I really miss Wartburg people right now.
Why, I'm not completely sure.
I mean...it's just kind of out of nowhere. I always miss people a little when I get home, but tonight it's pretty prominent.
I've started cleaning out my room a little, as I'm slightly pack rattish and everything I HAD to keep post senior year isn't as important anymore (all my stuff from freshman year of band camp? why? I never even look at it...every book from English classes? There's a lot I didn't care for...etc...).
Also there's a lack of pictures around here.
I've got plenty of high school ones. Ones of people I still see all the time and a few of people I haven't talked to since graduation. In one case, someone I haven't talked to since sophomore year.
That's changing...pretty soon I hope. Even though I have next to no frames (the ones that are currently in use say things all over them). There's one spare pink one and a magnetic board I'm taking over with reminders of my college world. Because my room has none as of right now, aside from the piles of stuff that was supposed to be in the crawl space.
So. Wartburg people. I miss you!!! Even though very few Wartburg people actually read this.
Sarah and Rachel V! I'm sending hugs. =]
And Melissa, Chelsea and Larisa, of course, along with Kristi and America and Jen and Jolene and Tyler and a few others...I send telepathic hugs as none of you are here, at least that I know of =]
I need to get some sleep. Yesterday by the time I got to bed the sun was rising. Seriously. I took a picture and everything. So yeah I'm kind of tired right now.
*sends more hugs*
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