Work in Progress

You oughta hear the mirror in my house You oughta fear her pretty, pretty mouth Says I’m imperfect in every way: “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”/...But I’m gonna burn, I’m gonna shine and multiply I’m gonna fill up the great divide You’ll never break me with all the things you say “Miss Almost, Miss Maybe, Miss Halfway”

Friday, June 15, 2007


There are triple chocolate Klondike bars calling to me from the freezer upstairs. But it's technically morning and I've had enough junk food to sink a ship in recent times. Resisting...resisting...
Since the other night, I've seen one or two more Doctor Who episodes.
And they all loaded correctly. It was happy.
I've been starting to put some energy into Harry Potter reading...I just started book four for the sixth time, and I want to be through the series seven times before I get book seven (yes. I am a dork. Woo!). Thirty six days left to get through four, five and six again, then to go through everything again. Aye. I've gotta get cracking!
Cicadas are freaking disgusting. Apparently, they can land on you. And get stuck on you. Ew. EW ewewewew ewwwwwwwww. I HATE bugs. They're a step below getting blood drawn on my fear list. Which is below wrists. Which is just below heights.
Update on the room front: CLEAN!!!!!!!!!
Pictures to come.
I can walk. If I want to do yoga, I only have to relocate my butterfly chair and not the ten pounds of other various junk that was located in and around it not so long ago. The floor has been vacuumed, and aside from shoving some junk that's for my dorm only into the crawlspace eventually, it's spotless!
Now I need to do laundry.
So I got forced into getting one stinking more job app that needs filling out for the movie theater. My brain will explode upon the start of the filling-out. There's a chance of being hired, so it's okay...I kind of don't want to fill it out, but...oh well. I will live. And life will be good.
What else is new in the world of Rachel...
There's a sneak preview (ie before release day showing) of Ratatouille on Saturday. My mom got tickets. And I'm excited! It looks really, really cute =]
Now I'm off. To shower. Put something other than pajamas on. Read some HP, watch some AMC, and get started on something else *mischevious grin*
We hope you've enjoyed your visit in Rachel's World, where everything's happy! Thank you and come again soon!


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