You guessed it..
MORE crazy dreams!
This one was pretty strange.
It started out involving something from my soap opera. Krystal was trying to throw a party to raise awareness for some kind of illness, but no one showed up, so JR was trying to cheer her up.
Then (in non-dreamland) our smoke alarms became psycho. One started going off (because it's somewhat of a moron and just does that at random, there was no fire whatsoever) and it went off for a while but it fit into my dream somehow. Then everyone's went off once or twice (including the one in my room) so I was woken up. Then the crazy part began.
I was at home, and it was the middle of summer. Sandy was at Rachel T's, in her pool (in real life, Sandy's the one who has a pool) and they called me to come over, so I did. And I brought a magazine with me-I believe it was Cosmo. There was this article in it about how truly beautiful girls may start out with hot boyfriends, but eventually they'll have to settle for ugly guys. Rachel and Sandy read this and started giving me a hard time because, according to them and my apparently vain dream self, I was truly beautiful so I was going to marry an ugly guy. So I got unbelievably ticked off that they wouldn't just shut up. Eventually, Rachel started poking at me while teasing me, so I punched her in the arm she had surgery on in the 8th grade which in my dream wasn't healed. In fact, it reopened. So she was absolutely livid with me. Right then, my mom showed up with Nate to bring me home, so I went but didn't tell her what had happened. We walked back across town and, even though it was summer, there were a few streets with snow on them. When we got back my mom had to go somewhere so it was just my dad, brother and I, but then my Aunt Kathy showed up out of nowhere. I was really upset about Rachel's arm, I thought I had ruined our friendship, so I grabbed a Wartburg magazine and tossed the Cosmo aside. But it wasn't just a standard Wartburg magazine. It talked about what Wartburg was doing, what was going on in that part of Iowa, there were animated pictures of rivers and people doing things on them, a lot of outdoor things, the list goes on. There was also an order form in the back to have it sent to your family until you graduate so they can see what's going on. My aunt was very interested in it, so I let her read it. There was something about a play in there she asked me about a few times, I don't remember what, though. So my dad was making dinner, and he decided we were going to have perogis filled with potato, cheese and bacon. They had to thaw in the sink before he could cook them, and a bunch of them split open so they weren't particularly delicious. But we ate anyway.
I think there was a little bit more there about me in the house, but I really don't remember what. Then I woke up. And here I am =]