Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Saturday, March 29, 2008


So there's this really awesome thing. Where several colleges are participating in intercollegiate Quidditch. All the normal rules of Quidditch still apply, people just run around instead of flying. And the Snitch is someone who runs all over the field all crazy like. And it looks really cool and exciting and amazing and such.
And guess what?
It just started a couple of weeks ago.
And today is our first scrimmage.
I'm so excited.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Something to look forward to...

So next year I'll be rooming with a certain Sarah S.
We've started the whole who's-bringing-what deal a little.
And I am very very much excited.
That's gonna be happy.
In other news, heartburn is no fun. It needs to go away completely and stop lingering.
And homework is not a good time.
Is it bedtime yet?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

(I literally jumped up, squealed and ran in circles when I first read this...!!!!!!!)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

It's a holiday...

Happy Easter to everyone!
May your chocolate bunnies not be hollow and your peeps extra fluffy and sugary!
Hopefully church was a happy experience this morning!
...'cause...well...I sent out a mass text message to people I hadn't already wished a happy Easter to, and was wondering why *no one* had texted me back after an hour had gone by...
Then my mom reminded me that people of the non-heathen Christian variety usually, ahem, go to church.
I = intelligent...
That's my story.
An actual update shall appear later! First I must shower and partake in the manicotti making festivities! Huzzah!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Run out was a lot of fun this weekend.
We went to Edgewood IA and played in the Catholic church there Saturday evening and then stayed over night with various peoples.
The concert went pretty well as a group. For me, it sucked...I could not get in tune to save my life (especially in the very quiet songs) and there were a few things I messed up...I actually think that it's rather funny. During CWW we played in a Lutheran church and that was one of the best concerts I've ever given...we go to a Catholic one, and I's either a sign or a really odd coincidence, but I am rather amused either way. Haha. =]
Out home stay was a lot of fun. Mallory, Kat and I stayed with Jess's grandmother...who was a very sweet lady. Who was also incredibly concerned with how much we'd had to eat. We got there and were offered pop, then snacks but we weren't particularly hungry. So she kept asking us if we were sure we didn't want any chips or anything, then laid them out before she went to sleep "just in case." A little while later, she came back out and asked if we liked candy and set a bowl of that out as well. And in the morning we didn't have enough time for breakfast before church, which greatly distressed her...seriously...she was concerned. It was cute. =]
And the S word is no longer what you might think it's "snow." *tee hee*
Not a whole lot else has happened. I get to talk to my maintenance manager tomorrow morning, which will be interesting. My mom has warned me a few times now to keep a level head and stay really calm, but we'll see...if I'm snapped at, I'm not going to stay quiet. It all depends on her reaction.
I was really hungry when I got back (there wasn't a vegetarian option for either meal) so I got a shake at the Den and my stomach did not like it very much. It's not like it's upset, it's just not happy nor is it going to be for a little while...milk has been bothering me for some odd reason lately, and I'm not sure why. I noticed it over break...I can't really have a huge glass of it anymore, particularly when I'm stressed and my stomach is being ridiculous to begin it possible to develop an intolerance later on in life? 'Cause I'm not sure why it's bothering me, it never has before...I kind of hope not...Idk.
I should travel off to the wonderful world of homeworkness. It's a party. Hopefully my partner in homework crime will be in this here library soonish...
Listening logs= =P
...I have ED 100 homework. A huge take home test due tomorrow. I forgot about that...
Well, I should probalby get started on that one as it's due times...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Moment to breathe...

Life is a little better. The music history test is out of the way. HUZZAH! That's a HUGE load off of my mind.
Now it's just time to catch up on everything that's due next week that I haven't had time for.
...After I clean my room, of course.
Today was pay day. And I definitely was NOT paid for the week and a half that I was in maintenance during February. So on Monday I'm going in to see what the crap is going on. First to my manager, and if that doesn't do anything I'll figure out who else to go to (because I have absolutely no idea who the supervisors are and such). I'll ask around if I have to, there's gotta be a way to figure it out.
Argh. Stupidness.
I've been listening to the season 3 Doctor Who soundtrack and found 2-3 songs that would work PERFECTLY for a field show...then Sarah pointed one out that would add some interest to the drum solo...oh goodness. I'm a nerd. I've figured out, or at least been picturing, different parts of the drill and ways to arrange the music and guard uniforms and stuff like that...I think I would die of happiness if I got to march this show. I'm pretty excited, and I may use it in the far distant future if/when I end up directing a high school marching band. Because it would be *amazing*. The music is awesome and I like the concept. It just really needs a name...something more creative than just "Doctor Who." Something that's darker, that sounds cool when the announcer dude announces it at how Altered State sounded senior year...
I saw a cheestastic version of Beauty and the Beast last night that was...the most amusing thing ever. Ever ever. I laughed so freaking hard. It wasn't the Disney version, and their special effects consisted of a fog machine. It was just all around strange and hilarious. I think the most hilarious part was the Beast. They obviously got the costume from somewhere that makes high school mascot costumes, because he looked like a very happy lion. Yeah. Lol.
And tonight...board games for a couple hours, possibly one other thing...timing shall tell. I'm excited. Chill time at the end of an impossibly long week filled with much stress and freaking out.
I survived!!! HUZZAH!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So I went to field experience today...and instead of my normal observing/doing paperwork-ness I got to teach!
Three lessons, 20 minutes each!
And it was awesome!
They were flutes. I had a blast. =D
It's a really happy feeling to know that I'm doing the right thing...
In other news, it is WARM today!!! It feels like 26 and is 33!!!!!!!!!!!!! *EXCITEMENT!* Things are starting to melt...and life is happy. =D

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Back at School...

So I got back last night.
Larisa has a car this term, so we've been going together, and she had to go to driving school yesterday to be cleared of a speeding ticket. Driving school happened to be the halfway point between home and school, so it was pointless for her to go on Saturday, go back home and then drive all the way to the Burg with me on Sunday, so I went with yesterday. Driving school is rather boring. I got to sit in the back of the class since there was nowhere else for me to go (we were in a town with a population of 700, the size of my graduating class...). It's pretty much all of driver's ed crammed into four hours. I read HP7 and in the 3.5 hours we were there got through 226 pages. =D For dinner we went to an A&W in Dubuque and it was amazing. My hot dog, for whatever reason, was spicy (like the ones from the NY street vendors), the cheese fries were stellar (and artery clogging) and our root beer was in freezing cold mugs. In fact, they were so cold, the root beer started to freeze a little and turned into slush. We sat in seats facing the window and got to watch the sun set over a large hill with some pretty was awesome. =]
I've still been having some crazy crazy dreams...
Three nights ago it revolved around me having this summer job that was three hours away from home (but I drove back and forth every day) and being married to the son of a really rich guy (it was arranged) and we were discussing when we should "seal the deal" (apparently, we hadn't yet). Also, there was a trailer for Harry Potter movie 7 from England that Rachel V found and was showing Sarah and I and everyone was kind of excited but I started literally jumping up and down and screaming and scared everyone. There was also something about going to one of those Japanese worship thingers whatever the heck they are (like in Mulan when they wanted to talk to their ancestors) to talk to my husband's father.
Then the night before last I dreamed that Wartburg had a marching band and Doc decided to announce that he was canceling it because he was tired of directing it and nobody cared besides Mallory and I, and we were ticked because we were supposed to be in the inaugural parade next year.
And last night I dreamed that I was at band practice and we were getting new music and there was an alto flute part for everything we were playing and Doc asked me to play it except the music was really confusing (rests weren't written in and the notes made no sense) so he had someone else conduct and sat by me to help me figure it out for the entirety of rehearsal. Sarah was also in band with me again (a sign for next year? 'Cause that'll happen with my dreams a lot...). But I don't know if I was in symphonic or wind ensemble in my dream...there weren't many flutes, so it might have been w.e.
Yup. That's my excitement for the past few nights.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Potentially strangest dream ever.

Last night.
I don't remember exactly how my dream started out, but it centered around a thing similar to I heart music day except lead by faculty instead of students. The main leaders were Wachmann and Survilla, and their station thing was about music theory (go figure). The day was open to both kids and adults, and Sarah's entire family was there. My duty was to pack the lunches for the day and I just had to randomly put juice boxes and such in paper bags. Somehow, Sarah's sister Philomena knew that I packed her lunch and was very excited that she got a blue juice box (apparently it was her favorite) so in between class things she wrote a huge thank you sign for me on the dry erase board. In blue. Then Sarah's brother Matthew decided to leave me a note on the dry erase board, too, though I don't remember what it said. Then everyone left the classroom for lunch and only the profs and myself were left (there were a couple more people in addition to Wachmann/Survilla, but I don't remember who...I think they're people I made up in my dream) and Wachmann was very excited because for lunch he was...
Going to go hunt something on the campus lawn.
And he had a bow and arrow and was playing around with it in the classroom. And was very, very excited about this.
Survilla kept asking him (while being VERY uncharacteristically giggly) to put it away because she was afraid it was going to go off and hurt someone.
Then everyone left the classroom and scattered for lunch. I wandered down to the basement to practice, but then I realized that I no longer had my music history folder with me. So I searched for it. And searched. And it had gone poof, gotten lost, was gone forever, so I freaked out (that part scared me because I don't know where it is, it's not here but I clearly remember packing it, so if it's not in my dorm...). So I went to Survilla's office (which was in the basement of the FAC and very very undecorated/bland) to tell her that I no longer had any of the notes/handouts for that class at all. But I had to wait because she was giving Tim Holub a voice lesson (she's not a voice teacher...). Then I finally got to go in there and when I said that my folder had disappeared she got really upset with me, snapped that I should be more responsible and told me to leave (which is also unbelievably uncharacteristic of her...serioulsy...exact opposite).
Then there was something about Wachmann showing the music majors a movie at the end of I heart music day and the one we were watching starred my fifth grade band director (who was charged with child pornography in real life) and Goldie Hawn.
What the crap?

Monday, March 03, 2008


Tentative schedule for next year...

Fall term:
9 Theory 3
1045 Conducting 1
7 pm W only 2nd 7 weeks Percussion Methods

935 Music History 2
1 Instrumental Methods 5-12

Winter Term:
745 Educational Psychology
9 Conducting 2
115 Music History 3
230 1st 7 weeks Violin/Viola Methods

TBD: Vocal Ped stuff and flute/piano lessons. And field experience.
I know the workload is going to get interesting, but the class schedule (compared to this term) isn't too shabby...

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Home again!

I made it home late Friday night.
Friday was a freakishly long day...Larisa and I left at 245 and I walked in my front door at 9...traffic and such. =P
But I'm back!
It's really nice to have a break. Time to catch up on sleep, get ahead on homework and not be stressed out within an inch of my life. Not to mention the whole seeing my home peoples thing.
Being able to sleep and not get up at 645 and have a marathon day tomorrow is making me one happy camper.
Nothing too exciting has happened yet.
Tomorrow is a dentist appointment and Sandy seeing. And I have to start figuring out summer school/filling out a job app.
I guess I don't have much to say, except I'm at home and enjoying the much needed break...
Though I am being rather lame tonight and really miss my Wartburg people, even though I'll see them literally within a week and saw them last on Friday afternoon.
Watching movies and incredibly cheesey early 90s TV shows isn't the same without the rather amusing commentary...Rachel V and Sarah, I misses yoou!!!!
And my roomy. Kind of. Maybe. I guueess...jk. =]
OK now I'm off to idly flip through the pages of a new Cosmo...and be amused...yeah. Good times.