Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Relaxation! =D

So I'm pretty much done right now and it is very nice to be able to chill without worrying about homework to be done and things to prepare for and long days of running around like a chicken with my head cut off. At least not until January.
I passed my freshman jury with flying colors and am very very excited about that. Aside from the very start of my solo I felt I did pretty well.
I also finished some scheduling figurings for next term/this summer/next year...and next term's schedule scares me...kind of a lot. I'll survive, but it's gonna be a freakishly long haul. Here's an overview:
MWF-ED 100 745-850, Theory 2 9-1005, Music History 1 1045-1150, 1st 7 weeks woodwind methods 230-3 2nd 7 weeks cello/bass methods 230-3 1st 7 weeks mallets W 630 (or 730 or something like that at night).
T/H-K-8 music methods 1-230
ED 100 requires 25 hours of field experience, music methods requires 15 hours of field experience for a total of 40. Music history is writing intensive plus I am not good with history so that's going to take a lot of time studying (I can remember events and such but I SUCK with names and dates...) I also have piano lessons (which require 6 hours of practice/week) and hour long flute lessons (12 hours of practice/week) along with practicing for the three other methods classes I'll be taking. And I'm in wind ensemble, which meets every weekday for 1 hour and 20 minutes. K-8 methods is also very project oriented and music theory just tends to take up a lot of time, with memorizing rules and eartraining and all.
At least it's not o-chem...
And I've gotta do some textbook searching over break. I headed down to the bookstore to have *some* idea of how expensive it all would be, and for the books I need for music history and methods it will be $360. That's not counting ED 100, 2 methods classes, piano lessons or flute (I have to buy *some* new music pretty much every term). This is after this semester's books cost way the heck over $500. I am SO online hunting for as much as I can. (the bonus is that the music theory/history books are good for three terms, which is part of why this year is so expensive book will be a lot cheaper next year, at least I hope...maybe?)
Not a whole lot else has been going on. Just studying and test taking and practicing.
I need to pack, but I'm waiting until tomorrow since I will have nothing (aside from lunch with the suitemates) planned after 830 in the morning. I'll be headed home Friday morning and should be there sometime in the afternoon depending on when we leave. HUZZAH!!!!!!!
I'm excited to be home for longer than two or three days for the first time since the end of August. I'm also looking forward to my room and my bed that isn't on the top bunk and everything else that's happy about home...particularly Christmas!! =]
I think I'm going to find something to do...what, I'm not entirely sure, but I think I'll read some of Golden Compass perhaps...or New Moon...or something...maybe I'll put in a movie and knit. Oooh! I have one that I haven't seen yet...I think I might do that.
It's so weird to have nothing to do on a weeknight...


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