ginny587 (5:10:04 PM): hi
ginny587 (5:10:08 PM): you're sitting next to me.
skilletfreak1988 (5:10:13 PM): no, you
Auto Response from ginny587 (5:10:12 PM): Well, I suppose I won't be seeing you for a while, so farewell! Stay away from roasted cabbage, don't eat earwax and look on the bright side of life! ~8156907919~
ginny587 (5:10:17 PM): you are
skilletfreak1988 (5:10:19 PM): are sitting by me
ginny587 (5:10:27 PM): you're sitting by me
skilletfreak1988 (5:10:29 PM): yes, but you are too.
ginny587 (5:10:29 PM): this is funny
ginny587 (5:10:32 PM): hahaha
ginny587 (5:10:41 PM): i can see you typing your responses
skilletfreak1988 (5:10:43 PM): I think you are a cooke
skilletfreak1988 (5:10:45 PM): ie
ginny587 (5:10:46 PM): and it says you're typing
ginny587 (5:10:48 PM): haha
ginny587 (5:10:55 PM): i think i'm a rachel
skilletfreak1988 (5:10:56 PM): i don't know what you are talking about
ginny587 (5:11:00 PM): niether do i
ginny587 (5:11:04 PM): -
ginny587 (5:11:05 PM):
skilletfreak1988 (5:11:10 PM): cookies taste better than rachels
ginny587 (5:11:16 PM): but i don't want to be eaten
skilletfreak1988 (5:11:18 PM): don't you think?
ginny587 (5:11:25 PM): no. i taste wonderful
skilletfreak1988 (5:11:32 PM): i don't know, do you eat yourself?
ginny587 (5:11:39 PM): no
skilletfreak1988 (5:11:42 PM): i haven't eaten myself
ginny587 (5:11:48 PM): i don't but i like to believe i tatte wonderful
ginny587 (5:11:52 PM): **taste
skilletfreak1988 (5:12:10 PM): i don't know if you tatte wonderful, i don't want to eat you.
ginny587 (5:12:17 PM): taste!
ginny587 (5:12:20 PM): good. you
ginny587 (5:12:23 PM): don't want to eat me.
ginny587 (5:12:30 PM): that's a good thing i live longer tha
ginny587 (5:12:32 PM): *then
skilletfreak1988 (5:12:37 PM): cuz you're all bones and skin?
skilletfreak1988 (5:12:45 PM): what do you live longer than?
ginny587 (5:12:53 PM): than if i'm eaten
skilletfreak1988 (5:12:56 PM): I'm very confused.
skilletfreak1988 (5:13:03 PM): chelsea is awful at that.
ginny587 (5:13:09 PM): actually, you're wrong. i'm skin. my cousin says there's no room for bones.
skilletfreak1988 (5:13:23 PM): did you know that? I don't know about that.
ginny587 (5:13:27 PM): reallly
ginny587 (5:13:31 PM): i'm confused
skilletfreak1988 (5:13:43 PM): really only has two ls
ginny587 (5:13:52 PM): i was using it for effect.
ginny587 (5:13:56 PM): realllllllllllllllllllllllllly.
skilletfreak1988 (5:14:11 PM): ohhhhhhhhh.
ginny587 (5:14:25 PM):
ginny587 (5:14:27 PM):
ginny587 (5:14:29 PM): :P
skilletfreak1988 (5:14:52 PM): i am better looking than you.
ginny587 (5:15:18 PM): i beg to differ. i was told i should go to modeling school.
ginny587 (5:15:22 PM): maybe you should come with.
ginny587 (5:15:25 PM): it would be fun
skilletfreak1988 (5:15:39 PM): no, you see, i meant that i am better LOOKING!!
ginny587 (5:15:40 PM): i'm reading what you're typing
ginny587 (5:15:46 PM): meh?
skilletfreak1988 (5:15:47 PM): I'm not a model
skilletfreak1988 (5:15:53 PM): better LOOKING!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:15:59 PM): get it?
skilletfreak1988 (5:16:04 PM): huh?
skilletfreak1988 (5:16:06 PM): huh?
ginny587 (5:16:10 PM): you mean better AT looking? because there's a difference between better looking and better AT looking
skilletfreak1988 (5:16:11 PM): Huh?
skilletfreak1988 (5:16:22 PM): yeah, you got it.
ginny587 (5:16:22 PM): yay!
skilletfreak1988 (5:16:32 PM): hi pokey!!!
ginny587 (5:16:33 PM): hi pokey!!!
ginny587 (5:16:40 PM): i'm typing what you're typing!
ginny587 (5:16:48 PM):
skilletfreak1988 (5:16:56 PM): no you aren't
ginny587 (5:16:56 PM): no you aren't
skilletfreak1988 (5:17:04 PM): yes you are
ginny587 (5:17:04 PM): yes you are
skilletfreak1988 (5:17:09 PM): popsicle
ginny587 (5:17:10 PM): popsicle
skilletfreak1988 (5:30:11 PM): you are sillyyou are sillyyou are sillyyou are sillyyou are sillyyou are sillyyou are sillyyou are sillyyou are silly
skilletfreak1988 (5:30:59 PM): silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly
skilletfreak1988 (5:31:15 PM): you're not here anymore and i'm sad!
skilletfreak1988 (5:31:47 PM): sad! sad! sad! sad! sad! sad! sad! sad! sad! sad! sad!
skilletfreak1988 (5:31:59 PM): i'm thirsty.
skilletfreak1988 (5:32:32 PM): THIRSTY!!!! THIRSTY!!!! THIRSTY!!!! THIRSTY!!!! THIRSTY!!!! THIRSTY!!!! THIRSTY!!!! THIRSTY!!!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:32:40 PM): where are you?
skilletfreak1988 (5:33:04 PM): you? you? you? you? you?
ginny587 (5:33:11 PM): i was on the phone dorkus
skilletfreak1988 (5:33:22 PM): HEY!!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:33:29 PM): you didn't even read it!!
ginny587 (5:33:36 PM): AAARRRRGH. :P
ginny587 (5:33:47 PM): just did
skilletfreak1988 (5:33:48 PM): thank you
ginny587 (5:33:48 PM): haha
ginny587 (5:33:50 PM): :P
ginny587 (5:33:54 PM): this is weird
skilletfreak1988 (5:34:01 PM): why are you WATCHING ME???!!!
ginny587 (5:34:06 PM): because i can see myself typing
ginny587 (5:34:08 PM): and it's funny
skilletfreak1988 (5:34:14 PM): you are BIZARRE!!!
ginny587 (5:34:19 PM): see how good my spelling is when i'm not looking?
skilletfreak1988 (5:34:22 PM): no/
ginny587 (5:34:24 PM): it's ironic isn't it?
skilletfreak1988 (5:34:34 PM): i don't think that you have very good spelling
skilletfreak1988 (5:34:38 PM): or smelling
ginny587 (5:34:41 PM): well you suck at spelling
ginny587 (5:34:43 PM): i can smell!
skilletfreak1988 (5:34:50 PM): no i don't!!!
ginny587 (5:34:50 PM): who says?
ginny587 (5:34:52 PM): i do!
skilletfreak1988 (5:35:02 PM): and i know that you can smell. you do quite often
ginny587 (5:35:04 PM): really?
skilletfreak1988 (5:35:11 PM): my teachers.
ginny587 (5:35:12 PM): you can't type very well
ginny587 (5:35:15 PM): haha
skilletfreak1988 (5:35:21 PM): i know. it's very sad.
ginny587 (5:35:23 PM): it's funny
skilletfreak1988 (5:35:30 PM): you smell all the time.
ginny587 (5:35:40 PM): i smell GOOD!
skilletfreak1988 (5:35:44 PM): usually, like strawberries.
ginny587 (5:35:44 PM): yay
ginny587 (5:35:48 PM): but that's odd
skilletfreak1988 (5:35:59 PM): what, that you smell, or that i smell you?
ginny587 (5:36:00 PM): i don't wear anything strawberry scented
skilletfreak1988 (5:36:06 PM): yes you do!!!
ginny587 (5:36:09 PM): no i'm quite certain
skilletfreak1988 (5:36:17 PM): or if you don't, it smells like them?
ginny587 (5:36:27 PM): love spell smells like candy.
ginny587 (5:36:33 PM): my mousse like mousse.
skilletfreak1988 (5:36:47 PM): ewwwww....moose?
ginny587 (5:36:49 PM): even my deoderant smells like springness
skilletfreak1988 (5:36:53 PM): that's not a good smell.
ginny587 (5:36:55 PM): lol
ginny587 (5:36:59 PM): no MOUSSE
ginny587 (5:37:00 PM): :P
skilletfreak1988 (5:37:35 PM): Cookies!!!
ginny587 (5:37:40 PM): ah it wil be in my head forever
skilletfreak1988 (5:37:41 PM): I love cookies!!
ginny587 (5:37:43 PM): i do too
skilletfreak1988 (5:37:56 PM): cookies are amazing
ginny587 (5:37:57 PM): i should be the cookie monster
ginny587 (5:38:00 PM): WE HAVE ICE CREAM
ginny587 (5:38:04 PM): lol
skilletfreak1988 (5:38:04 PM): almost as good as ice cream
ginny587 (5:38:09 PM):
skilletfreak1988 (5:38:14 PM): i LOVE ice cream
skilletfreak1988 (5:38:25 PM): more than life itself.
ginny587 (5:38:32 PM): i could be the ice cream monster
skilletfreak1988 (5:38:43 PM): if i die, i would want to die with ice cream.
ginny587 (5:38:50 PM): i'd want to die with it my mouth
skilletfreak1988 (5:38:53 PM): in my nose, where it belongs.
ginny587 (5:38:54 PM): LOL
ginny587 (5:38:58 PM): i was counfused at first
skilletfreak1988 (5:39:11 PM): that way, i can savor it all day.
ginny587 (5:39:16 PM): lol that actually rather sucks
ginny587 (5:39:23 PM): kind of a lot
skilletfreak1988 (5:39:35 PM): yeah, i know. but it would probably kill me.
ginny587 (5:39:35 PM): it won't come out or melt or anything;. it just sticks.
skilletfreak1988 (5:39:46 PM): is your nose a freezer?
ginny587 (5:39:49 PM): it doesn't kill i survived!
skilletfreak1988 (5:40:07 PM): it would kill me.
ginny587 (5:40:17 PM): no it wouldn't it's quite tame
skilletfreak1988 (5:40:18 PM): i don't do well with things in my nose.
ginny587 (5:40:24 PM): you're wierd
skilletfreak1988 (5:40:29 PM): once, i had a cheerio in my nose.
ginny587 (5:40:29 PM): haha
skilletfreak1988 (5:40:45 PM): i had to go to the doctor, but then i got a runny nose and it came out.
ginny587 (5:40:45 PM): lol
ginny587 (5:40:50 PM): that's the point of runny noses
skilletfreak1988 (5:40:51 PM): it was gross.
ginny587 (5:40:56 PM): to get stuff out
ginny587 (5:41:03 PM): hahaha
ginny587 (5:41:05 PM): pretty much
skilletfreak1988 (5:41:18 PM): what, to expel foreign objects that definately shouldn't be there?
ginny587 (5:41:24 PM): i responded before you pressed enter
ginny587 (5:41:26 PM): heehee
skilletfreak1988 (5:41:30 PM): since cheerios definitely shouldn't be there.
ginny587 (5:41:35 PM): no that's where they belong
skilletfreak1988 (5:41:37 PM): i don't know about you,
ginny587 (5:41:42 PM): i don't know about you either
skilletfreak1988 (5:41:46 PM): but i like cheerios in my mouth.
skilletfreak1988 (5:41:57 PM): sometimes. sometimes i don't like them there either.
ginny587 (5:41:58 PM): wiedo
ginny587 (5:42:02 PM): *wierdo
ginny587 (5:42:29 PM): IRS!
skilletfreak1988 (5:42:33 PM): i like the apple kind
ginny587 (5:42:33 PM): me too
skilletfreak1988 (5:42:39 PM): they are fantastic
ginny587 (5:42:40 PM): and the muligrain kind
skilletfreak1988 (5:42:47 PM): almost as good as....
ginny587 (5:42:51 PM): not iceceam
skilletfreak1988 (5:42:52 PM): ICE CREAM!!
ginny587 (5:42:53 PM): no
ginny587 (5:42:56 PM): i disagree
ginny587 (5:42:59 PM): this is fun
skilletfreak1988 (5:43:11 PM): they are up there with cinnamon toast crunch though
ginny587 (5:43:14 PM): toaste? haha
skilletfreak1988 (5:43:18 PM): maybe not ice cream
ginny587 (5:43:26 PM): i was gonna say ice cream is untouchable
skilletfreak1988 (5:43:33 PM): hey, i didn't actually write toaste.
ginny587 (5:43:40 PM): yes you did i saw it then you pressed backspace
ginny587 (5:43:42 PM): CHICKEN!
skilletfreak1988 (5:43:49 PM): Pork!!!
ginny587 (5:44:01 PM): break a fortune cookie!
ginny587 (5:44:10 PM): beware of grape with wooden mallet
ginny587 (5:44:16 PM): ain't it the truth
skilletfreak1988 (5:44:19 PM): aint that the truth
ginny587 (5:44:20 PM): lol
skilletfreak1988 (5:44:34 PM): the tongue comes out and points itself at you.
ginny587 (5:44:38 PM): likewise
skilletfreak1988 (5:44:43 PM): mantatee
ginny587 (5:44:48 PM): je suis
skilletfreak1988 (5:44:49 PM): she speaks french
ginny587 (5:44:52 PM): oue
ginny587 (5:44:55 PM): *oui
skilletfreak1988 (5:44:59 PM): oue?
ginny587 (5:45:01 PM): that's hard to type
ginny587 (5:45:05 PM): oui
ginny587 (5:45:06 PM): oui
ginny587 (5:45:07 PM): oui
skilletfreak1988 (5:45:08 PM): what freakish language is that?
ginny587 (5:45:12 PM): oui
ginny587 (5:45:18 PM): french you terd
ginny587 (5:45:20 PM): dur
skilletfreak1988 (5:45:27 PM): try typing with accents. it's a pain in the butt.
ginny587 (5:45:27 PM): that would be
ginny587 (5:45:48 PM): where is my hairbrush?
ginny587 (5:45:58 PM): here?
skilletfreak1988 (5:46:01 PM): don't worry, it's here somewhere.
skilletfreak1988 (5:46:08 PM): watch the cucmber.
ginny587 (5:46:10 PM): cucmber?
ginny587 (5:46:12 PM): haha
skilletfreak1988 (5:46:22 PM): yes. they're tasty.
skilletfreak1988 (5:46:32 PM): i like them.
ginny587 (5:46:33 PM): i like them too
ginny587 (5:46:39 PM): with ranch dressing and no seeds
ginny587 (5:46:44 PM): i don't like the seeds
skilletfreak1988 (5:46:51 PM): i don't like to EAT them
ginny587 (5:46:51 PM): wierdo
skilletfreak1988 (5:46:56 PM): that's just gross.
ginny587 (5:47:01 PM): no it's no
skilletfreak1988 (5:47:01 PM): who eats them?
ginny587 (5:47:03 PM): *not
ginny587 (5:47:05 PM): i do!
skilletfreak1988 (5:47:10 PM): if forgot what we were eating.
ginny587 (5:47:13 PM): cucmber!
skilletfreak1988 (5:47:19 PM): i rest my case
ginny587 (5:47:21 PM): meh?
ginny587 (5:47:40 PM): i'mnot weid@
ginny587 (5:47:41 PM): !
skilletfreak1988 (5:47:47 PM): i said, weird people eat them. you said that you do. so, you are wierd.
skilletfreak1988 (5:47:52 PM): wied?
skilletfreak1988 (5:47:54 PM): @
ginny587 (5:47:55 PM): i'm normal everyone else is weird\
ginny587 (5:48:02 PM): *88WEIRD
skilletfreak1988 (5:48:03 PM): You drive me crazY
ginny587 (5:48:07 PM): **********************wierd
skilletfreak1988 (5:48:08 PM): what?
ginny587 (5:48:13 PM): you drive ME crazy
skilletfreak1988 (5:48:36 PM): if you like to waltz with potatoes...
ginny587 (5:48:44 PM): yay!
ginny587 (5:48:51 PM): i'll bring one with me to ballroom dancing
skilletfreak1988 (5:48:52 PM): have we got a show for you!!
ginny587 (5:49:01 PM): veggie tales!
ginny587 (5:49:03 PM): yay!
skilletfreak1988 (5:49:07 PM): i don't dance any more
skilletfreak1988 (5:49:12 PM): it is kind of sad.
ginny587 (5:49:12 PM): they don't have meetings anymore
ginny587 (5:49:16 PM): that's sad
ginny587 (5:49:27 PM): hahaha
skilletfreak1988 (5:49:31 PM): but it's ok, because i didn't really dance when they did have meetings.
ginny587 (5:49:35 PM): hahah me neither
skilletfreak1988 (5:49:41 PM): i didn't want to be a boy anymore.
ginny587 (5:49:43 PM): i'm sorry.
ginny587 (5:49:47 PM): i just stank
ginny587 (5:49:56 PM): inn your closet?
ginny587 (5:49:58 PM): *in
ginny587 (5:50:04 PM): was tha godzilla in the hall...
skilletfreak1988 (5:50:16 PM): oh. yes, in my closet.
skilletfreak1988 (5:50:20 PM): i like my closet.
ginny587 (5:50:20 PM): me too
skilletfreak1988 (5:50:34 PM): right into your jammies.
ginny587 (5:50:35 PM): i sound glorious
skilletfreak1988 (5:50:42 PM): no, not really.
ginny587 (5:50:42 PM): yup
ginny587 (5:50:51 PM): maybe one will echo
skilletfreak1988 (5:50:55 PM): more like a giant crocodile that ate an evil man
ginny587 (5:50:58 PM): hahah
ginny587 (5:50:59 PM): ha
ginny587 (5:51:01 PM): ha
ginny587 (5:51:05 PM): ...h-a
ginny587 (5:51:12 PM): GRAPES OF WRATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:51:13 PM): grapes of wrath.
ginny587 (5:51:15 PM): *DIES*
skilletfreak1988 (5:51:18 PM): they are singing now
ginny587 (5:51:25 PM): yay
skilletfreak1988 (5:51:30 PM): they're in a broken down truck
ginny587 (5:51:32 PM): hahahaha
ginny587 (5:51:35 PM): just like the book
skilletfreak1988 (5:51:37 PM): they don't bathe
ginny587 (5:51:42 PM): they're wrathey
skilletfreak1988 (5:51:46 PM): stay out of our path?
ginny587 (5:51:45 PM): *wrathy
skilletfreak1988 (5:51:54 PM): so are you.
ginny587 (5:52:02 PM): you're more.
skilletfreak1988 (5:52:04 PM): bicker by the hour
ginny587 (5:52:09 PM): wrathierest
skilletfreak1988 (5:52:10 PM): no i'm not!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:52:22 PM): snake in your milkshake!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:52:24 PM): yuck!1
ginny587 (5:52:24 PM): what?
ginny587 (5:52:26 PM): ewww
ginny587 (5:52:30 PM): worm in yours
skilletfreak1988 (5:52:32 PM): i don't like snakes
skilletfreak1988 (5:52:45 PM): hey, then we could pour it on your wrist!!
ginny587 (5:52:46 PM): AHHH
ginny587 (5:52:49 PM): no!
ginny587 (5:52:52 PM): that's cruel
ginny587 (5:52:56 PM): twitches
skilletfreak1988 (5:53:11 PM): you started it!!!
ginny587 (5:53:15 PM): you continued it!
ginny587 (5:53:37 PM): he's chasing a mouse
skilletfreak1988 (5:53:38 PM): like butter on a bald...monkey..
ginny587 (5:53:47 PM): envy their friend
skilletfreak1988 (5:53:50 PM): like me!!
ginny587 (5:53:51 PM): wishing to dance as he
ginny587 (5:53:54 PM): dancing cucumber
skilletfreak1988 (5:53:55 PM): they envy me!!
ginny587 (5:53:58 PM): dancing cucumber
skilletfreak1988 (5:54:01 PM): every one does.
ginny587 (5:54:03 PM): dance dance yeah
skilletfreak1988 (5:54:10 PM): can't even whistle.
ginny587 (5:54:15 PM): neither can i
ginny587 (5:54:19 PM): *tries*
skilletfreak1988 (5:54:21 PM): polka party!!
ginny587 (5:54:22 PM): see? can't
skilletfreak1988 (5:54:33 PM): uncle louis!!
ginny587 (5:54:47 PM): show offs
skilletfreak1988 (5:54:55 PM): i think the dwarves have her confused.
ginny587 (5:54:58 PM): i'll just grab my picc. you'll be sorry.
skilletfreak1988 (5:55:11 PM): listen to the cucumber
skilletfreak1988 (5:55:28 PM): with someone else
skilletfreak1988 (5:55:30 PM): !!!!!!!!!
ginny587 (5:55:35 PM): ahh!
skilletfreak1988 (5:55:41 PM): isn't it sad?
ginny587 (5:55:43 PM): you're sad
skilletfreak1988 (5:55:46 PM): i say dorce
skilletfreak1988 (5:55:48 PM): dorve
ginny587 (5:55:51 PM): wh?
ginny587 (5:55:54 PM): *eh?
skilletfreak1988 (5:56:05 PM): which doesn't make any sense
ginny587 (5:56:07 PM): nothing makes sense with this
ginny587 (5:56:08 PM): lol
skilletfreak1988 (5:56:12 PM): sombrero
ginny587 (5:56:15 PM): on my head
ginny587 (5:56:22 PM): morning george
skilletfreak1988 (5:56:30 PM): i hope you're feeling
skilletfreak1988 (5:56:33 PM): fine!!
ginny587 (5:56:33 PM): i am.
ginny587 (5:56:35 PM): thanks.
ginny587 (5:56:39 PM): i want chocolate
skilletfreak1988 (5:56:46 PM): bunny!!
ginny587 (5:56:46 PM): haha
ginny587 (5:56:54 PM): i don't wanna be in trouble!
skilletfreak1988 (5:56:56 PM): trouble!! barney rubble!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:57:06 PM): this sounds like your job!!!
ginny587 (5:57:21 PM): ok...
ginny587 (5:57:22 PM): :P
skilletfreak1988 (5:57:30 PM): we used to be so happy.
ginny587 (5:57:45 PM): we are so happy
skilletfreak1988 (5:57:50 PM): we all need a vacation...
skilletfreak1988 (5:57:57 PM): wait we're on vacation!!
skilletfreak1988 (5:57:59 PM): sort of.
ginny587 (5:58:05 PM): yay!
ginny587 (5:58:07 PM): yes we are
skilletfreak1988 (5:58:13 PM): more like... um... i don't no.
ginny587 (5:58:13 PM): sans warmness
skilletfreak1988 (5:58:16 PM): ralisa!!!!
ginny587 (5:58:19 PM): yay!
ginny587 (5:58:19 PM): yay!
skilletfreak1988 (5:58:55 PM): what is she doing online?
ginny587 (5:59:22 PM): yo no se
ginny587 (5:59:26 PM): you're obnoxious!
ginny587 (5:59:29 PM): yeah that is annoying
ginny587 (5:59:34 PM): bunnny!
skilletfreak1988 (5:59:37 PM): hey!! bunny!
ginny587 (5:59:37 PM): with three ns!
ginny587 (5:59:39 PM): haha
skilletfreak1988 (5:59:43 PM): i knnnow
ginny587 (5:59:44 PM): lol
ginny587 (5:59:50 PM): nnno you donnn't
skilletfreak1988 (5:59:53 PM): am i losing my mind?
ginny587 (5:59:54 PM): yup
ginny587 (5:59:57 PM): as am i
ginny587 (5:59:59 PM): we all are
ginny587 (6:00:01 PM): hence colllege
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:05 PM): oh. i thought it was gone already.
ginny587 (6:00:05 PM): with three ls
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:14 PM): i seee.
ginny587 (6:00:17 PM): this is going to be really really long.
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:18 PM): with three es
ginny587 (6:00:21 PM): lol
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:23 PM): no it isn't.
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:26 PM): never.
ginny587 (6:00:28 PM): always
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:30 PM): will you sing the song?
ginny587 (6:00:36 PM): no i'm good thanks
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:38 PM): monsieur bob?
ginny587 (6:00:41 PM): i'm rachel
skilletfreak1988 (6:00:53 PM): we're not supposed to sing the bunny song!!
ginny587 (6:01:00 PM): but what if i want to?
ginny587 (6:01:15 PM): GOLLUM!
ginny587 (6:01:16 PM): haha
skilletfreak1988 (6:01:17 PM): well you can, but it won't make sense
skilletfreak1988 (6:01:31 PM): i don't want a tissue when my nose is runny.
ginny587 (6:01:34 PM): seeing as i don't know the words it won't
skilletfreak1988 (6:01:46 PM): no no no no girls!!
ginny587 (6:01:51 PM): lol
skilletfreak1988 (6:01:56 PM): oh you're going to get tummy aches
ginny587 (6:02:03 PM): i don't wanna!
skilletfreak1988 (6:02:05 PM): Alex!!!
ginny587 (6:02:05 PM): just the bunny
ginny587 (6:02:07 PM): yay?
ginny587 (6:02:10 PM): yay!
ginny587 (6:02:11 PM):
skilletfreak1988 (6:02:17 PM): yayay!!
ginny587 (6:02:21 PM): he's away
skilletfreak1988 (6:02:23 PM): he's away.
ginny587 (6:02:23 PM): lol
skilletfreak1988 (6:02:25 PM): you loser
ginny587 (6:02:26 PM): jinx
ginny587 (6:02:30 PM): you're a loser!
skilletfreak1988 (6:02:31 PM): this song sucks
ginny587 (6:02:31 PM): pouts
ginny587 (6:02:34 PM): you suck
OK there's LOT more where that came from. i think i'll end it here for everyone's sake. this is pretty freaking long. haha :)