Last night Rachel and Sandy came over and we started making our shirts for the book seven celebration! And they're amazing. Those are the pictures of what we've done so far. The top one is mine in the sunlight-where you can actually see what it looks like. The second was with a flash, it made the colors stand out more than they really do. The third is the iron on we made for the front-dark mark with and x. Under that is going to be DA in red and green. And the last picture is all of our shirts. Sandy's and Rachel's look a lot different than mine, but those pictures didn't turn out so well. But yeah. I think they're amazing. Our character names are on the sleeves. And my hair dye is waiting. I like this a lot better than the full uniform idea =]=]
So I've officially seen movie 5 three times. It just keeps getting better. I notice more, too, like one of the brands of cereal on the tables in the Great Hall for breakfast is Cheeri Owls. Among other things. I LOVE that movie. I guess Sandy read in the Chicago Tribune that JK said this movie is her favorite of them all =]=] Two more times and I'm good, but I'm waiting until I can get the tickets for $5-should be another week or so. I'm probably going to save it for after the book is out so I have some HP for the end of my summer.
I'm gonna die. I'm gonna explode and then I'm gonna die.
I've been thinking about making a "Potter for President" t-shirt...
That would be really cool!
In the words of Melissa:
Gopher it. =]
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