
From the blog of the Sarah. (Just the picture...)
'Tis Waverly right now.
'Tis a flood.
The bridge closest to the bottom is along the bike trail, the bridge further up is Bremer Rd. which is the main street in town (equivalent to NL's Route 30 with all the businesses and traffic and such, just smaller).
Wartburg is off to the left and not in the picture.
As far as storage...I'm screwed. It's flooded.
Things I have definitely lost (there's no way they made it) include a $200+ fridge and my floor lamp.
Things I have the potential to lose include my printer (stored in a cardboard box), desk lamp, ladder for ease of climbing to top bunk beds, theory books (about $210 total), history books ($185), amazing Hogwarts 9 3/4 sign (I think I would cry if that died) and anything else that went in there that I'm forgetting about. Along with some small things, like desk supplies and a water heater.
I feel really bad for my suitey Melissa, who only takes home her summer wardrobe and whatever fits in here carry on...she's got more than Larisa and I combined in there right now. Stuff like winter clothes, jackets, bedding, a printer, computer speakers, DVDs, a chair...two chairs...the list could go on for a while.
But. It could be a hell of a lot worse, and the little I could lose is very easily replaced. It would have been...interesting to say the very least if this happened at the end of May when everyone was trying to get home.
Cresting is supposed to happen Saturday at about sixteen feet. Flood stage is 11.
Right now I am very glad I'm in well as really hoping (crossing my fingers, a couple of prayers) that everything works out for IA. It's weird to be out here and completely unscathed but know a ton of people out there that are going through that...and to look at the pictures of Waverly...
Blasted rain.
In other news, traffic was a picnic. It took me an hour and ten minutes to get home from class today when it normally takes me less than forty. All because some potholes were being fixed on Route 30. =P
Ah well. It could always be worse.
And now I'm off to turn in a little early...
Sarah and I discussed it and have decided that your 'Platform 9 3/4' sign should be fine because it is made of wood.
Proof that God loves you, and Harry Potter.
Love you!
~Rachel V
I remember you mentioning that it rained on your loft on the way home last year because your loft was wood and it soaked up the water and the wood warped and it died.
My sign wasn't rained on, it was completely submerged. With very gross germy flood water with some sewage floating about in it.
If it got died...and I doubt it didn't because we had four feet of water in our storage...
I'm just assuming everything died right now.
BUT. My mom said she'd replace it along with everything else I lost. Where did you guys find it?
*HUGS* back!
But my loft wood was crappy unfinished unvarnished wood! Your sign could still be ok!!
I THINK sarah ordered it off Amazon, but I would double check. She may have gotten it from the Harry Potter website or something....
~Rae V
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