Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Coolest thing EVER....

So apparently my last name means "thumb" in German.
Here I've been *forever* not particularly fond of my last name because a) no one can ever ever pronounce it correctly (DAUM. Not hard. Like Dawm. I've had dome, dame, dowm...the list goes on.) and b) it's just not really that awesome sounding. There's some last names that are more than one syllable that are just fun to say. Or not difficult to pronounce.
And mine means THUMB!
If my brother has a son he should name him Tom 'cause that would be freaking awesome.
I was just a little excited. =]
And guess what?
The pea coat is officially out of my closet!!!
It's fall baby! Nice and cool outside...and happy. I had a hot chai today with cinnamon and it was pretty much made of awesome. And trees are changing and shedding...oh how I love the fall.
And to make things even happier I'm currently listening to a playlist created by Sarah which is pretty much amazing. It's making me happy! Yay! =]
What else...
My evil slitheen in disguise flute prof was actually in a good mood today, which was glorious. And today was a good quote day in history of science. It's been a while since that happened. =D
And there was tomato soup for lunch and chicken tenders for dinner and I'm having lunch in the ditty tomorrow! Yay!
And it was a really cute sweater outfit/good hair day.
Oh and my tattoo is healing! The hearts have been...kinda scabby and temperamental. But the orange one is definitely a lot better today. =D
Tomorrow's going to be a loooong day. But it's ok. Because while this is the busiest I've been thus far class and running around-wise (it's not abnormal for me to be out of my room for 7+ hours at a stretch pretty much every day) I definitely like this year a hell of a lot better than anything that went on last non-May term school year. I love the classes. And I love the busy. And Wind Ensemble is pretty much amazing. Seriously. It's like a daily reminder of why I'm going into music. Well, it's not really like a daily reminder. It IS a daily reminder. I love that soooo much. I have a feeling I'll end up going to Germany senior year mainly because I don't think I can give up the being in WE my senior year.
Melissa and I are considering being tubas in May term band. Which will be hilarious. I was thinking about oboe, but it's kind of identical to flute. Then I was thinking french horn and Melissa was all "no! tuba with meee!!!" and that would be fun! ...kind of exact opposite of flute! =D Yay adventures. Apparently tubas are bigger than me (or at least the cases, as I'm told) so it will be very very interesting. And I'm probably going to take cello/bass next term.
So the prof for that kind of sucks. BUT. Cellos kick butt. And basses are FREAKING AMAZING. So that makes up for it, at least in my world. I should find some part from the start of the Kraken...that would be so amazing to figure out how to play.... =D=D
I should get ready for bed. Tomorrow will be uber long. But that's OK!
...did I mention how much I like the music I'm currently listening to?
'Cause it rocks. My socks. Haha. =D


At 12:24 AM, Blogger kristina said...

good to read that you're happy!

At 4:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol... what does my name mean then?? I gonna gind out!


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