So in three days I officially leave for a most wonderful 10 day excursion to Iowa. I'M SO EXCITED I COULD BURST!!!
Included in this trip are things like jet skiing and coffee place visiting and shirt making and bbq place visiting and Sarah visiting and Rachel V visiting...
And I think I'm going to explode!
And/or kill my brother. I'm pretty sure this is the most annoying he's ever managed to be. Ever. =P
I've started my list of things to pack, and later on today will start laundry/the digging out of my suitcase. I'll probably start actually packing stuff tomorrow, and leave most of it for Wednesday since I'll need something to occupy myself with.
I'm also really excited because there's this book I've been eyeballing at Border's recently called "A Mango Shaped Space," about this girl with a condition that causes her to apply colors to different things (numbers, letters, sounds), including her cat that she names Mango. Mango becomes her "best friend" of sorts, and it's about her attachment with the cat and how Mango helps her cope with being so different from everyone else. So. I've been eyeballing it at the bookstore, but have been very reluctant in buying it since I'm next to broke and don't need to spend the money. And it turns out that the library has it!! =D Yay!
Did I mention my excitement for Thursday?
In other news. My summer class is one class away from being over with forever. HUZZAH!!!! Two and a half more hours of off topic discussions and boredom and then never again!! =D
...and one 6 page paper I still need to type. But that's a different story. =P
And I found a replacement floor lamp that's identical to the one I lost in storage earlier this summer, and it arrived today! Yay! =]
What else has been going on.
I got a second piercing in my left earlobe. Which is healing quite nicely so far. And I did something I haven't done in five years (almost exactly five years)...changed the earring in my cartilage piercing. =] So far it's accepted the new earring quite nicely...a far cry from the last time I attempted a different earring there and it decided to be infected for a good two weeks. I think the fact that it's now *completely* healed has something to do with it...
This past weekend was mommy/Rachel weekend, since the boys were at the races for three nights in a row. And it was a lot of fun. There was Chinese and Italian food, movie watching and some shopping =D We watched Magorium's Wonder Emporium, which was amazing, and The Number 23, and that was spectacular! Though a little too wristy for my liking. =P (do they *really* need to show slit wrists? have people write things on their wrists? show scars on wrists? =[ )
Have I mentioned how annoying my brother is? I think one of the happier parts of the vacation is a ten day break from Nathan-y annoyance. =P Eleven counting traveling days.
I think that's about all I've got.
Exciting past twelve days, no? =]
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