Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Thursday, July 16, 2009

An update of sorts...

First off, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was FREAKING AMAZING. It's my favorite out of the series by far...the acting was pretty good, the soundtrack was FANTASTIC, it was funny and kept sort-of to the book (at least a lot of lines were used from the book).
I only have three "things."
1. The song Fireworks was re-used for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes instead of the awesome big band jazz/swing song that was composed for this movie. I like Fireworks, but the new piece was far more fitting for the scene (and I highly doubt that the composer put in the time and effort to write and record the song just to change his mind, idk who made the decision to switch).
2. Death Eater attack on the Weasleys? And the Burrow burned down? Is it not going to exist in the 7th movie, and if not where are they going to go for the start of movie 7?
3. No battle at Hogwarts at the end.
But really, other than that I LOVED it and can't wait to see it again (possibly this weekend, matinees are $5.50!).
Sandy, Jenny, my mom and I all went to see it at midnight. The local theatre sold out 8 screens (there are 14 screens total in that theatre). I bought my tickets almost a month in advance and got in the first theatre with all the other diehard fans =] it was awesome. We got there at 945 and the theatre was already almost half-full (we got some of the last seats towards the back of the theatre, too, unlike last time when we were right in front of the screen). Our theatre alone held 292 people-there were over 2,000 people there total. Somehow, we got out of the parking lot in less than five minutes. EPIC WIN!!!
The one thing that I love about the midnight release is that it is so quiet once the movie starts-there aren't even rustling candy wrappers =]
Other than that, life is fairly normal. I've started getting stuff for the dorm (seeing as I hardly replaced anything last year after the flood, but will need it this year). My mom found an awesome floor rug on a great clearance-4.5 by 5 feet, $60 instead of $120 and free shipping =D
I'm getting excited/nervous about student's going to be fun, but I am me, and I just wonder how good I'll be and such.
My cold cleared up and did not turn into bronchitis! WOOT!!!
And now...of to dinner =]


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