Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Monday, May 26, 2008

Home again...

The past two weeks have been pretty good.
Sarah got back from England last Wednesday at about 130 AM (it was supposed to be 930 PM, but the flight from London got a flat and it took three hours to fix it). I was counting down like a crazy person and basically drove Melissa beyond insane (it was rather funny, I must admit).
Thursday night we saw Caspian, Friday night Indiana Jones (which was really good!) and just did a bunch of hanging around in between. And some Doctor Who watching!! =D =D *amazing* season!!
And I'm done with Marching Band/Instrument Repair!! Yay! The marching final went fairly well, Doc complimented me on my leading of the group (I thought I did OK but I know I tend to be really hard on myself) but it took four hours which left me very much sore (I haven't marched that much in about three years).
Saturday was move out day and my parents came up, which was fun. It only took a couple of hours this year compared to a *full* day last year which was very much happy! =D
I had my May Term band concert Saturday night, and that went well. Alto sax is a fun instrument to play =]
Sunday was commencement. That was very long and very boring and very filled with speeches. But it was and it's done and I'll only have to sit through it twice more! The highlights were when the president mispronounced "Arizona" as "Arizoni" and called the band the Wind Ensemble (it was just Meistersinger scholarship people, aka from both bands).
After commencement was time to leave, which was really really weird and a little sad. I've hardly been home this year (unlike last year) so this dorm was more of a home than my freshman dorm, and it was really strange to move all my things out and turn in my keys and leave knowing that I wouldn't be coming back to it. I do have a bit of a tendency to get sentimental about things like that.
Then it was leaving time, followed by a long and thankfully uneventful ride back. There was an amazingly huge storm that formed while we were leaving and spawned a tornado that completely wiped out a town and killed five people twenty minutes after we left, and the storm was following the route we were taking, including a large funnel that formed over the roads we were taking (thankfully after we had driven through them). It was insane.
Then I got home.
And discovered that I officially have a car!
It's my mom's old one, she got a used Jeep to replace it. But the car is mine! I spent today cleaning it out and personalizing it with a few things. =] I'm so excited!! Freedom is mine! No more asking for rides! =D And this means that the trip to Iowa to see a certain Sarah is going to be a heck of a lot easier to plan out since the biggest hurdle was going to be securing a car for the week.
Also I found out on Sunday that I got the band librarian job I've been chasing since last semester! No more Mensa ever again!! HUZZAH!! No more uniforms, dishline, deli, refilling mayonnaise, smelling like food, being covered in other people's food, working weekends...YAY!! I'm very much excited about it.
Since being home I've started unpacking. That's a huge record, if anyone recalls my pictures that I posted at the end of last June of the huge mess in my room. I'm already halfway done and pretty excited, though it looks like I'm going to have to clean everything out by the end of the summer since all my drawers are starting to overflow with junk.
That's about all I've got...
It's summer! wOOt!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Updates in general.

So yesterday I got a little adventurous in the instrument repair end of class. I have my beginner flute here at school and this thing was dirtier than all heck. So I took it apart and gave the body a chemical bath and wiped down all of the keys and screws and posts with a cloth.
And it was awesome!!
I want to do it again.
The only mishap was when I was putting the screws back in...I hit one of the very very tiny ones at the wrong angle with the screwdriver and it flew across the room and I couldn't find it for 10 minutes. That really freaked me out. But then I found it and all was well. =D
When I started unscrewing it, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to clean it since only two of seven screws would even budge (only one would come out). But it just so happened that Dominique was around and she randomly wandered into the instrument repair room (how she knew I was in there I'm not sure) and told me that nail polish remover helps unstick screws sometimes. And it worked! =D I was excited.
Not a whole lot else has been going on.
I'm through Voyage of the Dawn Treader in the Chronicles of Narnia (I'm reading them in published and not numbered order, so that's book three for me) and that was my favorite so far. There's still four left. But it was amazing.
Also...recent news...Obama is kicking some Clinton behind. Some of Clinton's main supporters have advised her to admit defeat and quit, but she won't listen. It's pretty much next to impossible for her to win number wise. HUZZAH!!!!
The mensa is strange once again. On the salad bar, they've gotten rid of applesauce (which makes me really sad) and added a section of freshly cut oranges and sometimes grapefruits (whole oranges aren't in the middle with the apples anymore). Also, the thingy where one can set their backpack/coat while eating on the far wall, near the really tall tables/chairs, has disappeared. I think it's right when you enter the mensa now instead of being in that hallway. But it looks really strange. And the baked spaghetti was definitely labeled "vegetarian spaghetti ala putanesca" last night. =P The mowing brigade has taken a break for the past couple of days. And band is band...nothing exciting with that for the moment.
I've had some spectacularly strange dreams as of late. Last night's involved being on tour, except Wellman and Nedzel were Wartburg's directors instead of Doc, and for one of my home stays my host mom was my manager from maintenance, but she didn't recognize me. A couple of nights ago it was about my brother being put in juvy by my parents because he had some rather poor grades. In this dream I was really upset and called Sarah, but I don't remember what she had to say. I was also denied use of my mom's car even though she was hosting a Tupperware party for four old ladies at home and didn't need it.
There is suitey drama afoot. *rolls eyes* Nothing major, nor does it really include me, but it's there. Only two more weeks...
Time has been going by rather fast. It's kind of scary. I'm going to be a third year this fall...and next year...I'll be a senior. And then I'll be teaching.
I'm only a week and a half away from being halfway done with college, but it feels like I was JUST starting out my first year...
That's about I'll I've got. Nothing too exciting today. Just...chilling.
Prince Caspian is in theatres this Friday! wOOt!! =D

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Strange Dream...

So I had this dream last night.
It started out with the marriage of Greenlee from my soap opera and Kristina from Grey's Anatomy. Neither one is a lesbian on the shows, nor were they in my dream, but they decided to get married nonetheless.
Right after the wedding they got into a huge fight but then agreed that they were very happy to be married later on.
Then I was on campus and it was next year. I was Sarah's (not illegal) roomy. We were out at a sort of party (more like dinner at a restaurant) and it was still the start of the schoolyear, so I wasn't 21 quite yet. A couple of people we were with started having shots, and Rachel V started freaking out because I was there and underage (even if only by a week). So she acted like I was 10 and she was my mother and started telling everyone off for drinking around me while covering my eyes so I couldn't see what was going on (dream me was very much annoyed while real me thinks that was hysterical...). Afterwards, we headed back to our dorm, but I stopped to talk to Laura Blair along the way (even though she would have been graduated by that point...). When I got back we were washing up to go to bed, but Sarah wanted to try and watch a movie with us Rachels, and I was very very excited since we hadn't done that in a very long time (it already feels like forever), except I went to take a cat nap while they were finishing getting their pajamas on and ended up sleeping through it.
Then there was something about me going home with Sarah for the entirety of Christmas break. I don't remember all of it, but it involved being at some kind of barn (Sarah doesn't live on a farm, fyi, but that's what my dream was...) and her mom had a bunch of questions to ask me about a choir concert. Then there was something about driving back and forth to Wartburg and it involved driving along this really creepy, abandoned/uncared for street that I'm pretty sure has appeared in other dreams of mine before since it looked kind of familiar. There was also something about an actual choir concert and me driving back to Wartburg with Tork.
Then my brother was really little again and my mom had to buy him some shoes, so we went to the Disney store (even though I kept telling her they would be really expensive there). I wandered up to the girl's section where I was trying to find a really cute/cheap shirt. I ended up running into a long lost aunt and uncle who I've never met before up there.
And then my alarm went up.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Small updates.

Mowing: Not today, oddly enough. Though that could be due to the monsoon that moved in this afternoon...that was some noisy rain.
Mensa: New trays means freakishly large messes on the tables. Grossness. Also, there was what appeared to be sweet and sour chicken at lunch, though I can't be sure since it was labeled "chicken" and had an oddly spicy sauce (and wasn't mentioned on the online menu). So far no heartburn on my part, so I'm thinking maybe it was something different (last time I had the sweet and sour chicken Mensa style I got the worst heartburn I've ever had).
Band: There was none, but in class today Doc decided to start calling me by my last name only. I have no idea why. Not Miss Daum, not my first name at all, just "Daum." Most of the class was confused as to who he was talking to since it kind of sounded like he said Dawn.
And the Den has started selling sunflower seeds! Perfect, perfect timing. [end sarcasm] I was rather amused.
I have more to post on some of my thoughts about certain things in class, but that'll happen after Doctor Who, possibly tomorrow...yeah. Real update pending.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

So much time...

And so little to do.
'Tis May term.
I like not having a half a million things scheduled every single day and having lots of happy free time.
...except there's *really* not much to do...
So I'm coming up with things.
I'm making a list of books to grab at the library, probably tomorrow afternoon. Plus I have four sitting on my bookshelf (Twilight series and HP 7).
Next Friday class is canceled, meaning I have absolutely nothing scheduled from Thursday evening through Monday morning (no band on Fridays, no working that weekend). Friday afternoon, when I have the whole suite to myself pretty much all day, I'm thinking I'll organize my room. Because thanks to the stress and lack of time last term, as well as my inability to keep things tidy when stressed, my drawers and closet have all successfully exploded. And if I'm going to pack everything up over the span of a Friday evening/Saturday, things need to be at least a little organized to begin with...They're kind of nowhere near it...
I'm also thinking about getting an account at one of the movie rental places in town and renting a couple of random movies on the weekend. I've got three of those to myself.
And I want to exercise. Maybe I'll actually stick with a running routine, since I'll have the time.
This is really, really weird...having time and not knowing what to do with's the first time that's happened since Christmas break. Which was five months ago.
Sarah has requested updates while she is gone on the mensa, May term band and frequency of mowing. So there will be nearly continual postings on those things. Even though she literally left 45 minutes ago, there is already a massive amount of mowing going on. There were also lawn mower tracks in the grass near the FAC about a day ago. Oh Wartburg. We do not have grass here...there is a mysterious green fuzz covering the dirt, about two inches long...maybe if it actually got to grow on occasion it would resemble this mysterious plant known as grass. Grass is said to exist in places outside the Wartburg bubble...