Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Home again!

Break=joy =]
I made it home late last night. Driving was rather uneventful. Larisa carpooled with me, and that was rather joyous. There was basically no traffic (aside from Cedar Rapids, which we drove through at about 5...rush hour), and the aggressive IL drivers were surprisingly unaggressive (it was really weird!).
On Thursday night I was making pizza for dinner in our electric stove. Well, I'm used to the gas stove we've always had at home, so I thought that the only heating element in the electric one was the highly visible one at the bottom...and when I went to get the pizza out, I reached a little too high. And touched part of the top of the oven. I thought I had just brushed against some sort of baking powder or something odd, because there was a very white painless spot on my knuckle, so I looked, and apparently there's a heating element on *top.* One that had been red-hot when I shut off the 400 degree oven a minute beforehand. There was no white powder...that was my skin. Yeah. It's a pretty good burn. The nerves in the top layers of my skin have died, so I really couldn't feel anything until those dead layers of skin started peeling a little today. Now it hurts a little. And it's a little red today, yesterday it was definitely white. From what I've read, first and third degree burns are the ones that don't blister (seconds do), and third degree burns can be white in color and just look like a patch of dry skin (which is what mine looked like). And third degree burns are usually painless thanks to nerve damage. So I'm thinking this was one of those. But it's a really small one that's showing signs of healing, so all is well...albeit a little painful now. And odd-looking.
Home has been pretty happy! =] Today there was much chilling, some soap opera watching, eating out, and amazing cookie baking. Seriously, best chocolate chip cookies ever. It's a recipe I got from a clarinet freshman my senior year of marching knights that involves putting pudding mix in the cookie dough (Sandy knows the pure joy of the cookies to which I am referring). The person who made them (I can't remember her name!) was nicknamed Mrs. Fields that season. =]
Tomorrow there is Kristen visiting, then there's some appointments on Tuesday and Wednesday...and homework and practicing somewhere in there. AND CSO SEEING!!! =D
I've been catching up on sleep, which has been quite amazing..I just sleep better when I'm at home. I was out for around 12 hours last night...oh happiness.
Also occurring this week is some shopping. I have two pairs of jeans that are now too small for wearing on any sort of a regular basis (they're both survivors from high school), and one newer pair with a hole in a really bad I need some pants. And I have two secret projects to work on, and two friends' birthdays that I'm late on gift-giving...particularly Kristen's. Hers was in January and I still haven't done anything, she sent me a gift in the mail the week after that will be rectified tomorrow. Oh, and I need things like thigh highs and such. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited about the secret projects. =D
Now I'm off to enjoy the results of the cookie making...=]=]


At 4:12 PM, Blogger kristina said...

haha, aggressive Illinois drivers. You don't know aggressive till you've seen it out here. Whenever I drive (which has been like, 3 times now) I think to myself that I need to learn how to drive mean so I would survive out here. It's nuts. Now I know why Andrei drives how he does and why he does so well in Downtown Chicago. lol.

miss you. <3


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