Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Strange Dream...

So I had this dream last night.
It started out with the marriage of Greenlee from my soap opera and Kristina from Grey's Anatomy. Neither one is a lesbian on the shows, nor were they in my dream, but they decided to get married nonetheless.
Right after the wedding they got into a huge fight but then agreed that they were very happy to be married later on.
Then I was on campus and it was next year. I was Sarah's (not illegal) roomy. We were out at a sort of party (more like dinner at a restaurant) and it was still the start of the schoolyear, so I wasn't 21 quite yet. A couple of people we were with started having shots, and Rachel V started freaking out because I was there and underage (even if only by a week). So she acted like I was 10 and she was my mother and started telling everyone off for drinking around me while covering my eyes so I couldn't see what was going on (dream me was very much annoyed while real me thinks that was hysterical...). Afterwards, we headed back to our dorm, but I stopped to talk to Laura Blair along the way (even though she would have been graduated by that point...). When I got back we were washing up to go to bed, but Sarah wanted to try and watch a movie with us Rachels, and I was very very excited since we hadn't done that in a very long time (it already feels like forever), except I went to take a cat nap while they were finishing getting their pajamas on and ended up sleeping through it.
Then there was something about me going home with Sarah for the entirety of Christmas break. I don't remember all of it, but it involved being at some kind of barn (Sarah doesn't live on a farm, fyi, but that's what my dream was...) and her mom had a bunch of questions to ask me about a choir concert. Then there was something about driving back and forth to Wartburg and it involved driving along this really creepy, abandoned/uncared for street that I'm pretty sure has appeared in other dreams of mine before since it looked kind of familiar. There was also something about an actual choir concert and me driving back to Wartburg with Tork.
Then my brother was really little again and my mom had to buy him some shoes, so we went to the Disney store (even though I kept telling her they would be really expensive there). I wandered up to the girl's section where I was trying to find a really cute/cheap shirt. I ended up running into a long lost aunt and uncle who I've never met before up there.
And then my alarm went up.


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