Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Friday, October 02, 2009

Pep Rally and BRRRRR.

Tonight was the homecoming football game where I'm student teaching. This afternoon we had a pep rally, during which the football team captain spoke. It's been raining nonstop for the past two days, and he was trying to encourage everyone to come to the game regardless of the yucky weather. How did he do that, you ask?
(This is a direct quote)
"We all like it wet and sloppy!!"
...I cannot describe how much effort it took for me to bite my tongue and not retort "that's what she said" while surrounded by my students and cooperating teacher.
In other news, I am currently in my dorm. Wearing a sweater *and* a hoodie, a scarf, and socks and slippers. And I have goosebumps. Because the heat in my dorm has not been turned on yet. The current temperature outside is 47. Tomorrow, I am getting an indoor thermometer so I can see just how cold it is in here.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Dear person who stole my laundry:

I strongly dislike you. What the hell were you thinking?!? Neither I nor my parents had the money to replace all that stuff right now! What on Earth could you gain by swapping someone else's clothes?!? Have fun with three weeks' worth of my old underwear! Seriously, what the freaking heck??????
Too much anger for words,
Yup. That's right. I had TWO FULL LOADS of laundry stolen yesterday right out of the dryer, along with my hamper. But they left the dryer sheets.
I cannot express how angry I am right now. I did not need to spend any more money as of late. That was SO FREAKING DUMB!!!! MORON!!!! GAH!
So far, all the RAs in my building know, as well as the RHD, I've filed reports with Wartburg Security and the Waverly Police, I wrote a facebook note and tagged 15 people, I've talked to three other people in person, I emailed the maintenance lady for this building, and I'm informing the local thrift store tomorrow (in case they donate stuff to get if off of their hands) as well as putting an ad in the Trumpet and making an announcement to both bands. Oh, and the RAs and I knocked on everyone's doors yesterday just to see if anyone noticed anything. And we searched the building and dumpsters.
I AM SO PISSED RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, today I had to do some major shopping. Because all but two pairs of underwear are gone, as well as all of my jeans. I didn't do too bad, really, only about $230 for 3 pairs of jeans, 7 shirts, 2 washcloths, 3 weeks' worth of underwear, 2 pairs of pajama pants, a hoodie, and a new hamper. It hasn't replace every single last bit of clothing I lost, but it'll tide me over very well for the time being.
Happiest purchase: super super fuzzy AE hoodie for about $17 instead of $30-something. Seriously, fuzziest hoodie I've ever worn. (BTW, I fit in an xs...I haven't fit in an xs since before college. Strange. I think they run a little big...)
Next time I do laundry, I am not leaving the laundry room for any amount of time at all.
Freaking jerks.

Friday, August 07, 2009


I'm at my Aunt's house right now, and I just realized that when you drag her kitchen chairs across the floor, they sound EXACTLY like a wookie. I now move them whenever I walk past because it's so awesome =D

Saturday, August 01, 2009

15 Books

Don’t take too long to think about it. List 15 books you’ve read that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes.

1. Ice Cream for Breakfast, Leslie Levine
2. Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling
3. His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman
4. Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5. Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck
6. Native Son, Richard Wright
7. Sailing Around the Room By Myself, Billy Collins
8. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
9. To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee
10. Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
11. In the Event of My Death, Carlene Thompson
12. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
13. Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast, Robin McKinley
14. Angels and Demons, Dan Brown
15. The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom

Thursday, July 16, 2009

An update of sorts...

First off, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was FREAKING AMAZING. It's my favorite out of the series by far...the acting was pretty good, the soundtrack was FANTASTIC, it was funny and kept sort-of to the book (at least a lot of lines were used from the book).
I only have three "things."
1. The song Fireworks was re-used for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes instead of the awesome big band jazz/swing song that was composed for this movie. I like Fireworks, but the new piece was far more fitting for the scene (and I highly doubt that the composer put in the time and effort to write and record the song just to change his mind, idk who made the decision to switch).
2. Death Eater attack on the Weasleys? And the Burrow burned down? Is it not going to exist in the 7th movie, and if not where are they going to go for the start of movie 7?
3. No battle at Hogwarts at the end.
But really, other than that I LOVED it and can't wait to see it again (possibly this weekend, matinees are $5.50!).
Sandy, Jenny, my mom and I all went to see it at midnight. The local theatre sold out 8 screens (there are 14 screens total in that theatre). I bought my tickets almost a month in advance and got in the first theatre with all the other diehard fans =] it was awesome. We got there at 945 and the theatre was already almost half-full (we got some of the last seats towards the back of the theatre, too, unlike last time when we were right in front of the screen). Our theatre alone held 292 people-there were over 2,000 people there total. Somehow, we got out of the parking lot in less than five minutes. EPIC WIN!!!
The one thing that I love about the midnight release is that it is so quiet once the movie starts-there aren't even rustling candy wrappers =]
Other than that, life is fairly normal. I've started getting stuff for the dorm (seeing as I hardly replaced anything last year after the flood, but will need it this year). My mom found an awesome floor rug on a great clearance-4.5 by 5 feet, $60 instead of $120 and free shipping =D
I'm getting excited/nervous about student's going to be fun, but I am me, and I just wonder how good I'll be and such.
My cold cleared up and did not turn into bronchitis! WOOT!!!
And now...of to dinner =]

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Dear Head Cold,

I have my eye on you.
I know that you're slowly moving from my sinuses to my lungs.
I know that this deep hack is my bronchitis cough.
I do not like coughing fits. Or bronchitis. Or antibiotics. Or doctor visits.
And I do not want to deal with bronchitis. AGAIN. I just got over it 3 months ago.
Please leave. I have a finger that I would like to show you, and a colorful phrase.
No love whatsoever,
PS. I hate cough syrup, too. So leave and stop making me take it! =P
I hate colds!!!! I'm feeling better, but I can tell this thing is settling in my chest just like the sinus infection I had in February settled in my chest and turned into a bad strain of bronchitis that took two rounds of antibiotics and almost three bottles of cough syrup to get through.
I do have a doctor's appointment next week to discuss allergy meds since they're not working so well, which seems to be really good timing.
But yeah. I hope this isn't what it seems...

Friday, July 03, 2009

Iowa! =]

So this Wednesday was my LAST EVER PIANO TEST!!!!!!!! I passed! No more! I will be student teaching this fall, and graduating this May...and it is very, very awesome and exciting.
One happy part of the test was that I got to stay with Sarah for a few nights instead of getting a hotel room. Which was pretty much awesome =D
There was carnival going to, NCIS watching, Chinese eating, etc.
I was *supposed* to come home yesterday afternoon. Wednesday night, Sarah suggested that we bike around the lake Thursday morning. I wanted to, I thought it would be fun, which it was.
It was 14 miles. And I haven't been on a bike since I was 16, and that was just around the block. =O Sarah thought I knew how long it would be, and I thought Sarah wouldn't suggest it if it was really long.
As a result, I have a bruised butt from the seat, very sore thigh muscles, and some pretty good sunburn on my back. But also a pretty awesome-fun memory =]
By the time bike-riding was done it was mid afternoon, by the time showering was done it was late afternoon, and by that time I realized I was too tired to drive home after that. Really, I was exhausted (I had an espresso from Cabin Coffee AND a cup of tea, and still felt like I could take a nap). So I stayed for an extra night, which happened to be $1 bowling night, so we met up with Jill and had a fantastic time =D
Let me just add that a bruised butt makes for a very painful 6.5 hour ride home, and I just had to pick up more aloe vera since we're out. *sigh*
But the extra night was lots and lots of fun and happy =]
The ride home was nothing special, unlike what my parents kept saying it would be (OMG traffic and crazy people...yeah, right). I did run over a large plastic (thankfully empty and not paint or yuck filled) bucket and exploded it to flew out of the back of a pickup and straight into the left lane (right in front of me, of course!), and there were cars in the right lane, and I couldn't slow down enough to swerve out of the way (I did hit the brakes really hard, but that's how close it was to me). The good thing is it hasn't done any noticeable damage to my car.
4th of July tomorrow, which means good foods! =D
I has some big sleepies...*yawn*