Amazingly fun and happy times!
So I am pretty much having a fantabulous time right now.
Recap! =]
Friday afternoon Sarah and I got the supplies needed to make our glorious Potter for president shirts that we're wearing on election day =] Then we met up with Jessica for lunch. After that Sarah had to go to work for a few hours, so I chilled. When she got back we ordered pizza and watched Doctor Who (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), then Jessica came over and we watched America's Got Talent, which was actually pretty good. =]After that we started designing and planning out the shirts. And by we, I mean Sarah went at it in Paint while asking me about my preferences, with me being very much tired and bordering was rather amusing.
Saturday! We got an early start to the day by going out to Cabin Coffee. I got a Twister, which is espresso, dark chocolate, white chocolate, vanilla and caramel blended up like a frappuccino. It was really good and I was wide a awake for quite a while afterwards. =D Then I got an official tour of Clear Lake, where apparently a lot of buildings that "used to be there" met the same fate-they burned down. And by a lot, I mean all but maybe one. Then we did a small amount of car shopping (test driving-woot), and on the way back stopped at a farm stand and got some sweet corn. We continued with shirt designs after getting back, along with corn cooking and eating. Funny thing: when Sarah had a rather nice mouthful of corn, I said something funny. She started laughing but was trying to stop, then said something about "laughing corn" and actually laughed corn out on the table. It was pretty much hilarious. I think my funny comment had something to do with my inadvertent over salting of my corn, which caused me to make a very funny face. =]Later on we went to the Barrel for dinner, which was really good! There was a rather hilarious misunderstanding there, too. Sarah kept mentioning their homemade cheeseballs. Cheeseballs to me are like Cheetos, in ball form, so that's what I thought she meant. When we ordered, I ordered my own thing of them...then she informed me that she was planning on getting one and we'd split it. I said the extras could be used as snacks later on, and she informed me they were best when warm. It was then she told me that they are literally fried balls of cheese, not cheese puffs. My shock led to me laughing to the point of crying and was a pretty good misunderstanding. =] Lol. After that small fiasco, we tried to go to the outdoor band concert, but it got rained out, so we chilled at home instead [I mean Sarah's home, I didn't realize I typed that until my proof read...].
Sunday! We went swimming! And it was loads of fun! We got floaty rafts and had to blow them up ourselves without the aide of a pump, so that took a while. Then we were in the water for a couple of hours, and the whole time was pretty much knocking each other off of the rafts. It occurred quite frequently for me, since I weigh about as much as the raft and flip easily, but it was hard for me to get Sarah back since she had a harder time getting on hers easily and wasn't on it very much. I succeeded a couple of times. =D Then we headed back, had some ice cream, continued work on the shirts and made a rather *amazing* avocado feta salsa with Jessica, which was really really good! And we saw Dark Knight!!
THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D The plot was great, the music was Hans Zimmer (he speaks for himself there), and Chicago looked glorious. In fact, there was a huge scene that occurred on the street right in front of the LaSalle train station I use to get there. And they used actual road names (Randolf, Cicero). =D=D I was excited in a slightly dorky way. =]
And today we mostly chilled. Daniel was in a short play put on by the library drama group, and we saw that. It was very good. =] And there was more test driving. And my first Perkin's run ever! They don't have those in IL. So now, after living in Iowa for about 18 months total, I have gone to one. It's just a little breakfasty restaurant place, a lot like Denny's, except it's called Perkin's.
I'm not sure about what else is going on over the rest of the week, aside from shirt making, but seeing as how the past four days have been pretty much amazing I'm sure the rest of the week will continue at this happy pace. =D
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