Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Crazy dreams part 562...

I had a REALLY interesting dream last night...not nearly as weird as most of my others (we didn't turn into whales due to the looming threat of Voldemort and then attack the beluga this time, nor was there a play called Tidanic...) it actually made sense. The last part, at least. It involved NY ('s a recurring theme this summer, I guess) but Sandy and I were in NL and we were walking somewhere and she asked me (completely out of the blue) what Sarah was doing this summer, and I said she was taking a class at a community college of some sort and it was the same class as we took in May term, with the same trip and all, and Sandy and I went on for a few moments about how pointless it would be to spend that kind of money on a trip you JUST took when all of the sudden we were in NY. With the entire class and Dr. Earl, going somewhere I think. Then we were in the hotel room. I had a room all to myself, Rachel V. and Sarah were right below me. We were in there for a minute or two when we had to leave to go somewhere on a school bus, and when we got outside Sandy was there, too, but only momentarily. Then we came back and it was late and I was tired (BTW, our hotel wasn't downtown, it was in the middle of a rather IA-looking place with fields and nature and such) and in my room, along one wall, was a picture window that was HUGE. I went to shut the blinds and Rachel V. and Sarah decided to play a trick on me and they were hanging out of their window below me sticking their hands in mine to make shadow puppets, Rachel's looked like a hook and Sarah's was just there. It made me jump and I opened my window and yelled at them "What were you doing that for?! You could have scared the CRAP out of me!!! You know how jumpy I get at night!!" and they laughed and went back in their room so, to get them back, I ran downstairs into their room. Kate was there even though she wasn't there for the rest of my dream, along with some guy who wasn't Matty but who was just as annoying. So I started bugging Rachel and Sarah and they decided to go up to my room with me. Sarah left after a minute or so and Rachel decided that I looked off/not right, so she gave me a shot to make me OK (even though I was fine and the shot did nothing...). She was still holding the thing when she started telling me a story with a bunch of huge gestures involved and she accidentally got herself in the hand with the needle. Then my dream changed a little and we were on a stage in front of an audience and she wasn't supposed to stick herself in the script so they were all laughing and her dad was there, I guess, so she told him to shut up and that she did that on purpose. Then my dream switched and it was just us in my room. Rachel was trying to call her brother, but all she got was his voicemail and something he said in his message thinger made her mad so she was going to email him and tell him that so I decided to help her with it. Then my alarm went off.
Yep. Strange.


At 10:46 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I don't know what to say about what part of the dream was the best... I think it was the shot because you looked "off". LOL! I love your dreams!


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