Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tip of the day

When you have foamy hand sanitizer on your hands and you want to clap them together just to goof off, make sure you shut your eyes first. A nice gob of that hand sanitizer is really, really painful when it flies into your eye before a four hour shift and there's nothing you can really do about it. Especailly if there's a contact in that eye. It's kind of ouch inducing.
Now to scrub some dried ketchup off my elbow from goodness knows how long ago and goodness knows who's plate...

Monday, January 29, 2007

slightly negative.

But oh well. It hasn't been the...calmest of evenings.
I just got back from practicing.
I have to know my minor natural/harmonic AND melodic scales, allll of them, **extended** for Wednesday. It took me forty five minutes to *kind of* maybe slightly decently play them. It's so confusing!!! The minor scale is three half steps down from the major. So the way I thought of it way back when (when I first learned them in the eighth grade) was you have B major. Three half steps down is G sharp. So, it's G sharp minor, basically the B major played starting and stopping on a G sharp. Pretty easy. I was never corrected. As things were never very technical. Now I'm expected to play them extended...up to really high B, down to low C, and back up to the starting note. Well...that's why that G sharp minor that I so lovingly latched on to [and doesn't really exist] must now become G flat minor because in a sharp key, you'd go up to a b natural while in a flat key you'd go up to a b flat...and in a sharp key it's down to the c sharp, while in the flat key it would be down to the c changes now the minor scale for B is G *flat*, and I have to figure out everything in flat instead of sharp...which is REALLY confusing. And it happens to multiple minors. I managed to fake my way through it last week as they weren't extended. But now I'm screwed. Woo hoo! I'll have to write everything out and figure it out and spend a really really long time practicing before Wed morning when I have my lesson...and a calc test in the same day...oh will this be overly exciting. :P
What's been decent today...
Dinner in the Konditerai. And they had my cheesey bread and raspberry yogurt, I got a cinnamon steamer...and a cinnamon scone... :)
Band was awesome. I loved it. We worked on Punchinello, which is a really hard piece, and it all came together really really well today :D and it was exciting.
My mom got me a texting plan (finally) as I'd been texting people on and off since...November?...without knowing that I didn't have a plan (oops...) so now that's happier.
Over the weekend, while doing origami, I found the pattern thinger for paper airplanes that works really well...Chelsea and Melissa had an idea. That I should make a ridicuously massive amount of them, write "Am I bugging you yet?" on their wings, and spend an afternoon throwing them at "the problem" (as I'm referred to now on facebook). LOL. I thought it was pretty funny.
Oh, I found out (through facebook again) that "the problem" is transferring next year. So no awkward running into her in chem classes all the time. Yay!
Annnd I should find Chelsea so I'm not studying for calc in here with the TV on and an annoyance in their reclining chair. Or travel to the lounge. Something...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I am starving.

Stupid scholarship weekends. Nothing's open until two. No happy Sunday brunch. Blarrgh. So I'm breaking my supposed no-more-using-of-the-points until spring campaign (I only have 18 left)...I NEED food...only one more hour until the Konditerai is open...helllo steamer! Woo!
*waits impatiently*
Chelsea and I have decided to study abroad one term. Melissa's minoring in French, so she HAS to, so Chelsea and I are thinking of going to England while Melissa is in France...probably in our third year, definetly fall term as if you go in the spring/winterish you have to go until the end of June pretty much anywhere. We started looking at Oxford, but you need a 3.6 to get in and that's kind of a it's not so close to London. Cambridge, to my dismay, isn't included in the program. Which is where I would LOVE to go...maybe grad school (in my dreams, probably..). We found Royal Holloway, which is 19 miles outside of London and is really good in the sciences *plus* has a good music program (British band...*dies*). Plus you only need a 3.0 to get in. :D Hopefully that plan works out.
Current temp: 5. Wind chill: -6. High for the day: 8. Joyful midwest winters...last night it reached -21...
I'm feeling motivated today. After food, I am studying my rear end off...I say after food because when completely on E, I don't function. At all. It's a guaranteed book throwing contest. Especailly if I have calc to do.
Last night was AMAZING. Chelsea, Larisa, Melissa and We started out getting Chelsea hooked on Grey's by showing episode numero uno (Melissa's a hopeless case. She hates it.). Then, Larisa left to go to bed and Melissa, Chelsea and Melissa had a day by day origami calendar she pretty much annhilated, and gave Chelsea and I the patterns she didn't want. I found the most amazing airplane one...these things seriously fly allllll the way across rooms...and made us one and myself two and Nate one. Melissa named hers "the Smike" and spent the entire night throwing it and chasing it...and by chasing it I mean waddling after it like a kid while laughing manically (LOL). Chelsea tried to make a tulip. Which frustrated her to the point of throwing it. Melissa and I had plane throwing contests in the hallway, which caused our neighbors to stare blankly at us. Then Chelsea and I had sliding contests because we had rather slippery socks on alll up and down the hallway until we were out of breath. Then we all visited the vending machines and had more junk food than was necessary. We watched Moulin Rouge and then the Notebook. And it was awesome. I had tears of laughter in my eyes all night.
And life is awesome. Forty minutes until food...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

*yawn* laziness is nice. and a nuisance. all in one.

My mood has improved greatly. Stupid hormones. As has the ouch factor. Again, stupid hormones.
Highlight from work this week: going to mop with Melissa and, while waiting in the back for the bucket of soap to be filled, doing Gandalf impressions with our mops (YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!! ...somehow Gandalf isn't as impressive with a mop...) and then just standing there singing Duel of the Fates while a bunch of other people were walking by. :D
Last night was pretty dull. It was band movie night, where there's a movie in the band room (where else?) and band people go watch. It was Pirates one. And it really was kind of boring...the movie was good, but there were only five people there counting myself. Melissa ended up not going for some odd reason and Sarah's at home, so I shared a blanket with my stand partner, Sonia, and that was fun...but Sarah...we HAVE to recreate it!! And have more fun with it! This was just lights off, quiet, stay on your blankets movie watching...I was in more of a goofing off with the movie type of mood.
My scarf is within six inches of being done, and I am EXCITED!!!
Dinner last night was kind of interesting. I ate with Larisa, Melissa, Chelsea and Jessie, and when I sat down Melissa and Jessie were in a deep conversation about how much they despise Hilary Clinton and such...which I don't like her at all, but I was on tenterhooks for a few minutes there as everyone else at the table are very conservative and I'm very liberal...I respect other's opinions and all, I just don't do well with political conversation in certain topics where others' views are opposite of mine, and I had no idea how far into the topic they'd be getting. Thankfully it stayed on Hilary and not on separate views...there was one comment that recquired some tongue biting on my part, though, when Melissa said she doesn't think we really *need* a woman president...that was a tough moment to just say I still strongly believe that we COULD use a woman president, and agree with Rachel T's statement completely: Look at how messed up our country is. We've only had men as leaders. Or something to that effect...she worded it a LOT better than that. Yeah. Leaving this topic.
Um...that's pretty much been life as of late. Nothing too exciting.
Today I'm rearranging my closet. It appears messy even when it's really not and it's starting to bother me. And studying some.
It's FREEZING outside. The current temp is 23, but wind chill is 7, and it's supposed to get down to -20 ish tonight. Brrrrr.
I think I'm going to put in DaVinci code for background noise and start rearranging junk...get something started...then probably nap, as I'm still tired...then study.
OH I last thing...tonight Melissa, Chelsea and I are working on our wonderous amazement, "RING!", a musical parody of LOTR. We hope to have the full version done by our third year, maybe a little into the fourth, and a shorter version on youtube sometime next year. And it's awesome. We're starting on the script for the Fellowship end of it tonight, we only have the parts we're including written down so far. It's gonna be awesome. And that's all I'll say for now :D

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Either yesterday (the 23rd) or Friday (the 26th) was/will be exactly twelve years that my mom has been cancer free :D
And I am both proud and excited. As well as determined to finish that scarf for next week!

Monday, January 22, 2007

countdown strikes back

100 days til NYC!!!!!!
It's a milestone!!!
I want to dance in circles with a certain NY buddy...but had to go to bed.
I'll attack you at band. I promise. :)
100 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007


*continues screaming*

Saturday, January 20, 2007


SNOW ADVISORY!!!!! For tomorrow from 3am til 7pm!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D Three to four inches are expected...and that's how much we have on the ground now...WOO HOO!!!
I had a breakthrough last night. I dreamed about Sarah and it wasn't depressing at all. It started out as Melissa and Larisa at my house for one of the breaks. Halfway through, Chelsea showed up. Then I had this band performance with L-W alumni and my little band sister (who isn't an alumni...) and that was entertaining. Though I'm not completely sure as to why...*Then* we were all back at Wartburg (I seriously almost typed Hogwarts there...) and we were figuring out housing situations and Melissa, Chelsea and I were going to live in Founder's. It said on Sarah's blog that she was going to be in Clinton 616 with some Abbey person no one else knew, and the next time I saw her I said that she should room with Chelsea and Melissa and I so we could get an actual suite. *Then* it switched again and Leah was trying to get me to join the chorus she and Sarah were in and she wouldn't let me leave their room until I said I would.
That's about all I remember. But this is the third time I've ever had Sarah appear in one of my dreams, and the other two were thoroughly depressing and unhappy. So this was exciting.
I've got a buttload of homework to do...mostly today, as I'm working and have group work w/ calc to do tomorrow. Arrrgh.
And I'm going to a Skillet concert on Tuesday!!! It was finalized yesterday. In Cedar Rapids, with Melissa and Larisa and Andrew, one of Larisa's guy friends, driving. I'm excited!!!!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007


Life has become a little crazy...
I start working in the Mensa on Sunday from 11-2. Then on Tues from 11-3, Thurs 1015-1245 and Fri 730-10am, I'm on weekend #2 (however that works...I think it's every third weekend...) Sat and Sun 11-2.
Not to shabby compared to my *previous* job.
Homework is coming to get me. I've got a lot of catching up to do...I haven't been studying for stuff as much as I should be...that'll be joyous.
yeah that's life at the moment. Not too exciting.
Oh chem lab was pretty exciting. Not out to get me at all, I actually LOVED it...we have 39 labeled chemicals, and for the next two labs we'll be finding different ways of indentifying them, and on the third lab we'll be given ten, unlabeled at random and have to figure out what they are. It's just "let's add this to this one and see what they do..." and it's awesome. :D :D :D
February third is coming...!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Monday is officially 100 days 'til NY.
There will be massive celebrating.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

70%...that seems a bit low...

B l O n d t e s t
1. [x] You have choked on your water before.
2. [x] You have tripped down the stairs before.
3. [ ] You didn't know how to read until 3rd grade.
4. [x] You have pushed a door the wrong way.
5. [x] You have walked into a wall.
6. [x] You have fallen going UP the stairs.
7. [x] You have jumped off something.
8. [x] You have been shocked.
9. [x] You have put metal in the microwave.
10. [x] Right after a commercial comes on you have forgotten the show you were watching. [i think once or twice the show...nine times out of ten, what just happened...]
11. [x] You have forgotten something that someone said.
12. [] Your friends call you blonde a lot.
13. [x] You barely ever understand stuff/jokes.
14. [x] You have been bleeding and not even noticed it.
15. [] You have worn something backwards/ in side out the whole day.
16. [] You have stuck a fork in a toaster before.
17. [] You have played with fire.
18. [x] You have burned something because you forgot about it.
19. [] You've stepped on a flat iron/ curling iron.
20. [x] You had to write this down or use a calculator or use your fingers to figure out your answer.
after you finish this multiply by 5
additions of my own.
*having to argue with people that your hair is, indeed, blonde.
*not realizing it's brass only day...for a long time.
*taking a full half hour to understand the simplest joke ever. (tour guide: and what did they [some member of the kennedy family] name their daughter, does anyone know? sandy: barbie. me: giggles. ::thirty minutes later:: me: BURSTS out in hysterics sandy: what?? me: (in between laughs) barbie...kennedy...HAHAHAHA sandy: *blank stare* i thought you got that a half hour ago...) (inaugural parade, junior year, DC)
*spelling homemade "homade" and not realizing the negative connotation until your dad makes a joke about it fifteen minutes later...
*having chocolate ice cream stuck in your nose all day.
*launching your glasses alllll the way across the gym in the eighth grade with a badmintion accidentally hitting the back of your ear
*spelling your name rachel dachel at the age of six
*making really stupid mistakes. (while trying to find a popcorn bowl.... sarah: why don't you just use the green one? me: it's too big... sarah: ::blank stare:: ...why...does it matter?)
*killing a bug with a flyswatter involves jumping, being timid, and flying back while squealing when you flick it off of the carpet and it flies at you...
*putting your flute up in band at practice in parade block and having the end of it launch itself across the parking lot
*causing pile ups in the field show
yeah...there's more where that came from...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Walmart run today! Woo! I got some pink yarn to make my mom a scarf for her birthday *and* twelve cancer free years :) I'm pretty excited to get it going.
And I found the best excercise invention known to mankind. Huge exercise balls. Or, a ball. Big enough to sit on, it's replaced my desk chair at the moment! It stays wobbly, so while you're sitting on it you're using muscles to stay balanced w/o realizing it :D I love it.
And other boring necessities. Decaffienated tea among them. Raspberry flavored :D
There's still snow on the ground. Lots of it. And it's exciting. :D
My momma made hotel reservations for the third :D :D :D so she'll be here for the concert!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not be more excited!!!!! (that means eedspay on the arfscay, the third isn't so far off)
Roomate junk hasn't improved. I've caught a few glances since I came in here ten minutes ago. But you know what? Tough shit. It's my room too, I'm not running off every single time she's in here. So there. Deal with my presence. Or it's gonna suck for her 'cause I don't care anymore.
Melissa wrote out the music to "Duel of the Fates" from Star Wars one today and we played it and it ROCKED. Very exciting. :D
Such was a day in the life of a Rachel.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Facebook poke wars are intensely amusing when you're both online and keep poking each other every five*this is the pokewar that never ends...*
In other news, there's still snow. And it's still snowing a little :D EXCITEMENT!!! There should be a lot of it since it hasn't stopped started...yesterday evening :)
( know you're a science nerd when you accidentally type u instead of y in "yay" and the first thought that comes to mind is "DNA sequence!!")
[EDIT] that would be an RNA sequence, not DNA. I forgot that DNA uses T (thymine) while RNA uses U (uracil) instead. Thanks for reminding me, Chelsea!! [/EDIT]
*But* on to getting ready for class. blech.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


IT'S SNOWING!!!! There's at least two inches on the ground and it's nowhere near done yet...SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Yesterday was pretty much amazing. Melissa, Chelsea and I marathoned all three LOTR extended versions. 13.5 hours of LOTR. wOOt!!! It was awesome and it only made me want to see them *again* :) And read the books. I made it through The Hobbit and Fellowship, but thanks to school I couldn't start on Two Towers for several months, and by that point I had forgotten Fellowship so much I really couldn't understand any of it. So I decided that I'd read them all in a row at some point...but I haven't gotten there I should this summer.
Kari's just...being Kari...nothing's really changed. Nor is it going to. Blech. I still can't wait 'til next year...
Annnnd that is my life.
OH! Pirates three posters are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D
MAY 25TH....I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

how to lose a roomate in ten minutes

plotting. mwa hahaha. *giggles*
*Put a banana under their mattress. When it starts rotting and smelling, feign ignorance and suggest looking in all the wrong places.
*Use their trash can.
*Finish their shampoo/nail polish remover/whatever and claim you thought it was yours when they notice.
*Eat all of their food. Put the wrappers and empty boxes back.
*Choose to defrost the freezer randomly when they're not around. Take out their food and let it go bad. Put it back in when done.
*If others call/IM them when gone, start an incredibly awkward conversation with the person.
*Wear their jewelry or clothes without asking.
*Put their DVDs in the wrong cases. All of them.
*Explode something in their microwave and don't clean it up.
*Buy an exercise ball and bounce on it all day while staring at the wall and acknowledging nothing.
*Start using their perfume. While they're in the same room.
*Turn the lights on when you get up for your 745 class and they have all day to sleep in.
*Sing along to any instrumental song *badly* allll day. The same song. And very, very loudly.
*Buy the worst smelling candle you can find and burn it for a solid week.
*Play O Fortuna and sing along with the latin words loudly and badly when you don't even speak Latin.
*Have very loud and repetitive phone conversations at one AM.
*Start using their computer at random. When yours is working and across the room. And they're standing right there.

As I think of more I'll add them.
And a word of advice:
DO NOT write on a friend's wall over Christmas break "It's great to have a break from my crazy roomate!" when that friend goes to Wartburg and there's a chance your roomate (alias ME) will see it.
Yeah. It's not exactly the friendliest of things to do. And that's putting it mildly.
How idiotic can you get!?!?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Wow...I think that's the longest I've gone without updating...
Life's pretty good here.
THE FRAY IS TONIGHT!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
And I'm missing part of French for it...:D
AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
Calculus is officially going to kick my butt. It's here to replace the woes of religion.
I'm trying not to complain about it too much...cause I think I went overboard with the complaining last term...but it does stink monkey butt.
I could hardly do the first assignment.
And French is interesting, too. There's no pronounciation guides or anything. Just the prof saying things and expecting it to stick in our minds after the second time. Thank goodness For Melissa, who is most likely going to minor in it. She's been helping me :)
Psychology is going to be the best class ever. I can already tell. The prof is *amazing* and hilarious and I'm intensly excited. And our books have the Chicago bean on them!!!!! :D
What else has been happening...I saw Ice Age last night. And I LOVE it. It was pretty much amazing.
I think that's really all the interesting stuff.
I just need to get off my butt and work a little harder. :P
Eh...I'll live....
Now for a shower and an attempt at the rest of calc.
Stress on attempt.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

really quick...

I've wasted a *ton* of energy keeping my computer on alll day, whether or not I was in front of it, so I'm going to start putting it to sleep when I'm going to be away. This doesn't mean I'm unreachable/asleep/busy, just that I'm not sitting in front of the screen. Soo if I'm needed but not signed in, just call. If I'm up/not in class, I'll answer.
No need to worry about class/sleep schedules. If I'm somewhere where a ringing phone would cause an awkward situation, I'll have the volume off. And if I don't that's my own fault.
*just so you know*

I'm baaack!!!

Here. Back on campus. Woo!!!
It is happy.
It feels like I never really left.
Kristina's here, too :)
And life is great.
I'm actually going to bed soon.
Everyone else is. And I'm really really tired thanks to my four or so hours of sleep last night. So bed is very welcome right now.
I still can't believe I'll be in class again tomorrow...

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I. Want. To. Be. At. School.
My mom and brother are having a rather loud arguement in the hallway...something about my brother not doing something, and my mom repeatedly saying "I'm sick of this!" I can't hear the rest thanks to my music.
I don't like arguments.
At all.
Even just listening.
Now my mom is venting about whatever it is to my dad.
She'll be venting to me later on while we're shopping.
*taps calendar*
Tomorrow....just hurry up...
Oh. And I had what was quite possibly the most depressing dream ever last night.
I dreamt that my Sarah died. And all these things that she would find amusing kept happening to me, but I couldn't tell her 'cause she wasn't there.
And it was a really unhappy dream.
So buddies:
It makes people sad.
That is all.


I know I promised a blog dedicated to the wonders that were Wednesday...but I think that the facebook album covers it.
:D fun. FUN.
I spent some quality time with Megan, frozen hot chocolate (which is a GOD), chocolate chip cookies and non cackling jigsaw pieces :D and AMC...of course...
It was great.
Then it was supposed to be my special dinner out 'cause I'm leaving...*gasp* tomorrow, actually. But as soon as we got into the resuraunt (Italian, btw, and we'd never been there before), past the wait for a table with our drinks and menus and *everything* my brother decides that THEN was the perfect time to admit to having a head splitting headache and that he couldn't handle being in there any longer.
He's fine now. It was just 'cause he had hardly anything to eat today.
So we ended up getting take out from Little Joe's instead. Which was good. I was just rather frustrated while at the resturaunt.
Annnd such is a day in the life of a Rachel.
for i am tired...

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Last night was amazing.
Wonderful and great.
I'll dedicate an entire post to it later :D
It did make me think...not so good thoughts...not happy...
I'll probably have to vent those, too, but I don't know how much I want those as a blog...
Moving along...
I just got back from the eye doctor.
Not too shabby.
My right eye got a little teeny worse, so now it's the same prescription as my left.
I'm wearing the new contacts but the screen is rather blurry...and I'm only nearsighted, it shouldn't bother me.....maybe one of them moved....I hope...
*uh oh*
My astigmatism has temporarily disappeared.
I just wish it would make up its mind. Two years ago it was equal to the nearsightedness, then it was just less, now it's nonexistent. What's next...full blown? And why can it change??? It involves the *shape* of the eye...
*shrugs* alllrighty then.
What esle...
Kristina's definetly coming back to Wartburg with me...YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That will be awesome.
Oh great...the computer screen got a little clearer after I messed with my left contact, but I can hardly see across the room with my left eye. Right is fine. Left is solid fuzz. Even after screwing with the contact.
I can't read my books on my bookshelf across the room. And my room isn't that big.
Oh!!! Mass excitement!!!
Found at JC Penney. The mall by my aunt didn't have an AE. First pair I tried, too. They have a pink sparkly belt and pink butterflies on the back pockets :D
I still have money left over, too.
Now deciding I go back to Kohl's and grab some of the sweaters I put back last time because I thought I wouldn't have enough for the jeans? Get the yarn to start a blanket for my aunt and uncle next Christmas? Save the money? hmmmm....I do love shopping. And I always feel like I could use more shirts. Kohls has some amazing clearance racks right now. But then I'd be essentially broke.
...but I am getting a job at school...
idk. I do have a few days. Stress on a few, but there is a little bit of time.
I think that's all of the new stuff in my life at the moment.
At least the stuff that didn't happen yesterday :D
Probably more later....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Not a whole lot happened today...
De-Christmasing is in full swing. All trees in this house are ornament-less.
I have these mini Harry Potter ornaments, and as I was putting them away, Ron's head popped off, so I was a little sad about that, but I can try and glue it back on.
I collect the Holiday Barbie ornaments, and I have every one ever made....the total count is up to 14 now :D Next Christmas I'll finally have 15! Woo! (Even though this year's was seriously the ugliest thing I've ever laid eyes on...gotta keep the collection going...)
I found two more candles to add to my small collection for my candle I'm up to four (watermelon, strawberries and cream, vanilla and raspberry, though I think the raspberry one's staying home, it doesn't have a lid and it's glass and really cute I don't want to kill it). Thank goodness for moms with waaaaay too many candles to keep :D
Oh...gross moment of the bro was eating a fruit roll up, takes a bite and when his hand with the remaining fruit roll up in it is just far enough from his face to see it, he goes "Hey cool!! My tooth came out!" And there it was...stuck in the fruit roll up...ewwwww.
Tomorrow's withdrawal day. I'm spending the night at my aunt's, and she doesn't have internet. We're leaving at 10 AM and won't be back til Thurs afternoon. It's gonna be difficult to not be able to check anything for more than 24 hours...that'll be the longest I've gone since school started. But it'll be fun.
Kristina and I got more figured out for her visiting :D and I'm really excited. Only one step left: her calling admissions, and that's tomorrow. But, sadly, I won't be able to go back with Larisa, as she's leaving Sat. morning and there's no way I'll be ready by then, so it's me, Kristina and my dad for five hours...ugh. It'll be fun to at least have Kristina, but my dad really doesn't talk a lot, so it tends to get kinda boring that way, and Larisa is very amusing/outgoing. I was really looking forward to going with Larisa. Oh well...
That's about all that's been happening in my life as of late
I'm ready to go back to school now. Earlier I was just wishing for break to be longer, but I'm really excited to see everyone again. And be away from parents who are on your case about things like you're five. Well, my dad at least. And away from twelve year old brothers who act like they're five. I love my brother...just in really small doses.
Now to go enjoy my last few hours on the computer for more than a day... *tear*

Monday, January 01, 2007


Everyone seems to have their one friend. Their one mutual friendship that they value above all others.
I wish I had that.
I've got close friends. Eight of them.
And some friendships I put more value on than others...
But that never really seems to be returned. That person usually has another friendship they openly value more than mine...
Which is fine and all...
I think I've recently found that really close friend...
I think.
But I can't be sure.
It's a friendship I've had for a long time now...and we recently realized some similarities (myspace blogs and messaging and such).
I hope I've found that friendship...
Just some random thoughts.
Oh...and now I of my myspace blogs from long ago, that's not quite there person read it, I think...I'm thinking I was right. Completely right.
I saw it coming. I knew it somehow, over the summer when it was full blown and during senior year when it started...
But now that my previous thoughts are confirmed...I'm feeling a little more left out, a little more shoved aside. But trying not to let it show. Because I really do understand sometimes...
I just wish it didn't come to this.
And that's my mind at the moment.