Back at School...
So I got back last night.
Larisa has a car this term, so we've been going together, and she had to go to driving school yesterday to be cleared of a speeding ticket. Driving school happened to be the halfway point between home and school, so it was pointless for her to go on Saturday, go back home and then drive all the way to the Burg with me on Sunday, so I went with yesterday. Driving school is rather boring. I got to sit in the back of the class since there was nowhere else for me to go (we were in a town with a population of 700, the size of my graduating class...). It's pretty much all of driver's ed crammed into four hours. I read HP7 and in the 3.5 hours we were there got through 226 pages. =D For dinner we went to an A&W in Dubuque and it was amazing. My hot dog, for whatever reason, was spicy (like the ones from the NY street vendors), the cheese fries were stellar (and artery clogging) and our root beer was in freezing cold mugs. In fact, they were so cold, the root beer started to freeze a little and turned into slush. We sat in seats facing the window and got to watch the sun set over a large hill with some pretty was awesome. =]
I've still been having some crazy crazy dreams...
Three nights ago it revolved around me having this summer job that was three hours away from home (but I drove back and forth every day) and being married to the son of a really rich guy (it was arranged) and we were discussing when we should "seal the deal" (apparently, we hadn't yet). Also, there was a trailer for Harry Potter movie 7 from England that Rachel V found and was showing Sarah and I and everyone was kind of excited but I started literally jumping up and down and screaming and scared everyone. There was also something about going to one of those Japanese worship thingers whatever the heck they are (like in Mulan when they wanted to talk to their ancestors) to talk to my husband's father.
Then the night before last I dreamed that Wartburg had a marching band and Doc decided to announce that he was canceling it because he was tired of directing it and nobody cared besides Mallory and I, and we were ticked because we were supposed to be in the inaugural parade next year.
And last night I dreamed that I was at band practice and we were getting new music and there was an alto flute part for everything we were playing and Doc asked me to play it except the music was really confusing (rests weren't written in and the notes made no sense) so he had someone else conduct and sat by me to help me figure it out for the entirety of rehearsal. Sarah was also in band with me again (a sign for next year? 'Cause that'll happen with my dreams a lot...). But I don't know if I was in symphonic or wind ensemble in my dream...there weren't many flutes, so it might have been w.e.
Yup. That's my excitement for the past few nights.
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