I was just talking to my Kristina buddy from back home who I haven't seen since about fall break...
*warm warm warm fuzzy*
We've got a few...similarities that were there before that we never realized existed.
And since we started hanging around each other, just the two of us, sometime around junior year, we've gotten soo close...
I just didn't realize it until tonight.
It's happy. And exciting. :D
In other news...
Things have gotten stuffy. And my head is kind of attempting to throb at random moments...
I really really really REALLY hope I'm just waay overtired.
And that this isn't a cold. Or whatever it is that Sarah has.
I was incredibly light headed after practicing tonight. And I'm feeling stuffy and throbby right now. And my throat's all wierd. Not painful...just off. Like I can't swallow for some odd reason type off. Kind of closed off.
Now for some sleep to test the over tired hypothesis...hopefully that's it...otherwise, it'll be time to break out the nyquil...