Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Friday, March 14, 2008

Moment to breathe...

Life is a little better. The music history test is out of the way. HUZZAH! That's a HUGE load off of my mind.
Now it's just time to catch up on everything that's due next week that I haven't had time for.
...After I clean my room, of course.
Today was pay day. And I definitely was NOT paid for the week and a half that I was in maintenance during February. So on Monday I'm going in to see what the crap is going on. First to my manager, and if that doesn't do anything I'll figure out who else to go to (because I have absolutely no idea who the supervisors are and such). I'll ask around if I have to, there's gotta be a way to figure it out.
Argh. Stupidness.
I've been listening to the season 3 Doctor Who soundtrack and found 2-3 songs that would work PERFECTLY for a field show...then Sarah pointed one out that would add some interest to the drum solo...oh goodness. I'm a nerd. I've figured out, or at least been picturing, different parts of the drill and ways to arrange the music and guard uniforms and stuff like that...I think I would die of happiness if I got to march this show. I'm pretty excited, and I may use it in the far distant future if/when I end up directing a high school marching band. Because it would be *amazing*. The music is awesome and I like the concept. It just really needs a name...something more creative than just "Doctor Who." Something that's darker, that sounds cool when the announcer dude announces it at how Altered State sounded senior year...
I saw a cheestastic version of Beauty and the Beast last night that was...the most amusing thing ever. Ever ever. I laughed so freaking hard. It wasn't the Disney version, and their special effects consisted of a fog machine. It was just all around strange and hilarious. I think the most hilarious part was the Beast. They obviously got the costume from somewhere that makes high school mascot costumes, because he looked like a very happy lion. Yeah. Lol.
And tonight...board games for a couple hours, possibly one other thing...timing shall tell. I'm excited. Chill time at the end of an impossibly long week filled with much stress and freaking out.
I survived!!! HUZZAH!!


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