Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bah humbug.

So today has been interesting.
We're watching TransAmerica in psych as part of our gender and sexuality unit.
I don't really recomend it. It's...I don't even know how to explain my feelings towards it's not the topic I'm against. It's just the way they chose to portray everything.
It stars Felicity Huffman, and she's acting as a man trying to go through a gender change, and all the hardships one in that situation has to go through.
A lot of it is just...tmi...waaay too much on the visuals here and there...
The rest of today hasn't been bad. I got all registered and into everything I wanted to take. Yay!!! =] Including accounting, micro economics, CA 100, and music theory 1 fall term; the "dream" section of IS 201 (not really sure what it's about), music theory 2, CA 200, and some sort of an understanding science theories class I need for a gen ed requirement (I wanted history of science, I've heard good things about it, but it was only fall term and didn't work with my other class times) for winter term and business management May term. I'll be needing to take random classes at a junior type college over random summers to get all my requirements in as I can only do so much each term and started on this major late, but it's OK. I managed to keep noon clear everyday, so as long as I'm not working I should be able to see AMC a LOT more often! Yahoo!!!
It's almost break. That's really what's keeping me going at the moment. I'm ready for home.
The problem has been gone all day. *sarcastically* GEE I wonder WHY...she seriously had to have responded to Holly's email really really recently, as in within the past day or two, as she has hardly been here at ALL. Which is fine and such, I just find her timing funny.
OK I need to accomplish something before I go to practicing, as I have a lesson in the morning...then I'll be makin' like a LOG I'm pretty much dead right now.


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