I have 40-ish granola bars. And some Easy Mac. It's safe to say I won't be going hungry anytime soon...
Tomorrow I start packing. Arrrgh.
Today I've just been chilling. Inhaling Motrin like it's candy...I'm up to six now, it'll probably be 7 or 8 before I hit the hay. =P
I randomly decided to look on Amazon for bellybutton rings as I want to get mine pierced on Outfly when I get my tattoo and figured getting one before I go might make things cheaper, and this is my favorite so far. There's also one with a plain pink gemstone. Maybe I could get both...and then when things are healed I could switch between the two...
It was sunny again today! Yahoo!!
Annd that's all I've got. How exciting things are right now...
6 more days!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Pumpkin muffins with hoards of cream cheese frosting kick butt.
I wish I had a hammock...
DownEast Basics is probably the most amazing store I've seen online. Seriously. Plain cotton tops (which are the hardest things for me to find-they assume people who wear a small or medium are midgets. Seriously. I'm short, but not THAT short) and theirs are really long. And cute. And some have lace on the bottom. And nothing-not even the dresses-costs over $29. Seriously. Most shirts are $10. Oh I want some...
My French book sold from Amazon the other day! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That made me very very very happy. It has now been shipped to Orlando.
My grandma (the one I don't get along with very well at all) came over for dinner yesterday afternoon and I survived. =] It's just...generally not happy seeing her...I know it sounds mean, but she's very sneaky and not nice in a very roundabout way. Plus, she's ALWAYS very openly and obnoxiously favored me over my brother. Which you just DON'T DO! The hardest part is having to watch EVERYTHING you say so she doesn't misconstrue it (I mentioned there's a pink Sony Vaio I've been drooling over, and she brought it up twice after the fact and seemed convinced that I would really like to receive one when I have a working computer...I was joking...) . Which will happen anyway. Gah. She's hellbent on getting me to volunteer for things allll next summer because she thinks I'll find an amazing job opening which will lead to a fantastic career like she did (and why am I going to school again? Oh yeah, to be a teacher! So through volunteer work in the community I'll be offered a teaching job??) . And she doesn't think I've done enough volunteer work (I was in 2 honor societies in hs, 14 hours of service per semester...). I don't mind volunteering, but her motives are a At least to me.
Anyhoo. On to happier things.
NEXT WEEK AT THIS TIME I'LL BE MOVING IN!!! And Larisa will be arriving! And Melissa's plane will be 45 minutes away from landing! And I'll already have seen Sarah and she might still be there! And there shall be a hug attack either from or directed towards Rachel V! I'M GOING TO EXPLODE!!! =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]
But first I need to pack and finalize my list for one last run to Target before departing on Saturday. 6 DAYS TIL I LEAVE!!!!
So I need to go do some of the above, and finish a library book in the process...and clean up my room a little so I can organize things...
Life is spectacular =]=]=]

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Normally, this is the view from my bedroom window.
Nice, beautiful sunset.
Sometimes gorgeous.
Well, tonight THIS was blocking said sunset. (Taken around 630 when it's still supposed to be really sunny...)
Darkest clouds I've ever seen. Seriously. (These were taken outside) (630! The sun doesn't even seem to exist!)
Back in my room. (Can you see my arm reflecting? Haha...)
This one was taken maybe 5 minutes after the first. Here's were some sirens started going off. Whether or not they were NL's I'm not sure as they were very quiet. But they went off nonetheless.

All it did (besides looking really freaking scary...) was rain. A lot. With lots of wind that came close to breaking off the door of our gazebo after it was blown open. And it was tinged green the whole time, until the sun actually set (which we couldn't see at all) around 8-830.
That was the second siren-inducing storm yesterday. After around a week of constant torrential downpour 24/7. And before a solid night of more storms. Lovely weather...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


These past couple of days haven't been too interesting...
Kind of like the rest of the summer, really.
Spammers attacked my myspace account and posted not-working links to supposedly "slutty" pictures on half of my friend's profiles. THAT was fun to go through my entire friends list to delete them...NOT.
Amber Spyglass is AMAZING. Golden Compass trailers look STUNNING!!!! I can't wait! 12/7!!
I worked on my class schedule again. It looks like I'll be able to do IS 201 this coming term, and if I take a summer class or two I'll be exactly where I should be come junior year (save music theory/history), though I will have 5 credits this term and possibly 5.25 next...ouch...but that's including 3 methods classes (where I learn the different instruments) per term, band, flute and piano lessons (.25 credits each), so it shouldn't be *too* bad. It'll just cost me a little more than normal. =P BUT if I do get into the summer classes I'm planning on, I shouldn't have to overload next term...we shall see...and I still want to take instrument repair over May term.
And I got my fixed work schedule today! Which will need to be changed, as I'm only working 6 hours a week. I was counting on at least 10. Oh, Mensa, how frustrating you are...
There's a storm coming! Yay! I can hear the thunder! Storms=awesomeness.
11 days 'til move in!!!
There's a very intense storm coming, and the lightning is so strong it's making shadows on the houses it's lighting up. So I'm going to head downstairs by people. Nighttime storms give me the creeps when I'm alone somewhere.

Monday, August 20, 2007

CRAZY dreams part 4,857,684

Yet another whacko dream.
I don't remember all of it, and some of it is so random I don't think I could make any sense of it if I wanted to.
But I do remember parts, and one of those parts was that HP7 was being released again. In paperback form. In different colors. And there was a midnight release party for it. So Sandy, Kristina and I decided to go (no Rachel T?!...). It was at Wartburg, which was a half hour away. Some strange stuff happened in there, I'm not sure of what exactly. Then the book came out. The one I got was blue, and the cover was gone. The story was entirely different and there were illustrations in it. And at the very very end (no epilogue this time) there was a sticker in every book that said "And Jess, the Theological Lesbian, has arrived."
I think the other parts involved having to be enrolled at Wartburg to go to the midnight release party, my trying to draw pictures of everything going on (including the food), randomly shopping for half off capris but never trying them on, going to a cousin's party thinger (while my cousin looked suspiciously like Greenlee from my soap) and taking care of her baby (those who watch AMC will catch the slight irony in was a baby boy, too), there being a subway system called "the bug" at Wartburg, one of my parents having an eye doctor appointment which involved everyone getting up at 5am and going outside, then eating frozen breakfast burritos for breakfast. I think I had poptarts and tried to draw everyone's burrito.
That's everything I can remember, I do believe.
But still...Jess the Theological Lesbian?!? Quoi??

Friday, August 17, 2007

"You know what music is? A harmonic connection between all living beings..."

To go along with part of my previous post.

Summer Is Ending...

Yesterday was the last sleepover as Rachel squared and Sandy until Thanksgiving or Christmas. *tear*
Rachel T moves in to Western on Sunday, Sandy moves in on Tuesday.
So yesterday. Rocked my socks off.
Tomato soup and grilled cheese.
Coldstone (cookie dough ice cream with chocolate chips=LOVE).
Movie rental (no Graduate?!? WTF mate!).
Walgreen's! OK that wasn't exciting....
Sad movie. It *looked* funny (Odd Girl Out).
Posing. Scaring each other. Flexible-ness. Picture suggestion. Comment I was expecting least.
OUR NOTEBOOK!!! Volume two!! Heck yes!!! It had been too long. I'd forgotten half of it. Oh, Harry Potterness. ( don't even WANT to know. seriously. just nod and continue reading. we are dorks. very funny dorks. that is all.) Margaret. Scream contests. Fainting. Twins. Untwins. Hagrid (HAHA). Tom, Cho. Melanie related images. Orlando "Bloom" and the boob salute (freshman year...). Greasy slimeball. ...
Then Little Miss Sunshine, but only a half hour 'til sleep.
Odd dreams.
Unmoving lump of Cocoa Puffs. Demonstration. EXPLOSION. Funny.
Attacked on bed. Ouch.
HAIRSPRAY! = amazingness.
(BTW, I really really really really really really really really REALLY want to see August Rush. In theatres, please. November 21 is when it comes out. Any going-along buddies?)
Sad departing.
And home. Boringness.
Now it is back to Eclipse. Yes, I have it. No, it's not the library's. I really shouldn't have spent the money, but I couldn't wait any longer. Now I'm halfway through. Yay!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

*Jaw Hits Floor*

Just taking a break from cleaning my room. is it I'm this messy? Seriously...
So far I've attacked three drawers and my makeup. Found some chapstick where the SPF expired in '04. Along with some ancient concealers. And eyeshadow. Oh, and I've been trying to kill off a bottle of body spray from Bath and Body Works that's half done and I've had since 7th grade. Well, this morning after I sprayed it, I noticed it kind of smells like bananas. It's supposed to be cucumber melon. Um...bye-bye!
Today was my second piano lesson, and they've been going pretty well. Only one left, but I kind of know what major chords are (basically the arpeggios...), and a few intervals (major second, third, fourth...), and I can read bass a little better, and my hands are a little more coordinated, and I can do scales properly. Well, a few of them. Oh and I know where middle C is and I can kind of sight sing! Which is good, as that's a big part of music theory. Anyhoo. My lessons are after my brother's saxophone ones (his teacher does piano and sax and trombone and goodness knows how many other instruments) so I just sit around in the music store during his. Today I thumbed through the sheet music and found Fawkes the Pheonix for piano! So I flipped out and looked at it a lot and started counting my change to buy it as it was only a couple of dollars when the store owner looks up and goes "Would you like to purchase that?" and I said "Yeah!" and he picks it up and looks at it and goes "Well, merry Christmas. That's been sitting there since we first got it. It's a shame to see good music go to waste, so put it to some use. Enjoy" and handed it back to me. =]=]=] And this is probably the most exciting thing ever ever ever...
He continued talking to me, asking me if I was into Harry Potter and how much I liked the soundtracks when he says that he knows the composers for it. I'm pretty sure he knows John Williams, idk about Patrick Doyle but I know he knows Nicholas Hooper. So he starts telling me how when the soundtrack for movie five was being put together Nick sent him an email, asking if he would like to come out to London in a couple of days because he was performing some music for a Lexus commercial/putting it together, and there was enough time in there for an initial run/sight reading of a song for the next movie (movie five). Clyde (the store owner) said he couldn't get out there on such short notice, but apparently the whole thing took place in an old cathedral of some sort and they had the choir in the balcony for the HP song.
*jaw hits floor*
I would give ANYTHING to see that...
But wait! There's more.
Apparently, he goes out there all the time for things like that. And he's been to several John Williams concerts and him and all his composer friends take notes on the songs and compare them after the performance.
Oh, and he's been invited back to England for the composing for movie six. He'll be out there for a whole month and see/hear ALL of it.
He also mentioned how once, during a recording, a trumpet wasn't getting a part right and Chris was there (Columbus?) and he threatened the trumpet with his performing job to get it right.
WOW. Just wow. Amazing.
...I wanna meet a composer...who will invite me to England like that...

Monday, August 13, 2007


So I got mail from the Burg today.
From the Mensa.
...with my work schedule according to the music *business* classes I'm currently registered for.
So. I just figured out my fall schedule. And, of course, there's a class that completely screws over my work schedule.
So far I'm looking at:
Music theory 745 MWF.
History of science 12 MWF. (maybe...72 people can enroll, 49 are enrolled, but there's a waiting list of five for some unkown reason...)
ED 211 935 TH 1st 7 weeks.
And IS 201: Dreams 630 pm T.
Plus piano and flute lessons.
And band.
And two methods classes.
Oh, and a lab for hist of science.
Classwise, not bad at all. Plenty of study time and whatnot in there.
But workwise? 1030-2 MWF?
More like...1030-1145. *maybe* 'cause that's cutting it close.
I need to email them to get this straightened out. It's really not that big of a deal. I just had NO IDEA this is when they did scheduling for work, or I would have given them the "I'm changing half of my schedule!" heads-up. More like "I'm changing 3/4 of my schedule!"
There's an instrument repair class happening over May term that I really want to take because it also goes over writing drill/creating shows for a marching band and I almost died when I saw it. Buut...there's a human relations class during May term that I *need* to take for my major. Ugh. I'll see when I get there.
Stupid work...and makes my head explode.
Oh, and my library STILL doesn't have Eclipse and nobody knows when it's going to be there, so I'm seriously considering buying it at Target...and returning it a couple days later when I'm done reading it.
Completely rebellious, and I may just end up keeping it, but still.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dogs and HDTVs.

I survived last night!
My brother and I went out to Indiana to my cousin Kitty's new house to watch her 12 week old German Shepard, Deeno, while she was at a wedding reception. And it was actually pretty fun.
Nate forgot how to turn on their TV after they left. I had no idea how, because Kitty's husband Donny got carried away with all of's one of those flat screen HD things (with NO BUTTONS ON IT...) and satellite and two DVRs and XBox, Wii and PS2, not to mention a DVD/VCR hooked up to it.
Oh, and instead of just having normal remotes for everything, there was a touch screen universal remote. It took me a half hour to realize it was touch screen, and I could turn the TV on but I didn't realize that the satellite box was by Yamaha and doubled as a stereo, so I couldn't get that to work. Then I tried putting in a DVD, but the DVD player wasn't working. It was all very, very confusing.
The dog was ADORABLE. Twice as big as Snoopy, our twenty one pound two year old beagle. And not housetrained (but he only pees on the carpet, not on there hardwood floors, so I kept him in the kitchen the whole time and it was OK...until he pooped. But Nate got to clean up that one). But really really reallly cute. With mammoth paws. And his ears were twice as big as his head. And when he gets excited, he gets clumsy and falls over a lot. =] Admittedly, I'm more of a cat person, but this dog was fun for an evening.
We ordered a pizza for dinner, which was good, but I didn't know the address or street or phone number, so ordering took a few minutes while I ran around outside to see the street name and address and then found their number on my cell. They said that they only asked for phone numbers, so that was all they left for me...
And did I mention that because they just built the house, there was no yard? Yeah. Just dirt and a random patch of sod. So I got to take the dog on several walks all night so he could pee without ruining carpets. He doesn't walk very well yet, and he's really big, so I've got some pretty good arm muscles now...
So that was my night!
21 DAYS TIL I MOVE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 WEEKS!!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

MORE Crazy Dreams!

So. Last night. Wow. I don't even know where to begin...
For once, the NY trip wasn't involved.
I don't remember the start of the dream, but it involved sitting at a table of a bunch of people and JK Rowling was there. Well, she was a werewolf-kind of like in New Moon. But she wouldn't turn into a werewolf was weird. But we all knew she was. And someone else there was a werewolf, too, and they bit me and I was one. Really, all that happened was my skin was constantly flushed and was REALLY warm and I could run pretty fast. And I was more graceful. But I never turned into a wolf. So I was trying to open a window, but I ran to it a little too fast and everyone noticed but only JK knew *why* I was so fast and she pulled me aside and told me that I needed to be more careful or everyone would figure it out and said she was so sorry that I had to be one. Somehow, in my dream, I knew that being bitten a second time by another wolf would make you turn human again, so I asked JK if she would do that for me and she said that she couldn't and said she was sorry I had to be like that but there was nothing she could do to help me. Then my dream changed.
There was some kind of transition here, I think it involved an aunt, but I don't remember what it was.
Then I was in the middle of a rainforest, but it was my room, watching Strong Medicine reruns and my mom kept walking into the room interrupting me and it made me mad. BTW, I wasn't a wolf anymore.
Now the uber strange, really hard to explain part.
I was watching Harry Potter-aka Dan Radcliffe, but it wasn't a movie or TV thing...idk what it was, really, but it was strange. It was the end of book 7, but it was completely different than what actually happened in the book, and he was sitting in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class, surrounded by ministry officials, and really happy about it because they had done so much to help him. Then I was with a couple of random people from school along with Hermione, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Luna and a few other HP people sitting in some bleachers by a school in Orlando which overlooked a swamp. We were taking turns reading from the end of book seven but, same as before, it wasn't the true ending to book seven, it was my made up dream end to book seven. I really don't even remember what it was. But it involved wolves. The mascot of the school we were sitting by was the same as a hockey team out here...the Blackhawks. And the Blackhawk head was painted on the side of the school. (Ginny was the one explaining this part in front of everyone) And Bill Clinton (seriously...) went to visit the school (which was the equivalent of Hogwarts) but he wasn't allowed there so he was swimming up to the school in the swamp so he wouldn't be seen. Little did he know that the Blackhawk head was really a wolf in disguise, prepared to attack trespassers. So he attacked the pants. And so did several other wolves. Then they dragged him up to the headmaster's office where he had to explain himself.
I don't remember the rest of what Ginny was saying. But I do remember there was a break for tea in the middle of the story telling somewhere.
Annd...that's all I remember, really.
....That was quite possibly the strangest dream EVER...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Third post in one day. Impressive.
Sometimes I say things that I've only half thought about before saying them that I'm not really sure of but I say them anyway then five minutes later think of something better that I should have said in place of the half thought but it's too late and I've said it anyway and then I think about it for a really long time and drive myself insane.
In other news.
I love thunderstorms.
Especially at night.
It's raining really hard.
You know what this means?
Tomorrow I am probably not running and I'm probably going to do yoga indoors because the high of the day is 90 again and this rainwater will evaporate when the sun comes back out which is when I'll be running which will make the humidity ungodly and I don't feel like dying.
Will I actually stay inside and execute this brillian plan still has yet to be seen. I do love running.
But I do love sleep and undying.
...And running.
I think.
Goodnight! Sweet dreams! Don't let the bedbugs bite! And it's not spelled bedgubs!
Yeah. I'm at the loopy end of tired now.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Crazy dreams part 562...

I had a REALLY interesting dream last night...not nearly as weird as most of my others (we didn't turn into whales due to the looming threat of Voldemort and then attack the beluga this time, nor was there a play called Tidanic...) it actually made sense. The last part, at least. It involved NY ('s a recurring theme this summer, I guess) but Sandy and I were in NL and we were walking somewhere and she asked me (completely out of the blue) what Sarah was doing this summer, and I said she was taking a class at a community college of some sort and it was the same class as we took in May term, with the same trip and all, and Sandy and I went on for a few moments about how pointless it would be to spend that kind of money on a trip you JUST took when all of the sudden we were in NY. With the entire class and Dr. Earl, going somewhere I think. Then we were in the hotel room. I had a room all to myself, Rachel V. and Sarah were right below me. We were in there for a minute or two when we had to leave to go somewhere on a school bus, and when we got outside Sandy was there, too, but only momentarily. Then we came back and it was late and I was tired (BTW, our hotel wasn't downtown, it was in the middle of a rather IA-looking place with fields and nature and such) and in my room, along one wall, was a picture window that was HUGE. I went to shut the blinds and Rachel V. and Sarah decided to play a trick on me and they were hanging out of their window below me sticking their hands in mine to make shadow puppets, Rachel's looked like a hook and Sarah's was just there. It made me jump and I opened my window and yelled at them "What were you doing that for?! You could have scared the CRAP out of me!!! You know how jumpy I get at night!!" and they laughed and went back in their room so, to get them back, I ran downstairs into their room. Kate was there even though she wasn't there for the rest of my dream, along with some guy who wasn't Matty but who was just as annoying. So I started bugging Rachel and Sarah and they decided to go up to my room with me. Sarah left after a minute or so and Rachel decided that I looked off/not right, so she gave me a shot to make me OK (even though I was fine and the shot did nothing...). She was still holding the thing when she started telling me a story with a bunch of huge gestures involved and she accidentally got herself in the hand with the needle. Then my dream changed a little and we were on a stage in front of an audience and she wasn't supposed to stick herself in the script so they were all laughing and her dad was there, I guess, so she told him to shut up and that she did that on purpose. Then my dream switched and it was just us in my room. Rachel was trying to call her brother, but all she got was his voicemail and something he said in his message thinger made her mad so she was going to email him and tell him that so I decided to help her with it. Then my alarm went off.
Yep. Strange.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Running today...
The current temp is 75. Which is normal and all for this time of the morning, especailly with a high of 95.
Humidity: 94%
Dew point: 73.
I was trying to find a picture to better convey my point, but I can't find it...
It's kind of like a bunch of sumo wrestlers in a really hot sauna. At least, that's my mental image of it.
So I only made it 2.25 miles today. Then I died.
And my computer is about to be smashed. iTunes isn't working. I can get it to actually come up now, but it won't play anything. I think when it tried to upgrade last week, something got screwed up because it hasn't been right since then. I'm half tempted to delete it and just re-install it, but then I don't know if that'll screw up my iPod or my iTunes account or the music I've got downloaded...hopefully there's another update thinger soon...that, plus the fact that my compy has been trying to throw me offline *again* and it went completely psycho the other day and I had to do 7 or so scans on it before it was normal...
OK. I need to shower and eat.
I finished the Golden Compass yesterday and it was AMAZING!!! Next up: The Subtle Knife, then Jane Eyre, then I've gotta see when my library is going to have Eclipse. =] Happiness.

Friday, August 03, 2007

It's A Record!!!

3 MILES!!! IN 37 MINUTES!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sure beats 2.25 miles in 30 minutes =]
That's around 5 mph. =]