It's been a while since I really updated.
Life has been pretty mundane. Nothing too exciting/amazing.
Today was pretty darn good.
Instead of spending this afternoon in my room, alone, procrastinating I wandered down to Sarah's room where we actually got some of our homework accomplished, then goofed off for a while. It was really a lot of fun, besides the homework bit. I felt productive and not isolated from everyone else :) hopefully it'll be a recurring experience...*hint hint* ;)
Last night was awesome.
I played sardines in the student center with a new group of friends.
We were paired up, and (if you're wierd and haven't played before) one person (in our case, one pair/group) goes and hides and everyone else goes and looks for them. As you find them, you stay with them, and the first people who found them get to hide next. It's hillarious when played in the student center...which is really a few buildings skywalked together, no first floor and up to the third floor of Luther and no farther than the CTC. I LOVED it. We were sprinting back and forth the whole time. It felt great to be able to run like that again, I haven't in forever, but I'm feeling the pain today. And there are SO many different doors...most of which were locked, but still...you don't notice how many there are until you play something like that! There was this one by the mensa that was unlocked and it was like a janitor closet thinger, and there was this ladder in it that lead up to this entire room above the mensa with all the heaters and such in it, and we were running around up there like crazy people-it was awesome!! I want to play again!
That's been life as of right now.
In other news, I noticed something...with my countdowns (I know, I know...I can't COMPLETELY clam up and keep them to myself, they're my life...) BUT there's 81 days til NY and 162 til HP7...they're exactly half! :D I thought it was funny.
Now...I'm going to hide in my loft and read Harry Potter, as everyone else is asleep and I'm really bored.
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