Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Why Life is Exciting.

*I just finished all 563 pages of New Moon. Edward officially wins over Jacob, hands down. I hope my library has Eclipse when it comes out...oh and the copy of New Moon I was reading had the first chapter of Eclipse stuck in at the end. Ha! Now I can't wait.
*Apparently, I took $30 dollars out of my wallet and stuck it under (not in) my piggy bank last week when I took Nate and his friends to the movies (my mom supplied money for their snacks and such and since I'm broke I didn't want to accidentally spend the little I had). Then I forgot, thinking I only had $37 to my name after paying for HP7. I found it today! I'm not *entirely* broke, though this money is labeled as part of my tattoo fund and is staying in my pocket. But it was exciting!
*I've been trying to email my forensics teacher (the best teacher I've ever had) to no avail, for some odd reason she wasn't getting the emails but they weren't sent back to me as a wrong address. They would just disappear. Well, on a whim, I tried again on Sunday and today there was a reply! It worked at last!!! =]=]
*33 days until move in!!!
*And I run again tomorrow.

Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm running out of witty titles here.

Running=amazingness. Only exactly two miles today, but I had time constraints so Wednesday is looking hopeful for another record.
Dentists stink. I had a "developmental groove" on a molar-not a cavity, but a crevice in the enamel or something. It's not anything bad, but it has to be fixed because it can turn into a cavity over a lot of years if it's left alone. So I had some smelly, bad tasting sealant put on it. Kind of yicky, but it's all good and done. It was funny. While I was there, a picture of my two front teeth from when I was nine fell out of my charts-I think it was after the monkey bar incident, which was after the bike one. When I was 8 and riding a bike, I was swerving the handlebars and hit a bump in the sidewalk wrong and flew over the handlebars and landed on the sidewalk on my two front teeth, fracturing both and chipping one. Then when I was nine I was biting my lip and coming down between two monkey bars when the back of my head hit the bar which made the front of my head hit the one in front of me, and I bit almost all the way through my top lip, fractured one tooth and chipped the other. The picture was funny-when they were still and inch or so apart and sticking out a little, though I must admit hitting them made them lay pretty flat. I thought it was funny. =]
Anyhoo. I'm over halfway through New Moon, which is amazing. I don't know if I like Jacob or Edward more at this point, but under a certain circumstance Edward might win over...idk. I'll have to see.
So this year, for new student orientation, they're apparently reading something from the IS 101 reader (everyone has to take the class, the book is just a selection of random stories and such). Normally they add more stories every year, so you can't sell back the one you bought at all, but this year because they need it so soon you can sell them back. So I put mine on eWart and had someone want it literally within 12 hours. She emailed me, I emailed her back saying I could mail it to her or hand it to her when I move in, depending on when she needs it. She responded today, and it was amusing...six or so sentences, ALL with two or three question marks afterwards-I don't know when I need it, is it right away, when did you need it, is it good for ALL IS classes (there are different sections), what's in it, etc. At first I was all "yay! I'm a second year and I know what I'm doing!" when I realized I had NO clue when she'd need it as we just read a novel before my orientation and no, I wasn't sure what she'd need it for so soon (to read something, apparently, but what/why/when?). Ack. Wartburg is amazing at explaining things... So I think it's going in the mail. It's wierd to not be a freshman. I found her on facebook, and it was really wierd to see her network-Wartburg '11. There was an 11, one of the first ones I've seen...I just find it odd to see the graduation year, especially after becoming so acustomed to being the little freshman for a full year. Maybe I'm the only one who finds that wierd...but I do.
Now I think I'm going to shuffle off in a general downstairs direction, idk if I'll get to reading a bunch more tonight or not...seeing as I've read 350 pages in a span of an afternoon (yay reading!!). But yeah. Time to socailize with the mommy =]

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I'm getting up uber early (as in 630 ish) so I can run for the first time in 2 weeks before my mom needs the car (there's a nifty, mile long track right by my house, but it's down a 40+ mph road with no sidewalk). Gah. I miss running already. Stupid being female. =P
So I finished The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Yay!! It was really, really good. New Moon is officially at the library, I'll be picking it up tomorrow or Tuesday, along with Prince Caspian (2nd Narnia book), and I'm two chapters into The Golden Compass. Yay reading!
Oh and I now have a French memo board I found at Kohl's on sale a month ago for college buddy pictures. It's hanging up as of two hours ago!! And it's really, really cute.
34 days until move in!!!!!!! I'm so excited I'm going to explode. Beautiful suite, Melissa as a roomy, three or four year old dorm as opposed to fifty years old, AC and an elevator, non moldy bathrooms, and a Harry Potter room at last!!!=]=]=]=]=]
It is officially bedtime. Running and the dentist awaits. And cleaning my's organized, but hasn't been dusted in goodness knows how long and really needs to be vacuumed. =P Good night! =]

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Nothing very exciting has been happening over the past few days, really.
I read Twilight in its entirety in about a day and a half and it was AMAZING. Unfortunately, New Moon is currently checked out, so I'm waiting very impatiently for it to be returned. Right now I'm in the middle of Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast by Robin McKinley. I'd read it in the 7th grade and found it again and I love it. I also checked out The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (the 2nd book in the Narnia series was, of course, checked out...) and I had The Golden Compass and the Amber Spyglass in His Dark Materials on hold. The Golden Compass is finally in, but I'm trying to finish Beauty before I go back. If only the books I really want to get on with weren't checked out... Oh and I tried to find the Looking Glass Wars, but the library doesn't have it. The search thinger doesn't even recognize the name of the author. Perhaps I'll have better luck with that one at Waverly's library...
Tomorrow Nate turns 13! Teenager. Wierd. I get to take him and his friends to see the Simpson Movie, as it comes out on his actual birthday and he's the biggest Simpson fan I've ever met. My mom was going to take them and I was planning on staying home, but some family drama arose and after a day of lots of freaking out on her part a compromise has been reached...she has to leave, but an aunt is driving so we at least have a car for me to take him. *sigh* Well, already paid for movie ticket and a slushy and my dad threatening my brother within an inch of his life so he'll actually *listen* to me (as I'm in charge and he NEVER ever does...) kind of makes up for it. ;) Ha. It'll be fun.
Well, I should go finish off Beauty so I can get The Golden Compass. I'll probably start on Narnia before that one, but they only hold books for so many days. I've also got Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens, an aunt gave that one to me YEARS ago and I never got around to reading it. Along with the LOTR trilogy, due to school I only made it through the first chapter of Two Towers. And a few murder mysteries another aunt loaned to my mom. And the fact that I have to reread book 7 five times before I can finally go through the entire series, books one through 7, like I've wanted to for a while now. Yay reading!!! =]=]=]

Monday, July 23, 2007

A word to the wise...

When you're going to make a quesadilla, and you set it in the frying pan, don't use your hand to make sure that the tortilla on top didn't shift off the bottom one. Because when your hand slips, and the frying pan is exceptionally warm, a finger will hit the pan's surface. And it will burn. And hurt.
Thank goodness for ice...and spatulas.
One day I'm going to learn to keep my fingers very far away from hot surfaces...

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Well, today was...relaxing.
Aside from laundry, I really didn't do anything at all. Sat around. Started reading Twilight. Which is really, really good. =]
I meant to reorganize my newly cleaned room, but never really did. Tomorrow. I'll be more caught up on sleep then.
According to an old Regis and Kelly episode my mom Tivoed on the 19th and is now watching, there are 171 Starbucks in Manhattan alone. Wow. That's a lot considering it's only one part of NYC.
I kind of miss that trip...late night runs next door for food, always having something going on, somewhere to go, seeing so many shows, being around a bunch of friends constantly...
I miss school, too.
The Harry Potter highlights of my summer are now over, my next exciting thing is move in...seeing people will be great, of course, especailly having Kristina back in town...but there's really not much to do. I'm now officially and entirely broke as I've paid for the book and what not, and I'm trying to save a bit so when I dip into other funds I shouldn't be touching quite yet so I'll have enough for the matching tattoos Melissa and I will be getting on Outfly in case I don't have a paycheck yet I won't be pulling too much out.
I managed 15 hours of sleep last night, but I'm not entirely caught up yet. I lasted for thirty six!!!
*sigh* Summer is so uninteresting/uneventful now. Nothing scheduled for every day. Nowhere to be on a regular basis. Just watching soap operas...reading...visiting the library more times than I can count...
My dentist said I could wait until next summer to get my wisdom teeth taken out, but as I've got nothing teeth pulling can interrupt right now, I see it pointless to put off the inevitable, so when I have to go back next week I'm going to see about getting it over with now. Just get it done, no hanging over my head for another year...I don't really want to, but it's pointless to wait. At least not while there's nothing to interrupt.
I think I'm done rambling.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Slight caution.

As promised, there will be no plot spoilers at all period. Just my reaction of what happened to be written in the book.
You've been warned if you're the type who doesn't want to know ANYTHING at all.
That was absolutely, the most BRILLIANT...
10 hours and fifteen minutes, 759 pages.
Perfect, perfect way of going about the whole thing. Perfect. Entirely and completely.
Brutal, at times.
But it had to be there.
In other news.
I'm tired.
There are dishes to wash.
And my room is a bit of an organizational wreck I'm considering tackling today because it's bothering me.
Last time I slept: 8 AM Friday. Almost thirty sleep free hours.
Last book, I barely made thirty five.
So yeah.
I'm off to do things, rereading the book kinda high on that list there.
I've got a couple of library books ready to go, I actually intended on starting them next.
But marathoning that much...
You forget things, small things. The little details JK so painstakingly stuck in there.
And I feel the need to go back and revel again.
I always remember more the second time through.
Harry Potter will never be over in my world, that's for sure.
And I've always said...if I ever meet JK, I'm just going to hug her. Because I'll be incapable of speech. gosh...

Friday, July 20, 2007


AND IT IS!!!!!!
MORE THAN I AM NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Not an excited scream.
So for our shirts for DH, we're doing iron ons of an x-ed out dark mark.
Didn't work. So now I'm trying to paint ones on.
And we've already designed the back. Well, apparently irons heat up fabric paint a lot and now there's a red backwards 21 on the tanish beige carpet in my room.
In fabric paint. Which is NOT meant for coming out of things.
This kind of sucks.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Another dinner comedy.

Oh my goodness.
So my brother and I were making fun of my mom because she eats her tater tots with a fork.
Nate: *starts talking about making prank calls to the police/filing fake police reports*
Me: *cuts up sandwich and spears it with fork* Look! I have a sandwich on a fork! *in a singsong voice* Sandwich on a fork...Sandwich on a fork...
Mom: *laughs*, but a menacing laugh not a funny one.
Dad: You should try that Friday night with your buddies.
Me: (thinking he's talking about me and my friends on Friday night) But we're having chicken parmesan...
Dad: *gives the weirdest look I've ever gotten*
Me: *laughs to the point of sobbing*
Dad: Look! Rachel gets a joke someone told last week!!
Me: (in between laughs/sobs)You...were talking to Nate...about the police thing...I thought you meant me! And the sandwich on a fork!!!
*everyone dies*
My brother answered the phone and, for some odd reason, went outside with it. He's walking around. When he walks by the grill, which is wet from this morning's downpour, he sticks his hand in the water. He comes back in.
Mom: Why did you put your hand in the water?
Nate: *blank stare*
Dad: Was it Holy? You forgot to do the cross.
Nate: Um...I was drying my hand.
Us: In the water?!
Nate: Um...yeah...wait! No.
Yes. I'm not the only easily confused person here.
And the best part ever.
Nate was in the other room.
Nate: I think the birds can hear me through the window!
Us: ...
Nate: (yells) AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! *runs at window* *thud from contact with window* Yeah. They can hear me!!
I wish we had this recorded sometimes...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Brief tour of memory lane.

So eight years ago today I moved into the room I'm sitting in right now.
Not quite in the formal sense of moving in-with the movers and the furniture and craziness and a million boxes. You see, I was moving from an apartment we rented while this house was being built because they won't break ground 'til you've sold and the only buyer wouldn't let us wait out the build. The apartment was, quite literally, from hell. Four people. Two bedrooms. One very spider infested bathroom. Well water so terrible everything it came in contact with was orange, and it always carried the strong scent of rotten eggs or copper. Oh, and no air conditioning. We were in there from March through mid July, '99, the year 90 degree heat waves set in way back in April. Not fun. (it was only place taking cats...) So it was closing day. And in the middle of one very strong heat wave. We were going to have the appliances we'd bought for the place delivered. Catch: there wasn't a phone there. This being pre-cell era, it was kind of a big deal. Since my dad was at work and my bro and I not up to staying in the no AC apartment, we all went out to NL, incapable of being reached. What happened? They got lost. Called the apartment. Left a message. No delivery. My dad came by to tell us/to see us. We didn't want to go back. So he had the genius idea of staying there-it was, officially, our house. So he (or my mom-one of them) ran back to get sleeping bags and such since we brought nothing and that was the first night. We couldn't even order a pizza, I think it was McDonald's that night. There was a cooler for milk and cereal for breakfast, and some water bottles, as we had no fridge. Our kitchen table was a huge old blanket so nothing got on the floor. No curtains, we were up really early. No TV, radio...just the house. Happy times.
So eight years ago tonight, I was sleeping in a corner of this room on a sleeping bag. Seems like yesterday. Given a few more days, this will be the longest I've lived in one place. Weird.
Today was uneventful.
My room is a WRECK. I tried to put stuff away, but there's nowhere to put it, so I tried to clean stuff out but everything's so messy I can't empty a drawer enough to see what's in there, at least not enough to decipher what belonged in said drawer and what was on the floor already. Tomorrow my mom is helping me with a huge garbage bag and this room will be sparkling once again. It's almost as bad as when I was moving back in for the summer.
I found a medusa head type lamp at Target that I'm getting's got lampshades in varying shades of pink and a few brown ones and I LOVE it. It'll be happy in the dorm =]=]
Running didn't have much of an after effect today, at least not like it normally does. My legs aren't sore at all. Which is a really, really good thing! I'm getting in shape!! YAY!!!
And I have the hiccups! Yahoo...
Tomorrow I'm getting a library card (I know, I know, I don't have one for the library here yet. It sucks and it's almost never open, anyway. That was the biggest shock going to college-the library was actually open nine times out of ten) and I'm going to check out Twilight and New Moon by Stephanie Meyer so I can dive in right when HP7 is done. (It's not open on Sunday at all...) I'm pretty excited for it! Then I'm getting into the Chronicles of Narnia and The Looking Glass Wars (thankfully, only one book, everything else is a series) and then His Dark Materials. Not necessarily in that order. *shrugs* I'll see what I feel like. But I know I'm starting out with Twilight. =]
Yup that's my life.


2.25 miles! It's a record of mass proportions!!! I was trying for 2.5, but when my breathing made it sound like I was having a massive asthma attack, I decided to stop. But 2.25! Thirty minutes...longest time yet =]=]
Now, I'm going to unstick myself from this chair and make my way to the shower so I no longer smell similar to week old, overheated garbage. Maybe then my face won't be as red as my shorts...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!

Last night Rachel and Sandy came over and we started making our shirts for the book seven celebration! And they're amazing. Those are the pictures of what we've done so far. The top one is mine in the sunlight-where you can actually see what it looks like. The second was with a flash, it made the colors stand out more than they really do. The third is the iron on we made for the front-dark mark with and x. Under that is going to be DA in red and green. And the last picture is all of our shirts. Sandy's and Rachel's look a lot different than mine, but those pictures didn't turn out so well. But yeah. I think they're amazing. Our character names are on the sleeves. And my hair dye is waiting. I like this a lot better than the full uniform idea =]=]
So I've officially seen movie 5 three times. It just keeps getting better. I notice more, too, like one of the brands of cereal on the tables in the Great Hall for breakfast is Cheeri Owls. Among other things. I LOVE that movie. I guess Sandy read in the Chicago Tribune that JK said this movie is her favorite of them all =]=] Two more times and I'm good, but I'm waiting until I can get the tickets for $5-should be another week or so. I'm probably going to save it for after the book is out so I have some HP for the end of my summer.
I'm gonna die. I'm gonna explode and then I'm gonna die.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I really miss Wartburg people right now.
Why, I'm not completely sure.
I's just kind of out of nowhere. I always miss people a little when I get home, but tonight it's pretty prominent.
I've started cleaning out my room a little, as I'm slightly pack rattish and everything I HAD to keep post senior year isn't as important anymore (all my stuff from freshman year of band camp? why? I never even look at it...every book from English classes? There's a lot I didn't care for...etc...).
Also there's a lack of pictures around here.
I've got plenty of high school ones. Ones of people I still see all the time and a few of people I haven't talked to since graduation. In one case, someone I haven't talked to since sophomore year.
That's changing...pretty soon I hope. Even though I have next to no frames (the ones that are currently in use say things all over them). There's one spare pink one and a magnetic board I'm taking over with reminders of my college world. Because my room has none as of right now, aside from the piles of stuff that was supposed to be in the crawl space.
So. Wartburg people. I miss you!!! Even though very few Wartburg people actually read this.
Sarah and Rachel V! I'm sending hugs. =]
And Melissa, Chelsea and Larisa, of course, along with Kristi and America and Jen and Jolene and Tyler and a few others...I send telepathic hugs as none of you are here, at least that I know of =]
I need to get some sleep. Yesterday by the time I got to bed the sun was rising. Seriously. I took a picture and everything. So yeah I'm kind of tired right now.
*sends more hugs*

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Order of the Phoenix.

No spoiler warnings here =]
Best movie. EVER. Ever ever.
No longer my least favorite book.
The music was AMAZING.
The special effects were AMAZING.
Everything. Every single last part.
I had Junior Mints. 10 minutes in I stopped eating them. I forgot I was in the theatre. It was like a show in NY...I got completely sucked in and became unaware of all my surroundings until the credits rolled.
I'm pretty sure I was open mouthed.
My pulse raced several times.
I want to hug Nicholas Hooper. No, worship him. The composer.
And then go worship David Yates, the director.
I...don't...there' words.
I'm still reveling.
Oh and the turnout?
Seven theatres, six of which were sold out.
Almost one thousand people. All at once.
Parking lot was hellish, but oh was it worth it.
...I'm off to continue reveling in my dreams...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Harry Potter....Harry Potter...Harry Potter...

So there's a link on Mugglenet to listen to the fifth soundtrack in its entirety.
I want to hug Nicholas Hooper. Seriously.
IT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=] twenty-four hours I will be an hour and a half into the movie!!!
VERY VERY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm gonna combust. That's it. I'm not going to last. I don't know how I'm going to survive this excitement.
All the counting down I've been doing...anticipating, speculating, imagining...and it's starting.
It's *happening*
It's really here...I'm hearing the soundtrack I've been waiting for since forever...twenty two and a half hours from seeing the movie...and almost a week from holding the book...
Go there. And listen to Fireworks, the first one.
The strings in the beginning? That energy?
Multiply it by about 1000, and that's a fairly close estimate of how energetic/excited I am at this moment.
I'm beyond squealing...seriously...I've NEVER been beyond squealing, ever, even with book six and when I went to England, the other two most exciting parts of my life, I was still squealing and bouncy and now...
Thinking about the soundtrack and movie makes me a really bouncy and squealy.
Thinking about the book just kind of makes me wide eyed with a vacant expression and I fall silent and just stay still. It's more excitement than I am capable of expressing.
This is WEIRD. Excited but not squealy. Seriously. WEIRD.
I'm going to listen to the music a little more.
Then it's bedtime...I've got a fairly big day ahead of me, at least in comparison to the rest of my summer.
(brief shopping, maybe running, getting the soundtrack, going to the movie...)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Nothing spectacular.

I'm kind of ready for school to start. Home is beyond boring...I'm ready to be free of dishes and chores and parents and brothers and joblessness, and I'm ready to have some kind of a schedule with somewhere to go and something to do. Relaxing is nice, but this is overkill. Another month of boredom? AAAH. Actually, month point five, close to two. Again. AAAHHH.
Interesting thing during dinner conversation tonight.
I guess my Aunt Kathy, while living in CO around 1975-6, was followed by Ted Bundy ( while on her way home from work. He pulled up alongside her to tell her to pull over on a gravel backroad, trying to tell her that her tire was flat (which it wasn't, she would have known if it was) when she got an AWFUL feeling about him and sped the rest of the way home. He followed her for a while. She didn't know who he was until she saw him on the news several years later back in IL. She fits the description of the type of women he was after and the timeframe fits for when he was in CO.
Scary. =/
I'M GOING TO EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel is excited. A little *too* excited. =]=]=]=]=]
*continues screaming*
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And another funny dinner thing.
I was contemplating having another roll when my dad informed me that there was only one left. Then my mom said "If you don't eat it, you know who will..." (meaning my brother) and I went "VOLDEMORT?! AAAHHH!!" and she laughed while my non-HP fan dad looked confused. So I went on a brief why-Voldy-is-evil rant with much gesturing of the hands that went something like "He KILLED a lot of people and he has seven HORCRUXES so he can't die when you go "AVADA KEDAVRA!" *points hand at him as though brandishing an invisible wand* to which he looked even MORE confused which made me laugh and while I was trying to explain horcruxes he looked confused so I spelled it out. Twice. Then went on a separate rant about avada kedavra 'cause he didn't get that, either, and it was really funny. Especailly since HP exites me so much right now I was talking so rapidly I could hardly be understood.
And for those of you who haven't experienced my dinnertime craziness while at home, enjoy this light background reading:
Now I'm off for ice cream and happiness =]

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Some favorites.


Happy luckiest day we'll probably have!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Crazy night stuff.

So Monday night I was wearing shorts to bed. They were on the right way and everything.
Well, when I woke up they were on backwards. I have NO idea *how*. They're shorts, so for them to end up backwards they have to be taken off and put back on wrong. Apparently I was streaking at some point in my sleep...? The world may never know.
Then last night...I had the weirdest dream...
The school was putting on a play. The name was similar to Titanic, Tidanic or something like that (Iceland language for something according to my dream world...) and involved this dude who was lost in this really cold and snowy Antartic type place (that had houses, btw) with his companion of sorts who was played by Rachel V. Sarah and I went to see it together, and it was in a gym with bleachers and all but it had real snow and such as though it was a movie. We got halfway through, and it was really good, when Sarah suddenly got up and said that the last line they said was her cue, she had to go on stage...even though she wasn't supposed to be in the play to begin with. And the play switched to a city that resembled London, but it had castles, and the queen was lost and everyone had to find her. Somehow it switched to real life, and I had to help find this queen, but instead I found one of my neighbor's kids and had to bring her home. All she kept asking me was when I was going to babysit again. Then the dream switched back to the Tidanic play, and I was in it, too. We were back in the gym with the writer who was trying to finish the script, but he kept on forgetting what was supposed to happen because it was based off a real-life something. Then one of his assistants comes to help and reminds him that it didn't happen in the cold winter, it happened in the summer, so it had to be renamed (because "Tidanic" meant cold in my dream) and the whole elaborate, snowy stage had to be changed and he was really upset. Then it switched back to me in the audience at the end of the play at curtain call. Sarah ended up playing a minor part, but I thought she did a REALLY good job so I gave her a standing ovation when she took her bow and the rest of the audience looked at me like I was nuts because her part was so small. Then I jokingly ran up to everyone after the applause was done with my program asking for autographs when Dr. Earl showed up to tell us the play was going on tour and we needed to leave (myself included) so Sarah, Rachel V., Mary-Kate and I ended up in the same room, which only had one bunk bed. Rachel was mad about something and was trying to call home but no one was there, so I gave her a hug for happiness which just made her madder, so I went to bed on my end of the bottom bunk (Rachel was on the other end with Kate in between us, idk where Sarah ended up). There was something in between that and the next part, but idk what...I think it involved my house and a McDonald's, though. Then it switched again and we were on a tour bus headed to where we were touring the play, and I was sitting next to Abbey who wanted to play cards with me but I just wanted to listen to my mp3 player and stare out the window until the sun went down and I wouldn't be able to see anymore and she wasn't very happy. Then my alarm went off.
I would really like to know where all that came from...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Muchos smiley-os. =]

I cleaned out the pictures on my computer, got rid of everything that I already have on a disk and off my camera.
I HAD around 2,030 if not a little over.
I now have 1,100.
Plus I deleted around 300 off my camera itself.
I need to find something do to other than take pictures of random junk when I'm bored...
And I need to get the other 1,000 or so pictures on a disk so I have *more* space on my dear compy.
*shakes head*
Those are the curses of big memory cards...
Today's been pretty OK.
I ran again this was kind of a mistake to do that two days in a row when I'm just starting out. My legs are trying with all their might to just fall off right now. Though I did manage almost twenty minutes of running in a row! =] And I got honked at. =P
I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M GOING TO EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!! =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=] *happy sigh* I can't wait.
Oh and the other night I had a dream about my english teacher from my junior year of high school, Mrs. Rauch (who is quite possibly the best teacher I've ever had). And it made me sad because I've been out of touch with her since October. So I looked her up and found her address and wrote a lovely letter that's being mailed tomorrow! And I'm excited.
I also forgot to mention yesterday that while I was in the waiting room of the dentist's office while my mom was being finished up on, still able to taste the ever-glorious toothpaste they use, I got a text from Kristina. Of a picture. Of the beach and water. With the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. LOL. Perfect timing! Seriously. That was really funny. I almosted laughed out loud. But I was pretty much the only one in there so it would have been odd. =]
Well...that's pretty much all I've Have a nice day now! =]

Monday, July 02, 2007

Today has been pretty good.

I went running for a half hour this morning. I came close to dying when I was done, but it was rather nice. Aside from the fact that my thighs desire nothing more than falling off right now. I managed twenty sporadic minutes of actual running with ten split up minutes of walking...not bad for the first. My goal is to be up to an hour straight running by the end of the summer. Just for fun. Because I really love running.
Then there was the dentist. No cavities yet *knocks on wood* but my wisdom teeth are coming out next summer, and there's a "developmental groove" on a molar that's really deep and has to be covered up with the possibility of slight drilling. Still, *not* a cavity. Just a thing.
Then I went to Kohl's because I've been eyeing a dress since the start of June. It's really really cute, there's a picture at the end. Since I have a slight amount of extra pocket cash 'cause of the lack of full Gryffindor uniforms, I figured what the hell. I can use it for concerts and to see Phantom this December and it's really, REALLY cute! Now I want something to wear it to.

And my pink Nalgene water finally came in the mail! Yahoo! We've stopped buying bottled water 'cause it's really expensive, but I like having a closeable bottle as opposed to going through a million glasses and I like my water warm...we have a Brita pitcher in the fridge and it's ALWAYS cold. So Rachel is very, very happy right now!
*bounces about*
I can't wait til the Christmas special... =]=]

Sunday, July 01, 2007

late night nonsense.

Teetering on the edge and
Trying not to cave but
Not sure which way is the right way
What's my motivation again?
Oh that's it...but I keep straying
Going to the side I've sworn against.
Never in my life would I allow it
Why is it weighing so heavily on my mind?
Why am I letting myself consider when I said, so long ago.
It's not going to happen I know it but.
Trapped in my own relfection
Mirror on the wall
Let me smash you, let me shut you up
"You ought to fear her pretty, pretty mouth..."
I'm imperfect in every way.
Dark side of Mary Poppins.... "Practically imperfect, in every way..."
No. Never.
Mental. Not external, internal.
If only...
Being noticed is my only poison.
Taking this away, but it's not going anywhere
What excuse will cover it this time?
No excuse, I'm not going there.
Numbers, numbers, counting, calculating, overbearing
My downfall.
Death of calculations
Let me end it all. Let me stop the charade.
Back to the way I was.
Not even long ago.
Not caring, not thinking, hardly looking, going on whims.
But I can't.
Being noticed is poison. Noticing is worse.
All numbers.
All images.
Calculations, thoughts.
My mind at night.
Wandering too far. Needing to stop but lacking brakes.
The world may never know.
Hell, I'll never know. Not so long as I live.
But it is.
I can fight it as much as I want.
It still IS.
Well, let the battle begin.
A war will be won.
The great internal war.
Mirror. You are dead.