Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I heart HP

I'm just sitting here...chilling a little before dinner...eating some peanut butter with a spoon :) as I'm completely out of dippable things.
Listening to Duel of the Fates. Again. I've had it on repeat pretty much all day.
I had a lesson this morning which was...interesting...
Juries are coming.
*impending march of DOOM*
This time it will be a lot harder.
It's like a test to see if I'm dedicated enough to be a music major.
I've gotta know major and minor scales and major and minor appregios really well.
REALLY well.
I...know my major stuff really well...minor needs more than a buttload of work.
That and the...four?...etudes...I get a new one every single week, regardless of how well/whether or not I played the previous one. :P Those all need mucho work.
And the solo. That's pretty difficult.
I can do it. I've just got a long way to go. I'll be practicing every day over break...I can't afford to take a hiatus.
What else...
I NEED to get out of here...
I finished Half Blood Prince last night. AMAZING!!! :D It is best read while listening to Duel of the fates from the Cave chapter until the Pheonix Lament, then switch to "Cedric's Death" from the GOF soundtrack til the end. And it's awesome! :D beckons...and I have nothing more to say. So farewell!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


15 Ways to Know you've read HBP too many times...
1. You are still wearing black in mourning.
2. Ask your parents if the death of anyone you know is listed in the Obituary.
3. ...don't explain yourself when they ask who died.
4. Repeatedly report to the police that you know where Snape is hiding.
5. Keep repeating under your breath "the locket... the cup... the snake... something of Gryffindor or Ravenclaw's..."
6. Practice nonverbal spells.
7. Draw an extremely detailed Marauder's Map and obsessively check it to see where Malfoy is.
8. Try to Apparate and insist that you just need to get the hang of it.
9. ...mutter the "three D's" under your breath while you practice.
10. Comment to people that you enjoyed Dumbledore's Army because it was like having friends.
11. Randomly yell, "He will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him!" during class.
12. ...refuse to explain what you mean/who you're talking about.
13. Fire arrows in tribute to Dumbledore.
14. Proudly tell anyone who will listen that you are Dumbledore's man/woman through and through.
15. Write up/read lists like this one.
**thank you Mugglenet :)**

Sunday, February 25, 2007


So the ice storm ended up looking really, really cool. That is...until it melted today. :P
The school was also on the recieving end of an interesting email.
Evidently, since yesterday's blackout, the entire town of Waverly has been running on generators. And with businesses opening up tomorrow, they might not last much longer than through morning.
So that leaves some pondering...
It will have been two days that power's been out as of tomorrow. Does that mean they're closer to having it fixed, or will it still be a while?
And if the power does fail, how will we know whether or not to go to class? There would be no internet. Most profs communicate through email.
And, if the power is nowhere near being restored after tomorrow...can they keep us here? Or is there a such thing as early winter break?
Hm...probably all a little too thought into/farfetched....but I can hope.
In other news, I'm experiencing my first ever away from home cold. :P
Yay for sleep. That's what I'll be doing very very soon...
It's really not awful, compared to what some friends have been going through it's not much at all, but it's enough to bother me...and I'm almost out of kleenex :(
Time...for bed...or something...I'm dead.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


So I went to take a nice happy warm shower this morning, figured it would help clear up my nose a little and warm me up as my room is FREEZING thanks to drafty windows and a cold breeze, only to discover that
At all. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
I stood there with my hand in the shower, the faucet all the way on the warm side, for about a minute or two and all that happened was that my hand went numb because the water is that frigid.
That was ten minutes ago. My hand is STILL cold.
*shakes fist at sky*

Friday, February 23, 2007


So that little cold of mine that's been in and out for almost a month now chose today to finally act like it was GOING somewhere...I've been stuffy with a soreish throat all day instead of just this morning, and after a twenty minute nap went through a half a box of kleenex because that's how runny my nose as a precaution I borrowed some Airborne from Chelsea. It's this stuff that you put in water, kind of like Alka Seltzer, and it boosts your immune system. NASTIEST thing I've ever...BLECH! It was a pink colored glass of DOOM that took twenty minutes for me to get through (I tried just chugging it, but that caused some major's that awful). It required scampering in a well measured circle while shuddering after each unfortunate swallow and making faces, which made Chelsea laugh at one point which made ME laugh which made the nastiness bubble up my nose, so not only could I taste it, but I could smell it, too...
Blech. I could still taste it after ten minutes, some gum and a nutrigrain bar. :P
I think tonight I'm finally breaking out the Nyquil to kill this thing before it starts killing me. Hear that, germs? BE PREPARED TO DIE!!!! MWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Really, it's not awful, I'm still functioning and all, I just don't feel the greatest and a serious cold is about the last thing I need right now...
Winter storm watch continues. Band run out has been postponed on account of how interesting the weather should get. Which I have rather mixed feelings about...I'm happy to have a free Saturday and to be able to just confine myself to my dorm tomorrow instead of dealing with the two inches of ice we're predicted to get, with snow on top of that, but I was looking forward to least it's still happening, just at a later date. And another good part is that Sarah might not be sick at that point, so she won't have to miss it :D because her not being able to go on account of the stupid flu would have made me rather sad.
Today's been really lazy and pointless...nothing exciting has happened at all...and I'm looking forward to the same tomorrow.
And here comes a little bit of the rain. Oh weather, how I despise thee.....
Time to read more of Half Blood Prince :D

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

a little happy.

Feeling pretty normal today. Ate like a normal person and everything :) which was happy. And no, Sarah, I didn't mean I was eating up my nose or through an IV or something weird. I meant food. Haha.
I practiced for an hour before band today which was...interesting. By the time band was done, my diaphram was kind of sore from the almost two full hours of really playing, and my tongue was a little worn out, so it was interesting. But alas I must practice AGAIN as I have a lesson tomorrow and the way my scales decided to go earlier isn't a good sign :P plus my metronome is threatening low battery again, so I've been using it as sparingly as I least til I can replace the batteries over break, I don't have any extra right now. Arrgh. The lesson will go one of two ways: I will play like I have been and get raked over the coals for the little progress I've made, OR be completely shocked and get a compliment like I did last week. I really doubt the latter. BUT I really thought I was awful on scales last time...and was told they were really idk.
I am sleepy. Is it normal to get eight hours of sleep and feel like you hardly slept at all the next day? Hm. This is odd. Not that I'm complaining, I'm happy I got that much sleep, I just figured I'd at least be a little more awake. Bah. I'm getting whiney.
Good point...we played Punchinello in band today and it was stinking AMAZING! :D Definetly the highlight of my day. I LOVE that song... :) Maybe not to the point of marrying it. But I do love it. Hey...maybe with me, it's more like I'd be the "other woman" having the affair with it (if it were, indeed, a man and Sarah already eloped with him as she's been threatening to...) haha.
Ok...that was rather funny in my mind, but I'm getting the odd nagging that no one else will find it that amusing, one of those I'm dying from giggle fits while everyone else just blankly stares at me type dealies that seem to happen all the time. *shrugs* or I'm just thinking too much, I've been doing that all day. Evidently, I'm being random, too. Yay!! fun.
Well...I should practice...probably in a few, I'm basking in the gloriousness of a Kari-free room for now. Maybe I'll read some more HBP first... :) Something of that sort.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

ARRRRGH you get off the freaking phone so I could go to bed sometime before twelve? Thanks I'd appreciate it.'re talking really loudly tonight. I can hear you over my headphones.
I went down to the lounge to study psych. My mp3 had a couple of hours of battery I figured I'd be fine. That's all I need to study is a little music.
The stupid piece of worthlessness had NO battery left. I thought it was broken. No. Somehow that little bar just completely was fully charged on Monday!! I listened to it going back and forth to classes, my longest stretch being an hour!!! IT'S SUPPOSED TO LAST FOR TEN! grrrrrrrrrrrr.
Hellloooo new gadget this summer.
Gosh...I am so apt to complain right now...where is this coming from? I am FULL of chocolate today!! meh. Hormones, most likely. Grrr.
Um...positive note...I can kind of play twinkle twinkle little star on the violin now! It sounds like a dying...cow...or something of the sort, maybe more high pitched than a cow, but I'm capable :D
Annd...that's about it...if I keep going on and on it will turn into an all out rant, and that's just pointless. Since I don't have much to rant about or a good reason for it. :P


So...I'm completely decided after another day or more science classes after chem. I'm so freaking excited to start figuring out what I want to do with music :D but somehow, I'm ok not knowing for the time being...which most definetly wasn't the case with science, I HAD to have a plan and be able to picture myself in five, I really don't care, so long as I know it's in music that's fine by me. I can't begin to describe how excited I am :D My parents are still at the stage where they either don't want to encourage me to switch so completely or they still think I might change my mind, my mom keeps telling me not to close any doors and such, but they're being really really supportive at the moment. Which makes me really, really happy and sure of myself. That quote of mine? "It's hard to wait on something that you know may never happen, but it's even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want..." applies in a completely different way now...I don't know if I'll ever be in the CSO, it's very likely to NOT happen, *but* there's a chance now...I don't have to completely let go of that dream. :) If only I could find the words...
Anyhoo. Last night I hung around Kristi, Kim, Tyler and was a nice break from my main group, sometimes you just need different people, and it was pretty much hillarious. I can't count the number of times I cried from laughing. One of those times was when Sarah S. threw a french fry at me from across the mensa unexpectedly, and I responded with a piece of pizza crust, which made its way back to me, then I collapsed from laughing so hard...LOL. Oh and we played Harry Potter scene it and I completely was awesome...I was on a floo powder space and rolled a six so I got to move ahead twelve and it was exciting. :) I heart Harry Potter!!
And now I need to shower so I'm not late for my lesson...which I'm excited about 'cause I get to announce my switch to being a music major of some sort... XD

Monday, February 12, 2007

thanks, mom....

nothing screams "you can do it!!!" more than my mom saying (in response to my laments about calc)
"if you switch majors, it's ok, your dad and I will support you no matter what you go with..."
when I've been starting to have doubts if I can survive in calc...and in the middle of one of those "I wish I went with music" days...
I can do this...chem isn't going to kill me, calc isn't going to kill me...why do I suddenly feel like I need a bunch of people telling me I can? I can...I don't need that support, do I?...
I wish I didn't have such a hard time with straying from the path I've laid out for myself....
I can do this...

Scroll down...

Mugglenet had a pretty sweet countdown for both the book and movie...that is at the very bottom of this page :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007 I love music...

I was talking to Sandy online for the first time in FOREVER and we're procrastinating together...quite frankly I'm just killing time online 'cause I don't want to get off.
She made this note of just a list of twenty favorite I picked twenty, but now I've thought about it and there's so many more...with memories...
~altered state, senior year...makes me think of ISU...that last performance. It gives me the chills every single last time I hear it.
~Lean on Me...again, band. We had section meetings before each competition, and we each had our own traditions...clarinets sang this in a circle. On the MK video from last year, someone filmed everyone getting ready for finals at ISU in B&W, with them singing in the almost makes me cry every time...because that's exactly what getting ready for a show looked and sounded like... *sigh*
~Punchinello. A band song this year that Sarah would marry if it was a man (LOL). Still in my head from Saturday. But it's OK there because in all honesty, it makes me think of Sarah :)
~Duel of the Fates...mine and Melissa's staple. We will randomly burst out into song with that one alllll the time. That and Kraken. Good times. Those make me think of her :)
~The Fray's How To Save A Life...that and Augustana's first ever concert in Millenium Park with Kristina and Megan :) of course, those ones make me think of them. And how hot and crowded it was. The smoothies we got across the street...being on channel seven news...having a major storm at home that we completely missed. A wonderful day.
~Carmina Burana was stuck in my head all prom night. I don't remember the name of the movement, but I'd recognize it if I heard it. Every time I hear any part of Carmina, I can't help but be sent back to prom night :D
~Coldplay X and Y...the whole CD...stuck in my head for ALL of my England trip. Plus, it came out four days before I left :D
~Harry Potter soundtracks...don't even need explaining.
~LOTR soundtracks...remind me of sharing headphones with Sandy, and the marathon Chelsea, Melissa and I had.
happy times. :D

Saturday, February 10, 2007


It's been a while since I really updated.
Life has been pretty mundane. Nothing too exciting/amazing.
Today was pretty darn good.
Instead of spending this afternoon in my room, alone, procrastinating I wandered down to Sarah's room where we actually got some of our homework accomplished, then goofed off for a while. It was really a lot of fun, besides the homework bit. I felt productive and not isolated from everyone else :) hopefully it'll be a recurring experience...*hint hint* ;)
Last night was awesome.
I played sardines in the student center with a new group of friends.
We were paired up, and (if you're wierd and haven't played before) one person (in our case, one pair/group) goes and hides and everyone else goes and looks for them. As you find them, you stay with them, and the first people who found them get to hide next. It's hillarious when played in the student center...which is really a few buildings skywalked together, no first floor and up to the third floor of Luther and no farther than the CTC. I LOVED it. We were sprinting back and forth the whole time. It felt great to be able to run like that again, I haven't in forever, but I'm feeling the pain today. And there are SO many different doors...most of which were locked, but don't notice how many there are until you play something like that! There was this one by the mensa that was unlocked and it was like a janitor closet thinger, and there was this ladder in it that lead up to this entire room above the mensa with all the heaters and such in it, and we were running around up there like crazy people-it was awesome!! I want to play again!
That's been life as of right now.
In other news, I noticed something...with my countdowns (I know, I know...I can't COMPLETELY clam up and keep them to myself, they're my life...) BUT there's 81 days til NY and 162 til HP7...they're exactly half! :D I thought it was funny.
Now...I'm going to hide in my loft and read Harry Potter, as everyone else is asleep and I'm really bored.

Friday, February 09, 2007


Really strange dreams last night.
I was back in my Marching Band, even though in my dream I'd graduated, so it's not like I was just back in highschool, and we were going back to DC for a performance (by bus of course) and I was going with...the whole time, all I kept saying was how much I hated that bus drive and swore to never do that again (it took 13 hours to get there and 23 to get back when I did it junior year). But we weren't really on buses, we were just in normal cars, and we stopped for dinner at some little in town diner where Any Griffith used to go, and they were supposed to have these amazing milkshakes and ravioli, but the ravioli were filled with chunky marinara sauce, so they sucked, and the person who made the milkshakes got mad at me for mispronouncing his name, so he made mine really small and kicked me out. Oh and Kaitlyn Jarose was there, she quit marching band her junior year and I haven't seen her in forever, but she was there with this kid we all thought was hers, that she kept calling her nephew. And she was his uncle (??). Rachel T was there instead of Sandy, and it was her birthday, so my mom and brother (who also came with) gave her a milkshake as a birthday gift. Then, after dinner, everyone walked to Walmart (when in all actuality the store said Kmart in front) to get some disposable cameras, and Erin (my stand partner senior year) got fishing poles and bait. THEN we went to leave in our cars, and I started complaining about the drive again, and my dream switched.
I was going home, and Snoopy was dead....but not really *dead* he was still running around and everything, he just wouldn't show emotion or react to stuff very well, and he was a she.
Then I found out that my forensics teacher and some random kid in my class that I hated died and I was really depressed.
And then it switched again and Britney Spears was trying to solve a murder mystery, but since she didn't have the brain power to do it herself she hired someone to read her library full of books for her.
Then there was something about some guy buying a hot tub for his girlfriend (?) but he screwed up and put a bunch of bleach in it, which ruined his mom's bathing suit (which actually looked like I don't know WHO this things was for...)
And THEN it switched to my family and I getting a hotel room, but since the hotel was full we were stuck in a bathroom stall as our room, and we were actually happy about it.
That's about all I remember.
strange strange strange...

Monday, February 05, 2007

Today was wonderful.

Here's why.
*I understood calc!
*Chem was cancelled, so I had more than enough time for laundry.
*Dinner was hillarious. HILLARIOUS.
Annd yeah! I'm still excited!
Not to mention a few very warm and fuzzy hugs.
Now I'm gonna go hide in Chelsea's loft and SCARE her when she gets back from newspaper!


Laundry is amusing when you have a hamper thinger big enough to take people out just by turning around and it's full.
Not so fun when you grab your soap to leave the laundry room and forget you didn't screw the cap on and more than a load's worth spills on the ground and allll over said hamper.
How on earth can you clean soap off something too big to fit in a sink?
It won't wipe off with dry paper towel. And wet ones just make it foam up.
This weekend was pretty sweet.
Saturday was amazing.
The concert rocked.
Yesterday was some pretty funny procrastination.
Which I really shouldn't have done.
BUT chem was cancelled today SO I have a lot more time for French and calc. Woo!!!
Ummm...that's life.
Current wind chill: -15 HEAT WAVE!!!
And a high tomorrow of NINE!!!! :D :D :D

Saturday, February 03, 2007

has hell frozen over? 'cause it's cold enough

Current normal temp: -6
With wind chill: -29
High for today: -1
Low for tonight: -13 (not including wind chill.)
Wind chill advisory from now 'til Monday. Meaning it'll be around -20 for about that long.
The highs for the next three days: -1, 1 and 3.
And I thought winter in NL was cold...

Friday, February 02, 2007

dear writers of all my children...

Why did you have to kill Dixie?!?
Why couldn't Babe have eaten her stupid pancakes?
I'm pretty mad.
I want my Dixie back.
You buttholes.
In other news...
I want long hair again. I'm starting to regret having chopped it off. I mean, I know it's cute short, but I miss it where it was all halfway down my back. It was all warm and cozy and happy and I want it back.
I think I'll just grow it out as is, and by school next year it should be getting around that length.
Trim it occasionally, and keep the bangs, but this kind of layering...just a few feet longer :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007


My life is [[almost]] complete.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released on July 21st, 2007.
Holy freaking crap.
Words cannot describe the amount of excitement I'm feeling right now.
I...don't even...
I was leaving chem lab and hour early 'cause we were done.
Looked at my phone. Two messages from Rachel T within a few minutes of each other.
THEN a second later Sarah S. called and asked if I was somewhere where I could scream. I was. So I said "yeah..." and she goes "Harry Potter seven will be out July 21st" and I screamed as loud as I could and ran alllllll the way back to my dorm. Outside. It was so cold and I was breathing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath and was weezing for ten minutes and I lost all feeling on the *inside* of my throat.
I found Melissa and I've spent the better part of an hour randomly screaming and freaking out.
I CANNOT FREAKING BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
171 DAYS UNTIL I CAN READ HARRY POTTER 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!