First off, after four consecutive summers of being unsuccessful, I have FINALLY managed to land summer employment!!!! =D=D=D
One of my aunts has a really, REALLY bad back, to the point where she's on disability and cannot work. She gets this deal where the state will provide about $1,000/month for her to find a person or people to come over and do a bunch of stuff (house cleaning, dishes, running errands, cooking, etc). She needs more people, and I'm one of them! I just filled out the paperwork today. I'm not sure how many other people she'll have, or how much she'll need me, but I'll be going out there several times a week to help out. Pay is close to $10/hour.
I'm really excited.
In other news, yesterday Sandy and I went to the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry.
Holy cow. It was fantastic.
At the entrance, while waiting to go in, they "sorted" people with the sorting hat (there wasn't enough time for me to go, but Sandy did and was in Ravenclaw). The exhibit itself had everything imaginable...dozens of costumes, at least one for each professor and a lot of the students', the list of DA members, and area to throw quaffles and plant mandrakes, Dobby and Kreacher, the Great Hall (complete with stained glass and "floating" candles), the decrees that Umbridge wrote in OOTP, Voldy's robes, Azkaban prisoner robes, the Angel of Death Harry was tied to in movie 4 in the graveyard...I could go on for a really, really long time about all the stuff in there (that wasn't even 1/4 of it all). Tickets were about $18, and Sandy and I lucked out because we happened to find a free day (normally you'd have to pay the $13 for general admission *and* extra for the exhibit ($31 altogether), but we only had to pay for the exhibit because of the free day). There was, of course, a gift shop that I ended up spending an arm and a leg in. Some of the stuff in there was INSANE (like replicas of brooms for $400, and a Maurader's Map for $50), but there was some cool smaller stuff. There was a time turner necklace for only $70-ish, and Luna's radish earrings for about the same was all really tempting, but most of it was out of my range, so I settled for things like magnets, book marks, etc. I still ended up paying about $52-ish for all of the small stuff...
Oh well. At least there's summer employment!!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that all of the museum employees that worked in the exhibit spoke with British accents. Pretty sweet. And while we were waiting in line to get in, there was a dude asking trivia questions...I answered about half of them, Sandy answered a lot was pretty sweet. The only one that tripped both of us up was "What is Snape's mother's name?" Eileen Prince. I couldn't remember it yesterday.
Pictures of stuff outside of the exhibit later (no cameras allowed inside).