Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Monday, June 23, 2008

Still alive!

Exciting things are afoot!
First off, Larisa's most wonderful parents went out to our storage and cleaned some things out. And apparently there are survivors! My printer definitely survived, but there's also a chance that my HP sign and all my dishes did, too =D Yay!
Secondly I have officially planned a venture out to IA to visit a couple of peoples in late July and I pretty much can't wait. The 6.5 hour drive to Sarah's is going to be a long day, but it'll be worth it. Then I'll stop by Rachel V's on my way home. And it will be wonderful!!! Gas will cost a pretty penny. But that's ok. It's been anticipated. Did I mention that I can't wait? *commence victory jig* The bonus of the drive will be the fact that I get to blast any CD I want and sing along at the top of my lungs the *whole* way, both times. That's 13 hours of head-splitting, glass breaking horrible singing there. *evil cackling*
Not much else has happened. Sandy and Rachel T and I had a much anticipated sleepover Friday night that was an awesome good time. We got some Starbuck's, and things got hyperly interesting *more evil cackling* And we went swimming! wOOt!
Yesterday I got to visit my grandma. She's doing pretty good. Her memory is iffy, she knows who people are but sometimes forgets where she is or what's going on. She was carrying around a spoon, and no one knew why (including her) so that was amusing. She's a lot happier and more easy going than I've ever seen her, so that's a good thing. She also asked all the nurses if they thought my dad was handsome. Lol. =]One of them said "Yes, but shouldn't you be asking his wife that?" Haha.
Class is ok. Very very easy. The only snag is our teacher is forcing discussion down our throats. I mean, discussion over topics that warrant it is good, but developmental psychology? "This type of parenting is good. Discuss as a class." That doesn't work so well, and the past couple of times it happened the discussions were all personal story sharing and got way off the topic of psychology. *eye roll* oh well.
Doctor Who is amazing, as is my soap opera =D
Annd that's about it from this popsicle stand!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


From the blog of the Sarah. (Just the picture...)
'Tis Waverly right now.
'Tis a flood.
The bridge closest to the bottom is along the bike trail, the bridge further up is Bremer Rd. which is the main street in town (equivalent to NL's Route 30 with all the businesses and traffic and such, just smaller).
Wartburg is off to the left and not in the picture.
As far as storage...I'm screwed. It's flooded.
Things I have definitely lost (there's no way they made it) include a $200+ fridge and my floor lamp.
Things I have the potential to lose include my printer (stored in a cardboard box), desk lamp, ladder for ease of climbing to top bunk beds, theory books (about $210 total), history books ($185), amazing Hogwarts 9 3/4 sign (I think I would cry if that died) and anything else that went in there that I'm forgetting about. Along with some small things, like desk supplies and a water heater.
I feel really bad for my suitey Melissa, who only takes home her summer wardrobe and whatever fits in here carry on...she's got more than Larisa and I combined in there right now. Stuff like winter clothes, jackets, bedding, a printer, computer speakers, DVDs, a chair...two chairs...the list could go on for a while.
But. It could be a hell of a lot worse, and the little I could lose is very easily replaced. It would have been...interesting to say the very least if this happened at the end of May when everyone was trying to get home.
Cresting is supposed to happen Saturday at about sixteen feet. Flood stage is 11.
Right now I am very glad I'm in well as really hoping (crossing my fingers, a couple of prayers) that everything works out for IA. It's weird to be out here and completely unscathed but know a ton of people out there that are going through that...and to look at the pictures of Waverly...
Blasted rain.
In other news, traffic was a picnic. It took me an hour and ten minutes to get home from class today when it normally takes me less than forty. All because some potholes were being fixed on Route 30. =P
Ah well. It could always be worse.
And now I'm off to turn in a little early...

Monday, June 02, 2008


So last night I had this dream.
It was May term again, and Sarah was in England again. I was bumming around campus, and I kept going to the Den to get stuff to eat, but they were frustrating me because someone decided that the Den shouldn't carry ice cream anymore. So they weren't.
Then Sarah got back and there was a full week left until move-out/graduation. She was telling me about all of her marvelous adventures and everything she saw, which made me really want to go. Then I ranted about this science class I was taking with Larisa (apparently I was still a science major) when Sarah got the genius idea of us leaving for a week in England that day-so we did! She had enough frequent flier miles racked up for the whole flight, I have no idea where my money for the trip came from. I just had to talk to my professor (who happened to be McGonagal)about taking the final on Sunday instead of Friday.
When we got there we rented a car and drove to Stratford right away. The driving experience was REALLY scary-Sarah was driving, but she kept forgetting about the whole stay on the left side of the road deal. But we finally got there and got out of the car with all of our bags and were trying to decide on a place to stay (I suggested bed and baths, but Sarah didn't want to because there were too many stairs, so I suggested hotels but Sarah said those were too expensive so we really didn't know where we were going to stay) when we ran into some people Sarah met while she was there. Then Dr. Scholtz showed up, along with the rest of the class and it was like the original trip all over again except with me, too!
We spent the day wandering around Stratford. I took about a million pictures. There was this ice cream place Sarah went to when she was there, so we went to it...they had a bunch of weird flavors, and their current special was caramel ice cream with apple ice cream and vanilla ice cream and it was really good! According to the rest of the class, the special when they were there was caramel saxophone ("Because what kid doesn't get frustrated enough with their instrument to want to eat it?"). I was also set up on a date with this British dude and a couple people from class waited with me for him in a pub, but I had too much cider by the time he got there and just wanted to sleep (wtf?). Then we met by a river for a class, and got creeped out by snakes floating by. Roger Pollock was there, and somehow (with his assistance) the conversation we were having turned into size and weight and I started joking about how much I "needed" to lose weight but everyone else took me seriously and then I took them seriously so it was kind of weird.
Also, Sarah kept having me hold her hand while we were walking around because she was making up characters in her head and they started "stalking" us and creeping her out (I couldn't see them...).
Then it was the end of our trip in England, so for our last couple of days overseas we went to Australia. Which was actually exactly like England, except with kangaroos. We were staying in some kind of hostel owned by Mr. Weasley that was inside some kind of mall. So Sarah and I bought some sunglasses and wandered around town. By the time we got back the mall was closing, including all of these gates inside, so we couldn't get to the hostel easily, except we had our sunglasses! So all we had to do was wave them near the gates and the gates knew we were customers and they opened back up for us. So we went back in and went to bed and something happened during the night (I have no idea what) where Mr. Weasley was killed and turned into a zombie. But we were leaving the next day, so we just kind of hurried out of there and headed back home after some arguing about going back to get more souvenirs.
Then we were back in Lohe and Sarah was going to bed and I was going to wash up and in the bathroom there was this girl with this creepy old guy and they were using the condom machine, which weirded me out, but I tried to ignore them as I had to take care of my wisdom teeth.
And then I woke up.
...Wartburg track and field, mate?