Recital! And such.
So it's been a while since my last actual update. Life has been crazy, especially these last couple of weeks. And I mean CRAZY. In fact, so crazy my body has reverted to what it did senior year. In the past two weeks, I've managed to lose five pounds while not altering my eating or exercising habits at all. Which makes me underweight (again) for the first time in a little over a year.
ARGH. ArghargharghARGH!!!
I have my mother's metabolism, and in times of stress that's what it does: kicks into high gear and burns everything off and then some. The fact that I tend to not get much sleep while being stressed doesn't help the fact that I'm burning off more than I'm eating, which is why I think I completely and entirely crashed last night (I could hardly keep my eyes open shortly after 9 and couldn't eat dinner).
But! Now that the recital is done, and my two hell weeks have concluded, life is very happy once more!!
The recital went SPECTACULARLY. Everything (even the tricky parts of the music) just came together and sounded pretty darn good (from what I was hearing at least, I haven't heard the recording yet). I wore my prom dress, and that got quite a few compliments, which was happy. I also love dressing up, so that added some excitement to the sheer terror I was experiencing while getting ready (I really don't handle performance stress at all). While I was waiting to perform during my partner's songs, I had to resist running up and down the hallway in circles while flailing about with all of my might-that's how nervous I was. I just sat there and tried to breathe while fidgeting a ton instead. I have decided that if I had a daemon (like in His Dark Materials-it's part of your soul that takes the form of an animal that is always near you, kind of like a pet but more attached) it would have been some form of a small bird that would have been zooming around and flying in loop-to-loops behind me kind of like Woodstock being fast fowarded.
Afterwards, Sarah took some pictures of me posing with my flute and flowers, which are at the end of the blog. I'm just SO relieved that it's OVER and I don't have to worry about at all! No more worrying about practicing or lessons or *anything*... *happy sigh*
yay!!!! I'm so glad it went well! (I knew it would)
and I wholeheartedly agree with rachel. you look mighty fine, buddy. ;)
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