Pep Rally and BRRRRR.
Tonight was the homecoming football game where I'm student teaching. This afternoon we had a pep rally, during which the football team captain spoke. It's been raining nonstop for the past two days, and he was trying to encourage everyone to come to the game regardless of the yucky weather. How did he do that, you ask?
(This is a direct quote)
"We all like it wet and sloppy!!"
...I cannot describe how much effort it took for me to bite my tongue and not retort "that's what she said" while surrounded by my students and cooperating teacher.
In other news, I am currently in my dorm. Wearing a sweater *and* a hoodie, a scarf, and socks and slippers. And I have goosebumps. Because the heat in my dorm has not been turned on yet. The current temperature outside is 47. Tomorrow, I am getting an indoor thermometer so I can see just how cold it is in here.