I heart HP
I'm just sitting here...chilling a little before dinner...eating some peanut butter with a spoon :) as I'm completely out of dippable things.
Listening to Duel of the Fates. Again. I've had it on repeat pretty much all day.
I had a lesson this morning which was...interesting...
Juries are coming.
*impending march of DOOM*
This time it will be a lot harder.
It's like a test to see if I'm dedicated enough to be a music major.
I've gotta know major and minor scales and major and minor appregios really well.
REALLY well.
I...know my major stuff really well...minor needs more than a buttload of work.
That and the...four?...etudes...I get a new one every single week, regardless of how well/whether or not I played the previous one. :P Those all need mucho work.
And the solo. That's pretty difficult.
I can do it. I've just got a long way to go. I'll be practicing every day over break...I can't afford to take a hiatus.
What else...
I NEED to get out of here...
I finished Half Blood Prince last night. AMAZING!!! :D It is best read while listening to Duel of the fates from the Cave chapter until the Pheonix Lament, then switch to "Cedric's Death" from the GOF soundtrack til the end. And it's awesome! :D
Well...life beckons...and I have nothing more to say. So farewell!