Still alive!
Exciting things are afoot!
First off, Larisa's most wonderful parents went out to our storage and cleaned some things out. And apparently there are survivors! My printer definitely survived, but there's also a chance that my HP sign and all my dishes did, too =D Yay!
Secondly I have officially planned a venture out to IA to visit a couple of peoples in late July and I pretty much can't wait. The 6.5 hour drive to Sarah's is going to be a long day, but it'll be worth it. Then I'll stop by Rachel V's on my way home. And it will be wonderful!!! Gas will cost a pretty penny. But that's ok. It's been anticipated. Did I mention that I can't wait? *commence victory jig* The bonus of the drive will be the fact that I get to blast any CD I want and sing along at the top of my lungs the *whole* way, both times. That's 13 hours of head-splitting, glass breaking horrible singing there. *evil cackling*
Not much else has happened. Sandy and Rachel T and I had a much anticipated sleepover Friday night that was an awesome good time. We got some Starbuck's, and things got hyperly interesting *more evil cackling* And we went swimming! wOOt!
Yesterday I got to visit my grandma. She's doing pretty good. Her memory is iffy, she knows who people are but sometimes forgets where she is or what's going on. She was carrying around a spoon, and no one knew why (including her) so that was amusing. She's a lot happier and more easy going than I've ever seen her, so that's a good thing. She also asked all the nurses if they thought my dad was handsome. Lol. =]One of them said "Yes, but shouldn't you be asking his wife that?" Haha.
Class is ok. Very very easy. The only snag is our teacher is forcing discussion down our throats. I mean, discussion over topics that warrant it is good, but developmental psychology? "This type of parenting is good. Discuss as a class." That doesn't work so well, and the past couple of times it happened the discussions were all personal story sharing and got way off the topic of psychology. *eye roll* oh well.
Doctor Who is amazing, as is my soap opera =D
Annd that's about it from this popsicle stand!