Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Caramel hot chocolate and Grey's music makes life better after getting a graded surprise dictation test back. Aye. I'll be practicing my butt off for sight singing next week...
My iTunes is semi-psychic...yesterday I put on a Wicked shirt, and in a span of a half hour (while on shuffle with over 700 songs on it) played three or four songs from Wicked. Today is Halloween. So far it's played "Spiders" from Chamber of Secrets and now it's sticking with Sweeney Todd. AWESOME! =D
Happy Halloween!
"Now this might be a bit stringy, but then of course it's a fiddle player.
No,no, this isn't fiddle player. It's piccolo player.
How can you tell?
It's piping hot!"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So I have an oboe playing test on Friday.
The week before break was intense, so I didn't get a chance to practice. I planned on doing so over break.
Then there was the sinus infection, so I couldn't. No worries, there was always after break.
So I went to practice today. And guess what?!
There is a sizeable chunk missing.
It won't play. At all. Just a faint airy noise, I can't even discern one note from another.
Seriously now.
I haven't played since the freaking Thursday before break, and I have a test *this* Thursday. There is a good chance that I can get a new reed (for $6.50, BTW) from my prof, but he's only *here* on Thursdays. So I'll have one the day of the test at the earliest.
I've been working on the fingerings, but oboes are screwy. Fingering and actually playing the notes are two entirely different things.
In other news, tomorrow is Halloween! YAY!!! =D
...and the day after that I will be rid of the stupid oboe forever and ever amen. Thank goodness.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Break's been pretty fun so far.
I got all my field experience done.
My sinus infection is getting better-I actually have really long periods of headache free time!! Yay!
I took a completely unplanned four hour long nap. And it rocked.
After enjoying a joyous lunchable, I decided to have some popcorn, which burned because the top part of the bag where you pull the corners and it opens was completely sealed shut so it couldn't vent. I had to cut it open. And it was sad.
But then Grey's was on after dinner!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Oh how you make me happy =]
It's really weird because it's been so abnormally quiet...there is no one here...which is expected, as it's break, but still. Living in Lohe is like being in your own little impenetrable bubble on a normal day...take away the little human contact you receive while on this floor on said normal day and it's freaking weird. But that's OK. It's quiet. If my head hurts, it's my cave. If it doesn't I'm rocking out to some music. I'm in my pajamas and will be tomorrow and Saturday since there is no one to see me at all. I'm also giving myself a pedicure because I can.
Also tomorrow I'm going to try and crank out my last psych of the exceptional child papers (which shouldn't be difficult as they're both non-researchy and entirely reflective) and if my head doesn't have its own pulse (hopefully it won't) I'm going to try and practice ear training and piano. Definitely not oboe, but at least the two that don't increase head pressure (because oboe does that enough without the sinus infection).
Annd I've run out of ramblings!
Goodnight everyone. =]
lolcats and funny pictures

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And of course...

Story of the day in my world:
headache-inducing sinus infection!!!
What fun.
Ah well.
I've got antibiotics. And tylenol. And break tomorrow evening, meaning time to *sleep*. And kleenex! And a good reason to escape the horrors of a graded flute playing test over seminar junk on Wednesday...since I can't breathe/hear right now (or move my head 'cause that makes it worse) I can't exactly practice. Not only that, but my flute is going to the repair shop, so I can't play it if it isn't here.
Despite the general un-comfy-ness I'm experiencing, it could be could have been during last hell week. Or during Christmas with Wartburg week (5 concerts in a week...oh fun). Or it could have been a stomach thing, which I'd take a horrid constant headache over any day.
And now I have to do ear training. =P=P. It's due tomorrow morning. That's probably about the last thing I want to expose my throbbing, pulsating head to at the moment, but alas. At least it's only a completion grade and not a correctness grade...and I'm not using headphones.
Then it's sleepy time, I do believe, even though I've taken one three hour long nap and one hour long nap already.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Potentially best weekend EVER.

Yup. This weekend pretty much rocked my face off.
Friday night there was Chinese. And Rachel V's Luther friends Jacob and Jill. And Kastle Kapers. And Most Haunted Live.
Then Saturday was just all around spectacular. I worked at the band booth at the Renaissance Faire (it was homecoming, BTW) and Sarah was working at another booth for the same amount of time. We met up afterwards and walked around. Then we had a homework party in her room that was actually fairly productive and still a lot of fun. I managed to crank out a 2.5 page paper and read 20 or so pages of the most boring textbook known to mankind while we were goofing off and in between my falling asleep while reading. Then there was pizza. And the most awesome symphony concert EVER (there was a silent film playing on one of those old film reels and the symphony just played the soundtrack while we were encouraged to act like a 1920s audience and make a crapload of noise). Then there was more pizza and a first. Then we watched Brigadoon (four of us piled on one futon, pretty late while we were all really least I was...) and it was a really good movie. I want to see the beginning now. We flipped channels for a while after it finished and found a really old Doctor Who episode that was the crappiest and most hilarious thing EVER. Then it was 130 and officially bedtime. I was really abnormally tired, so I got to sleep on Sarah's futon. It was a sleepover! And it rocked. (walking across campus to your dorm when it's cold and you're dead isn't really all it's cracked up to be...)
Then today! There was a band concert.
Fellow MK members: remember the band feeling we got at ISU?
End of No Finer Calling. Definitely got it. At a concert. Not an MK performance. A sit down concert in Neumann.
It was just absolutely freaking amazing.
I mean...I know we weren't perfect, I'm not being all "oh we rock SO MUCH!!!" it's just the way the end of the song was written and the way that one part of the concert went...absolutely freaking amazing. Best concert experience ever, in my world at least
Then there was homework (I read all 70 pages of the uber boring textbook of death!) and practicing (which sucked, it was a really off night so I just quit while I was first sign was when I was screwing up scales I've had memorized since 7th grade...yeah bad night. Ah well, there's always tomorrow). Dinner was pretty good for a Sunday, cheese lasagna and I found Margie to sit with as Melissa was working. =] And then I meandered over to Rachel V's room where we watched Moonlight and it was REALLY REALLY GOOD!!! =D The main actor is the sexiest man alive, hands down. *contented sigh...*
On a bit of a side note...I've started doing a lot (practically everything on weekends) with Sarah and Rachel V and sometimes Lourey's there and other random people...and particularly after this weekend, I've come to realize that that's probably my favorite group to be around on campus. It's just really nice to be able to run off with them and have a really happy amazing time no matter how stressed out we are and to crowd on the magic futon and essentially have our personal bubbles destroyed and to watch Moonlight and be all swoon-y and make fun of Most Haunted and then channel surf and find some random old movie to giggle at...Friday nights are very quickly becoming my happy thought when I'm having a not-so-happy day (or moment...full days are rare this year...). Heck, they're becoming my happiest moments of college.
Well, it's getting late ish and since this weekend was incredibly awesome, I didn't get very far in catching up on sleep so I need to get there soon. But right now, I'm perfectly content with being tired and having the happy memory. Homecoming rocked my socks off. =]

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This week is finally almost over.

The season 3 Grey's Anatomy soundtrack makes my life happy right now. I haven't stopped listening since yesterday afternoon, and it's the only reason I was in a happy mood through this morning.
I woke up sprinting at 615. Literally. I did not sit still (outside of class) for more than three minutes until lunch, which lasted for ten. There was work, then a shower, then printing something, then a record two minute breakfast (cereal and pears! woo!), then being a student for a trumpet lesson, then running to theory, then sitting a dictation test that I'm just not thinking about 'cause it's impossible to tell how you did on one of those, then tried to practice for my flute lesson but realized I left something in my room and literally had to run there and back so I could at least play my etude before the lesson, then shuffled off to lunch, then went to history of science, then ran off to be the teacher in a French horn lesson but realized that I forgot the thing I printed so I ran to the nearest computer lab to try and print it off but the computer was slooow and the printer broke so it didn't work then literally ran to the lesson where I wasn't completely sure of what I was doing because I didn't have enough time to look over my lesson plan so that was interesting. That was at 1. After that I finally got some nap time, then there was a methods class, flute masterclass, band and dinner. And now I'm here. Crazy day.
My history of science test was postponed until Monday! YAY!!!!!!!!!! That means one test tomorrow and only three tests on Friday instead of four! =D
And now I need to get at least some homework done. I'm kind of dead, so I don't know how far I'll get. But I'm aiming for my assessment paragraphs and polishing off a binder so tomorrow I only have to study and practice 'cause it's gonna be a bit of a long day (but not as long as today...) and maybe starting an IS paper/taking some notes for the open note test next Tuesday. Yahoo. =P Oh and the field experience I have to do over fall break is finally set up! Yay! One more cause of stress checked off the list...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Holy crap. Updated!

Realization of today:
I'm going to explode this week.
Plan of events:
~Flute lesson on Wednesday I really need to practice for.
~Masterclass on Wednesday I need to get the assignment for, as I was sick last time.
~Teaching episode for french horn, also on Wednesday.
~Lesson plan to type for Wednesday.
~Being a student for a teaching episode on Wednesday.
~32 pages to read in my IS book for tomorrow night.
~Four pages of ear training for theory due on Friday.
~Daily worksheets for theory.
~Psych test on Thursday.
~Theory test on Friday.
~History of Science test on Friday.
~Playing test for French horn on Friday.
~Trumpet/French horn written test on Friday.
~Organizing binder for Trumpet/French horn, due on Friday.
~A 2-3 page paper due next Tuesday.
~Homecoming this weekend, meaning working at the Renaissance Faire and
~Band concert, plus
~I'm female so my already tired self will be a very tired and moody self and
~I still have two jobs, normal homework, normal class-going so everything will be very very interesting.
I know it could be worse. And I'm not going to get whiney and complainy. This just me looking at everything I have going on and saying crap. This week is going to be stressful.
I think I'll just OD on chocolate...and caffeine.
And guess what?
I have a dictation test in theory on Wednesday morning!
YAHOO!...not really.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Coolest thing EVER....

So apparently my last name means "thumb" in German.
Here I've been *forever* not particularly fond of my last name because a) no one can ever ever pronounce it correctly (DAUM. Not hard. Like Dawm. I've had dome, dame, dowm...the list goes on.) and b) it's just not really that awesome sounding. There's some last names that are more than one syllable that are just fun to say. Or not difficult to pronounce.
And mine means THUMB!
If my brother has a son he should name him Tom 'cause that would be freaking awesome.
I was just a little excited. =]
And guess what?
The pea coat is officially out of my closet!!!
It's fall baby! Nice and cool outside...and happy. I had a hot chai today with cinnamon and it was pretty much made of awesome. And trees are changing and shedding...oh how I love the fall.
And to make things even happier I'm currently listening to a playlist created by Sarah which is pretty much amazing. It's making me happy! Yay! =]
What else...
My evil slitheen in disguise flute prof was actually in a good mood today, which was glorious. And today was a good quote day in history of science. It's been a while since that happened. =D
And there was tomato soup for lunch and chicken tenders for dinner and I'm having lunch in the ditty tomorrow! Yay!
And it was a really cute sweater outfit/good hair day.
Oh and my tattoo is healing! The hearts have been...kinda scabby and temperamental. But the orange one is definitely a lot better today. =D
Tomorrow's going to be a loooong day. But it's ok. Because while this is the busiest I've been thus far class and running around-wise (it's not abnormal for me to be out of my room for 7+ hours at a stretch pretty much every day) I definitely like this year a hell of a lot better than anything that went on last non-May term school year. I love the classes. And I love the busy. And Wind Ensemble is pretty much amazing. Seriously. It's like a daily reminder of why I'm going into music. Well, it's not really like a daily reminder. It IS a daily reminder. I love that soooo much. I have a feeling I'll end up going to Germany senior year mainly because I don't think I can give up the being in WE my senior year.
Melissa and I are considering being tubas in May term band. Which will be hilarious. I was thinking about oboe, but it's kind of identical to flute. Then I was thinking french horn and Melissa was all "no! tuba with meee!!!" and that would be fun! ...kind of exact opposite of flute! =D Yay adventures. Apparently tubas are bigger than me (or at least the cases, as I'm told) so it will be very very interesting. And I'm probably going to take cello/bass next term.
So the prof for that kind of sucks. BUT. Cellos kick butt. And basses are FREAKING AMAZING. So that makes up for it, at least in my world. I should find some part from the start of the Kraken...that would be so amazing to figure out how to play.... =D=D
I should get ready for bed. Tomorrow will be uber long. But that's OK!
...did I mention how much I like the music I'm currently listening to?
'Cause it rocks. My socks. Haha. =D

Monday, October 08, 2007

Ode to the metronome

Oh poor little metronome.
I'm so sorry I'm a klutz.
I scotch taped you so carefully and lovingly last year when you fell and lost some plastic.
...then I scotch taped you so delicately again when you gracelessly flew from my locker.
And it was good, for you were worn and used and looked slightly battered from the nine years I practiced with you, but you still worked so well. You made me proud, how you never stopped giving me a beat no matter how much I detested it. You were with me every time I practiced for almost a decade, even when you were bruised and battered from my carelessness.
I was going to show you off in three years' time when I have sectionals to run. I was going to pull you out and watch my student's reactions as they saw such a old, taped metronome. I was even going to pull the whole "look! It's older than you!" as I happily flipped the on switch and watched them roll their eyes while I giggled.
But now...oh, dear I pulled you from my locker, you jumped from my hands and found the floor one time too many. You flew apart and jiggled your inards and despite the fact that I spent five minutes trying to make you whole one last time, it was too much. You were broken beyond repair. The on switch no longer works, and it makes me very, very sad dear old friend. I miss you so, and while a replacement is on its way, I will never love it as much as I loved you.
The scotch tape gave you more character than any shiny new thing is near capable of producing. It made me look like a true music geek...because instead of being able to buy things that are shiny and new, we must make do with what we have for most true music geeks are music majors and, thus, are very much broke.
I miss you so much, dear metronome!
*memorial service dates to come*

Thursday, October 04, 2007



Wednesday, October 03, 2007

OUTFLY!...not really

So Tuesday on dishline I was the biggest klutz EVER.
It started out with me dropping five huge salad plates. All of them shattered and one bounced off my knee, which has a bruise.
Then I flung two cups all the way down dishline and almost hit one person while I splashed another.
Then I kept dropping things, grabbing the same plates a the same time as other people, etc.
It was hilarious.
Oh, then Mindy and I had to wash down the dishwasher and I definitely sprayed myself with the hose. Twice.
Oh goodness.
Tomorrow's outfly!
Probably not.
But I'm a hopin'....
Fingers are crossed and everything!
Any day now. ANY day now.
And you know what outfly means?
HECK YES!!!!!!!!!
It WAS gonna mean belly button piercing. But. I read some stuff on how to care for it/how it's done and I kinda chickened out. You have to wash it (as in soap and water) 2-3 times a day for five months to a *year* depending on how long it takes to heal because it's under your shirt all day and not getting air and can get infected really easily. That's a lot of washing. Then there's the whole it might make a bump under my shirts and who's gonna see it anyway it'll only show if I'm in my bikini and how often do I wear that maybe three times in a summer? Yeah. Not really worth it.
Um. I think that's it. I'm just relaxing a little. Tomorrow's a crazy day with an evil bassoon playing test but then it means that I get to start the oboe! Yay!
So. I'm off. To...
do things. *evil look*
Outfly? Please?