Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy! And death.

So. After a full day of thinking Sarah wouldn't be coming to Rachel V's with me tomorrow, I come to find out that what she heard last night was merely a rumor started by one of the managers as a joke.
She does not, in fact, have to work on Saturday.
She doesn't even have to work on Friday!!
Which is wonderful!
Frustrating, after last night and most of today, but wonderful!
Stupid rumors.

Officialness. And sadness.

First off, I am officially living in Knight's Village!! I got the phone call this morning, and am very very very excited that everything worked out!!!! =D
Secondly, the people who run a nearby factory basically suck and deserve several not-so-pleasant things for certain actions they have taken regarding this weekend (making Sarah work when we had plans to visit Rachel V.). Seriously! This weekend?! Why not last? Or next? Why now? Stupid people. Stupid stupid people.
That's all I have to say for now.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Amazingly fun and happy times!

So I am pretty much having a fantabulous time right now.
Recap! =]
Friday afternoon Sarah and I got the supplies needed to make our glorious Potter for president shirts that we're wearing on election day =] Then we met up with Jessica for lunch. After that Sarah had to go to work for a few hours, so I chilled. When she got back we ordered pizza and watched Doctor Who (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), then Jessica came over and we watched America's Got Talent, which was actually pretty good. =]After that we started designing and planning out the shirts. And by we, I mean Sarah went at it in Paint while asking me about my preferences, with me being very much tired and bordering was rather amusing.
Saturday! We got an early start to the day by going out to Cabin Coffee. I got a Twister, which is espresso, dark chocolate, white chocolate, vanilla and caramel blended up like a frappuccino. It was really good and I was wide a awake for quite a while afterwards. =D Then I got an official tour of Clear Lake, where apparently a lot of buildings that "used to be there" met the same fate-they burned down. And by a lot, I mean all but maybe one. Then we did a small amount of car shopping (test driving-woot), and on the way back stopped at a farm stand and got some sweet corn. We continued with shirt designs after getting back, along with corn cooking and eating. Funny thing: when Sarah had a rather nice mouthful of corn, I said something funny. She started laughing but was trying to stop, then said something about "laughing corn" and actually laughed corn out on the table. It was pretty much hilarious. I think my funny comment had something to do with my inadvertent over salting of my corn, which caused me to make a very funny face. =]Later on we went to the Barrel for dinner, which was really good! There was a rather hilarious misunderstanding there, too. Sarah kept mentioning their homemade cheeseballs. Cheeseballs to me are like Cheetos, in ball form, so that's what I thought she meant. When we ordered, I ordered my own thing of them...then she informed me that she was planning on getting one and we'd split it. I said the extras could be used as snacks later on, and she informed me they were best when warm. It was then she told me that they are literally fried balls of cheese, not cheese puffs. My shock led to me laughing to the point of crying and was a pretty good misunderstanding. =] Lol. After that small fiasco, we tried to go to the outdoor band concert, but it got rained out, so we chilled at home instead [I mean Sarah's home, I didn't realize I typed that until my proof read...].
Sunday! We went swimming! And it was loads of fun! We got floaty rafts and had to blow them up ourselves without the aide of a pump, so that took a while. Then we were in the water for a couple of hours, and the whole time was pretty much knocking each other off of the rafts. It occurred quite frequently for me, since I weigh about as much as the raft and flip easily, but it was hard for me to get Sarah back since she had a harder time getting on hers easily and wasn't on it very much. I succeeded a couple of times. =D Then we headed back, had some ice cream, continued work on the shirts and made a rather *amazing* avocado feta salsa with Jessica, which was really really good! And we saw Dark Knight!!
THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D The plot was great, the music was Hans Zimmer (he speaks for himself there), and Chicago looked glorious. In fact, there was a huge scene that occurred on the street right in front of the LaSalle train station I use to get there. And they used actual road names (Randolf, Cicero). =D=D I was excited in a slightly dorky way. =]
And today we mostly chilled. Daniel was in a short play put on by the library drama group, and we saw that. It was very good. =] And there was more test driving. And my first Perkin's run ever! They don't have those in IL. So now, after living in Iowa for about 18 months total, I have gone to one. It's just a little breakfasty restaurant place, a lot like Denny's, except it's called Perkin's.
I'm not sure about what else is going on over the rest of the week, aside from shirt making, but seeing as how the past four days have been pretty much amazing I'm sure the rest of the week will continue at this happy pace. =D

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Iowa at last!

Here I am! I made it! In one piece and everything! All 376 miles to the house of the Sarah. Aka 6.5 hours. =]
The ride went very smoothly, especially considering it was my first time on the highway without anyone else in the car. The only eventful things were two torrential downpours, but once I got used to driving in that much rain while going 70 or so mph, it was all good. =]
The gas here. Holy cow is it cheap! 3.92 in Waverly! =O They haven't even hit the four dollar mark yet! (it was 4.29 at the 7-11 near my house when I left)
Upon arriving in Waverly, I checked out storage. Survivors: loft ladder, HARRY POTTER SIGN!!!! =D=D=D=D, printer and garbage can. That was *it*. It's better than nothing, and the printer would have been the most expensive required replacement next year (I'm borrowing the text books of upperclassmen so I don't have to buy them again). But still. Argh. I have to go back on our way to Rachel V's since there is a bunch that needs tossing (the office wasn't open for me to ask for the dump thinger/help lifting stuff while I was there).
A moment of silence for the dearly departed, including my measuring cups of awesome, penguin shaped mug of happy, floor and desk lamps, shelves, favorite alarm clock ever, light up mirror, books, and (most sadly of all) band prophecy written for me by my lovely (graduated) stand partner.
That's about all I've got for now. All I've done today is drive up here, and other than the rain and gas prices that really wasn't eventful at all. Which is fine by me. =]

Monday, July 14, 2008


So in three days I officially leave for a most wonderful 10 day excursion to Iowa. I'M SO EXCITED I COULD BURST!!!
Included in this trip are things like jet skiing and coffee place visiting and shirt making and bbq place visiting and Sarah visiting and Rachel V visiting...
And I think I'm going to explode!
And/or kill my brother. I'm pretty sure this is the most annoying he's ever managed to be. Ever. =P
I've started my list of things to pack, and later on today will start laundry/the digging out of my suitcase. I'll probably start actually packing stuff tomorrow, and leave most of it for Wednesday since I'll need something to occupy myself with.
I'm also really excited because there's this book I've been eyeballing at Border's recently called "A Mango Shaped Space," about this girl with a condition that causes her to apply colors to different things (numbers, letters, sounds), including her cat that she names Mango. Mango becomes her "best friend" of sorts, and it's about her attachment with the cat and how Mango helps her cope with being so different from everyone else. So. I've been eyeballing it at the bookstore, but have been very reluctant in buying it since I'm next to broke and don't need to spend the money. And it turns out that the library has it!! =D Yay!
Did I mention my excitement for Thursday?
In other news. My summer class is one class away from being over with forever. HUZZAH!!!! Two and a half more hours of off topic discussions and boredom and then never again!! =D
...and one 6 page paper I still need to type. But that's a different story. =P
And I found a replacement floor lamp that's identical to the one I lost in storage earlier this summer, and it arrived today! Yay! =]
What else has been going on.
I got a second piercing in my left earlobe. Which is healing quite nicely so far. And I did something I haven't done in five years (almost exactly five years)...changed the earring in my cartilage piercing. =] So far it's accepted the new earring quite nicely...a far cry from the last time I attempted a different earring there and it decided to be infected for a good two weeks. I think the fact that it's now *completely* healed has something to do with it...
This past weekend was mommy/Rachel weekend, since the boys were at the races for three nights in a row. And it was a lot of fun. There was Chinese and Italian food, movie watching and some shopping =D We watched Magorium's Wonder Emporium, which was amazing, and The Number 23, and that was spectacular! Though a little too wristy for my liking. =P (do they *really* need to show slit wrists? have people write things on their wrists? show scars on wrists? =[ )
Have I mentioned how annoying my brother is? I think one of the happier parts of the vacation is a ten day break from Nathan-y annoyance. =P Eleven counting traveling days.
I think that's about all I've got.
Exciting past twelve days, no? =]

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Could someone *please* tell me HOW on Earth the topic of picking a candidate from a college for a business, along with the various ways to judge motivation, has *anything* to do with the development of teenagers?
I don't see it! I don't understand what motivated our teacher to even START this half hour long discussion! It has nothing to do with anything!
We also went over being successful in business.
I'M AN EDUCATION MAJOR!!!!! I'm not involved in business, I'm involved in teaching people about MUSIC! No one in that room is involved with business! All that was talked about was "well I know so-and-so and they said..." or "I thought they would do this."
I'm supposed to be learning about human actions and interactions and DEVELOPMENT so I can have an understanding of what point my students are at in their lives, and we completely glossed over everything that has to do with the age range I could possibly teach and I learned *nothing.*
But business? Seriously? Discussions on business??? Discussions on ADD/ADHD medication and the care of exceptional children at least was *somewhat* related to what we were talking about (the point in a child's life when most exceptional things are diagnosed), though I had already gone over that in a different class.
BTW-I just noticed three James Taylor songs in my iTunes that I have never listened to, never heard of and didn't put in there compy says they've been in there since 10/2006. I got iTunes in April of '07.
Wartburg track and field??
Well, I'm going to see Wall-e soon. So I shall move on to happier things.