happy happy happy happy happy day!!!!!
TODAY WAS OUTFLY!!! AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! and it was AMAZING I loved it! :D :D
So today, when they announced it, I was having this odd dream about a boarding school of sorts when I was able to hear the orientation staff running on the third floor, and it tied into my dream (something about the eighth graders on the ground floor of this school were annoyed by the noisy kindergardeners above them, or something strange like that). Then I dreamed about the inconvenience of ice cream stores closing for the winter (that came from Melissa and Chelsea, no doubt) when I finally heard some shouts and started coming to, realizing it was almost time to get up for my horrible 745 class, and then I realized they were saying "outfly!" And I freaked out. I woke up and thought..."outfly...outfly...is it really outfly? it's outfly....IT'S OUTFLY!!" and I started saying "It's outfly! It's really outfly!!" and ran around my room in an excited circle while squeaking with joy...I think I scared my roomy heehee ;)
It was such a nice day. Chelsea, Jesse, Naiya, Melissa and I did the photo scavenger hunt...which was great! It involved a solid hour of running around like maniacs while trying to find things, which I deeply enjoyed (I miss running, surprisingly). We came in third out of four teams, but for a group of solid first years who found everything, we did pretty well. Then I saw my soap...which was absolutely amazing...David told Dixie about how he found Kate, managed to convince her he was telling the truth (which he is, for once) and Colby's pregnancy scare was a false alarm (though I half wish it wasn't..she's 16, and her stepmother is pregnant at the moment..it would have been amusing). But, she did tell this spectacular lie about how it was Josh who raped her when it was Sean and it wasn't rape at all, so Josh was arrested even though he didn't do anything and the only way to prove his innocence is for Babe to admit she was sleeping with him at the time of the "rape," which would ruin her marraige. :D It was a great show.
After that, Melissa, Chelsea, Anne, Jolene and I tried to walk to the yarn store....but it was closed, so we went in some random cute stores instead, and found a Halmark! It was fun. I saw this year's Celebration Barbie ornament (I've been collecting them since the age of 7 and have every one) and it is SO ugly. :P but I can't ruin my collection. Grrrrr.
And I noticed that my shoes gave me a HUGE blister on my heel...and it hurts still...so I am definelty confined to flip flops for a while. And it is cold. And these were regular gym shoes, so it was completely unexpected...oh well. It will heal.
I spent the rest of the night relaxing...did some knitting, stuff like that. I felt a twinge of...I don't know if I'd really call it depression anymore, more like a lonely desolation, maybe....anyway, just a five minute long twinge. I managed to pull myself out of it via my band video. Again ;) And I wan't tired, so it must have been some slight hormone fluctuation...it is getting close... :(
Chelsea, Jolene, Jesse and I went to see The Guardian...which was absolutely amazing. I love that movie. And I almost cried. I came very close, which is really saying something as I've only cried at four movies in my life (Titanic, the first time because I was 10, Stepmom, Phantom of the Opera (the grave yard song), and World Trade Center).
I didn't get back until 230, and my roomy was alseep...as always, she had closed my computer because the light bothers her, so I made noise attempting to reach my loft in the pitch blackness, and when I went to open my computer so I could shut it off, it started playing The Kraken, which I had been listening to, almost at full volume, and because it was trying to bring everything up I couldn't stop the music for a good 20-30 seconds. And it was the loud organ part at the end. Needless to say, I completely succeeded in fully awakening my roomy. Oops.
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