Weird Dream!
It started out with some sort of medical contest involving the characters of Grey's Anatomy, and it was either about a pregnant woman or a transplant. I wasn't in this part, it was more like I was watching.
Then it switched to a reenactment of HP 7, where a big group of people had a character each and would play out chapters in different places. I was Ginny, of course, and it involved a whole bunch of people I didn't know.
Then I was at home, and my teeth somehow looked exactly like my dad's do now (after 25 years of smoking...he has quit for a while now, but that's how long he smoked for). They were also more crooked than they are now. My parents were lecturing me about how I should take better care of my teeth before they all fall out. I ended up finding my retainers that I haven't worn in a few years, and decided to put them on to try and move my teeth back. One of the ones in the front of my lower jaw got really wobbly after being moved, and just fell out, which really freaked me out but I couldn't ask my parents for help (as in getting a fake tooth or something) since I was suddenly in Sarah's living room with her mom, explaining my tooth situation to her. (??)
Then Sarah was there out of nowhere and we were on a coach bus on the choir tour (even though we're not even in choir), along with Brittany Brugman (now More), the supermodel twins, Laura Blaire and Jessica Saunders. We were going to Chicago and we all had a hotel room together, and we were very concerned about how we were all going to fit in one room. When we got there, the room had a king size bed, two or three twin beds and the biggest couch I've ever seen with a hide-a-bed. But we were still worried. We had some free time and decided to explore downtown. The twins, Laura and Jessica were asking me where the good shopping was, and Sarah, Brittany and I were going to explore. As we were leaving the hotel we had to sign out on a sheet and say when we were going to be back so they knew that we'd be gone. After we got out and started exploring, the twins, Laura and Jessica suddenly appeared with us (even though we went in opposite directions). We were on the lower levels of one of the streets, and I thought we had walked past the very bottom of the Sears Tower, got excited, went back and looked and realized I was mistaken. We ended up walking past an apartment building that I made up in my dream that was actually from a different dream I had several months ago. In that dream Kristen lived in those apartments, and I got all excited because I thought I could ring the doorbell and have her join us, except I remembered that she had moved since the apartments were for rent. And I was very sad.
We continued exploring, and found some green very slippery stairs heading up somewhere (we couldn't see where), so we climbed them. Sarah and I were freaked out since they were rather high and we're both scared of heights, but we climbed anyway. While we were climbing I kept asking her if she would come back to Chicago with me when she visits because there was a lot of different things I wanted to show her. Eventually, we made it to the top, and it was literally a large piece of wood suspended in the middle of Lake Michigan (about 20 feet above the lake), with no way down besides the stairs (which we couldn't climb down for some odd reason). There was a guy that owned this random stick of wood, and it had an advertisement that said "get your picture taken here with your favorite stuffed whale!" We were supposed to have stuffed whales from the Aquarium, but that was on the other side of the lake and we had no way of getting there. After the picture you were just supposed to jump off the wood and into the lake. Sarah and I jumped off right away since we didn't want to be up there any longer. A couple people got their picture taken anyway, and someone was asking where she could find a stuffed squirrel like the ones that were used in the movie Hairspray. The guy took the pictures in his truck that was held by a large rope and would swing at the wood for a close-up. Eventually, Britt Beck (someone I went to grade school with)got her picture taken, and then jumped in and swam around with Sarah and I. We went underwater and when we were ready to resurface we discovered that we were underneath a building and had to swim for a while before we were out from under the building. I had been underwater longer than anyone else and couldn't hold my breath any longer and just decided to give up and exhaled (I was going to drown, pretty much) when I woke up because I had been holding my breath while dreaming and was finally exhaling.
...Wartburg Track and Field, mate?
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